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Bug 149789 - Flat review of "Caret Browsing" dialog in Mozilla misses almost all of the dialog
Flat review of "Caret Browsing" dialog in Mozilla misses almost all of the di...
Product: gnopernicus
Classification: Deprecated
Component: speech
Other Linux
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: Dana Ormenisan
Dana Ormenisan
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-08-10 05:41 UTC by korn
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.7/2.8

Proposed patch to read a check box in flat review even it doesn't expose a Text interface (678 bytes, patch)
2004-08-30 13:21 UTC, Dana Ormenisan
none Details | Review

Description korn 2004-08-10 05:41:56 UTC
1. Launch Gnopernicus
2. Launch Mozilla with accessibility support
3. Press F7 to turn on caret browsing mode (and to bring up the Caret Browsing
dialog) (note that Gnopernicus fails to automatically read this dialog; mozilla
bug #254995)
4. Press NumPad-<del> and then start reading the dialog via flat review
(NumPad-2 several times)
5. Note that nothing is read in the dialog besides "OKcancel" (see bug #149788).
 Instead from the top of the dialog box you are told "4 empty lines".  You
aren't told about the checkbox or the static text.
Comment 1 Dana Ormenisan 2004-08-30 13:04:50 UTC
There are two big issues with Mozilla (from gnopernicus' flat review point of
 1.Almost all objects don't expose a Text interface (the two push buttons and
the check box in "Caret Browsing" dialog). 
 2.The objects which have a Text interface (the text object in "Caret Browsing"
dialog)expose an empty text interface, the information being presented as a name
for this object not as a content of its Text interface.

In this particular situation - "Caret Browsing" dialog - there are three
different problems (without "OKCancel", which is the subject of bug #149788):
 a) The title of this window is not reported (is reported as 'empty line'): this
is bug Mozilla.

 b) The "Pressing F7 ... on?" text is not presented: in order to present a line,
gnopernicus is looking for one of the three 'SPI_STATE_SHOWING',
'SPI_STATE_SELECTED' and 'SPI_STATE_TRANSIENT' states. In this case, the text
object is only ENABLED, SENSITIVE and VISIBLE. So, this object should have
SPI_STATE_SHOWING in order to be 'read' by gnopernicus. 

 c) 'Do not show me this dialog box again' check box is not reported: this check
box does not have a Text interface and there is no logic in the current
implementation of flat review algorithm to present check boxes without text. I
will provide a patch to fix this in gnopernicus.
Comment 2 Dana Ormenisan 2004-08-30 13:21:13 UTC
Created attachment 31088 [details] [review]
Proposed patch to read a check box in flat review even it doesn't expose a Text interface
Comment 3 Dana Ormenisan 2004-08-30 13:44:51 UTC
Patch applied in CVS (issue c)is fixed now in gnopernicus).
Issue a) was already addressed in mozilla.
Bug  was filed against
mozilla to address issue b).
Comment 4 Dana Ormenisan 2004-08-31 09:21:30 UTC
The remain issues are Mozilla bugs, so I believe this bug can be closed as NOTGNOME.