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Bug 152026 - "Error While Moving" dialog does not show full file name/path
"Error While Moving" dialog does not show full file name/path
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: File and Folder Operations
0.x.x [obsolete]
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
: 313951 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-09-06 23:33 UTC by Eric Butler
Modified: 2008-06-25 08:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Screenshot demonstrating the bug (7.82 KB, image/png)
2004-09-06 23:34 UTC, Eric Butler

Description Eric Butler 2004-09-06 23:33:34 UTC
The "Error While Moving" dialog cuts off the file path in such a way making it
impossible to figure out which file failed. This is especially irritating when
moving a large number of files at once. Please see attached screenshot.
Comment 1 Eric Butler 2004-09-06 23:34:04 UTC
Created attachment 31346 [details]
Screenshot demonstrating the bug

Screenshot demonstrating the bug
Comment 2 Johannes H. Jensen 2005-01-04 01:14:01 UTC
Could you please describe step-by-step how to reproduce this error message? Is
the file path cut of on every "Error While Moving" message, or just the
"Operation not permitted" errors?

In nautilus 2.9.1, the "Error While Moving" dialog doesn't even mention the file
it couldn't move. It just says "Error while moving items to "<location>"."...
Comment 3 Christian Neumair 2005-05-12 16:57:15 UTC
Johannes: Some of the dialogs have the URI in the primary message, others in the
secondary. The former need a cleanup. On the other hand, this bug still exists,
even with secondary message ellipsizing.
What we have to do is:
I. allow dialogs created by eel_run_simple_dialog to be resized
II. properly ellipsize. If I is done, the static ellipsized label won't resize,
even if we resize the dialog, so format_and_ellipsize_uri_for_dialog seems to do
the wrong - at least the label should be reellipsized on size changes
Comment 4 Mike Robinson 2005-07-22 14:51:33 UTC
Reducing priority from "Immediate" to "Normal" as a straightforward workaround
exists of examining files in the source/destination directories after moving, to
see which files failed.

Leaving severity as "major", as in most cases this bug makes the error dialog
completely useless, and it is very annoying.
Comment 5 Andy Hanton 2005-08-19 14:47:17 UTC
*** Bug 313951 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Sebastien Bacher 2006-03-16 21:55:56 UTC
Ubuntu has a similar bug about the deleting message:
Comment 7 Christof Krüger 2007-02-26 07:28:21 UTC
This bug still exists (on ubuntu feisty with me). It also occurs when copying fails for different reasons like "Invalid parameters" or when having insufficient permissions and trying to delete files.

Comparing source and destination folder is quite cumbersome when dealing with thousands of files in a nested folder structure.

I think that nautilus should not ellipsize file names at all because in some occasions file names can get very long and even if you could resize the dialog window it could be not enough on low resolutions, with deeply nested folders or with large fonts.

File names should wrap on spaces or slashes if possible. In case of very long file names without proper wrapping possibilities the dialog message should be scrollable.
Comment 8 Sebastien Bacher 2008-06-25 08:07:12 UTC
the issue seems to be fixed now, does anybody still get the bug using the new gvfs version?
Comment 9 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-06-25 08:19:30 UTC
Yeah, this is obsolete and is the same issue as bug 408597 (already closed as OBSOLETE for some time).