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Bug 141443 - improve tips of the day
improve tips of the day
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other All
: Urgent major
: 2.4
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
: 141442 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-04-29 23:11 UTC by Liam Quin
Modified: 2006-12-22 16:44 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

adjustment of introductory message. (455 bytes, patch)
2004-05-02 15:28 UTC, david gowers
committed Details | Review
some improvements to the tips (3.67 KB, patch)
2006-12-21 09:00 UTC, david gowers
committed Details | Review

Description Liam Quin 2004-04-29 23:11:59 UTC
The first tip of the day says
Welcome to the GIMP!
Nearly all image operations are performed by right-clicking on the image.
And dont' worry, you can undo most mistakes...

I see 3 problems with this...
(1) you can use the menus at the top of the image instead of having to remember
    that there's a secret pop-up menu.
(2) some users might have configured their mouse to be left-handed, and then
    it's the left button, not the right one.
(3) there's nothing more worrying than telling people "most things are safe".
    it implies some things are dangerous :-)

I suggest,

Welcome to the GIMP!

Gimp can undo changes to the image, so you should feel free to experiment.

I'd make a separate tip for,
You can also get at the menus that are at the top of the image window using a
pop-up context menu.  Press the right mouse button anywhere over the image.

This isn't strictly true, as the pop-up menu can be torn off and the menus at
the top of the screen can't be, but tha's just a weird bug :-) and only the gimp
developers can really tell the difference.
Comment 1 Sven Neumann 2004-04-30 01:12:11 UTC
Feel free to submit a patch for the file.
Comment 2 Sven Neumann 2004-04-30 01:13:21 UTC
*** Bug 141442 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Alan Horkan 2004-04-30 20:36:47 UTC
How about a tip for former users of Adobe Photoshop explaining that IWarp is
similar to what they know as 'Liquify'? 
Comment 4 Maurits Rijk 2004-05-01 10:26:11 UTC
Depends on how many GIMP users are really familiar with Photoshop. If this is
only a minor percentage then this tip would be useless for most of our userbase.
In that case I would prefer to have a separate help menu with tips for (ex)
Photoshop (and maybe paintshop pro) users. This could contain a mapping of
plug-ins from these programs to the GIMP and other tips that would help the
Comment 5 Sven Neumann 2004-05-01 11:24:53 UTC
I don't think this is worth to be included in the startup tips but it could be
useful to add a chapter with such information to the manual (gimp-help-2).

Is there any chance that the original bug reporter will provide a patch or do we
need to do the suggested changes ourselves?
Comment 6 david gowers 2004-05-02 15:25:44 UTC
since some time has elapsed and the original reporter has not responded in anyway,
i made a patch for this.
slightly corrected to use more active sentence structure (no 'you should'). please
verify that this patch uses correct paths (tips/ rather than
just is what i understand to be appropriate.)
Comment 7 david gowers 2004-05-02 15:28:41 UTC
Created attachment 27305 [details] [review]
adjustment of introductory message.
Comment 8 Sven Neumann 2004-05-02 16:43:51 UTC
That's the right file to change but we don't write "Gimp", we use "The GIMP".
Comment 9 Alan Horkan 2004-05-06 04:22:29 UTC
> Gimp can undo changes to the image, so you should feel free to experiment.

how many undo levels are there by default nowadays?  
revert works well but ordinary users may be surprised by the limited undo stack 
(I know I was when I first started using the Gimp and sometimes I still get
caught out by it)
Comment 10 Sven Neumann 2004-05-06 10:25:45 UTC
There is no simple answer to your question and I am not going to explain The
GIMP to you. Alan, if you want to help, then make yourself comfortable with the
current GIMP version and how it's undo system works.
Comment 11 Dave Neary 2004-05-06 11:39:25 UTC

There is a simple answer - every operation records the minimum of information
required to get back to the previous step, and the limit is not a fixed number
of steps but the amount of memory you want to allow for undo steps. This is a
parameter in the preferences.

By the way, how easy or hard would it be to save the undo history in an xcf? I
assume it would require the file format to be extended...

Comment 12 Sven Neumann 2004-05-06 11:58:43 UTC
It would be a major effort. Far more than just extending the file format. Go
read the undo code and you will see what I mean.
Comment 13 Branko Collin 2004-05-06 21:50:38 UTC
141442 has been marked a duplicate of this bug, but I am not sure that is
entirely true. Liam Quin (_the_ Liam Quin?) reports: 

"'When you save an image to work on it again later, try using XCF...' claims it
preserves every aspect of the work in progress.  This is not true - undo history
isn't there, a very important part of the work in progress!  Either say,
"preserves the layers and most aspects of your work" or, "preserves the layers
and every aspect except undo history".

"(I don't know if the current active brush and colour pallette are restored
either, nor plugin settings, nor other aspects that one might reasonably
consider part of one's GIMP work environment)"
Comment 14 Sven Neumann 2004-05-06 23:58:13 UTC
All bug reports that ask for enhancements of the Tips will be marked as
duplicate of this own until someone finally sits down and spends half an hour
updating the tips and incorparating the suggestions made here. People, the time
you all spent on replying here would have been sufficient for doing this.
Comment 15 Sven Neumann 2004-05-25 19:23:03 UTC
The bug reporter of bug #143125 has been so nice to hear my plea for
contribution and sent us an updated version:

2004-05-25  Sven Neumann  <> 

	* applied a patch graciously provided by "biroa"
	(bug #143125).

There is certainly more room for improvements, so I am going to keep this report
Comment 16 Dave Neary 2004-08-09 15:35:34 UTC
Comment on attachment 27305 [details] [review]
adjustment of introductory message.

This patch has been committed.
Comment 17 Sven Neumann 2006-06-06 12:54:40 UTC
We definitely need to review the tips before the 2.4 release. Let's wait until the rewrite of the selection tools is finished, then make sure that all tips are correct.

I would also welcome an effort to reduce the number of tips. Perhaps check what's handled in the user manual and only keep the most important tips.
Comment 18 weskaggs 2006-06-16 15:23:06 UTC
Marking as a blocker on the basis of comment #17.
Comment 19 weskaggs 2006-08-10 18:21:39 UTC
I have reviewed the tips and I think they are all valid, even if there might be cases where some could be improved or new ones could be added.  So, it seems appropriate to reduce the severity.
Comment 20 Sven Neumann 2006-08-10 21:50:44 UTC
Some of the tips are just plain wrong due to changes in 2.4. And we can't really decide this as long as the UI isn't frozen. As soon as that has happened, we will need to review the tips again.
Comment 21 Raphaël Quinet 2006-08-22 09:35:04 UTC
Please use Milestone + Priority==Urgent instead of Severity==Blocker.
Comment 22 Sven Neumann 2006-12-15 09:29:56 UTC
We need to get this done real soon now as we need to freeze our strings.
Comment 23 david gowers 2006-12-21 09:00:44 UTC
Created attachment 78729 [details] [review]
some improvements to the tips

3 deleted (unneeded), 1 merged, 1 fixed so far.
Comment 24 Sven Neumann 2006-12-22 10:44:54 UTC
Thanks for the patch. I think we can close this bug now. The tips seem to be ready for 2.4.
Comment 25 jbaker 2006-12-22 15:01:23 UTC
I'd remove the one about Alt-dragging a selection to move.

I'm using XFCE which uses alt to move windows, when I add the shift modifier it floats a selection... (maybe it's just a problem with XFCE)

But I think the new selection tools were designed to be used differently, just click the selection with the tool to enter edit mode, then you can move the selection...

Could possibly change it to read something like: "To adjust or move a selection, click on the selection with a selection tool to enter edit mode. Make your adjustments, then click on the selection again to set."

or something like it...
Comment 26 Sven Neumann 2006-12-22 16:44:48 UTC
Alt still allows to move a selection. I have removed the part where it suggests to use the Shift key to work around broken window managers. The text you suggested is not correct; not all selection tools allow to edit an existing selection.