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Bug 139486 - Full introspection information
Full introspection information
Product: gobject-introspection
Classification: Platform
Component: general
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: gobject-introspection Maintainer(s)
gobject-introspection Maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Blocks: 156300
Reported: 2004-04-08 14:58 UTC by Owen Taylor
Modified: 2015-02-07 16:59 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

my prototype (42.02 KB, application/x-compressed-tar)
2005-04-12 14:48 UTC, Matthias Clasen
Supplemental patch to let boxed types have a constructor. (1.18 KB, patch)
2005-05-04 06:43 UTC, Jonathan Blandford
committed Details | Review
Patch to it compile with restrictive compiler options (8.73 KB, patch)
2005-05-17 17:26 UTC, Torsten Schoenfeld
committed Details | Review

Description Owen Taylor 2004-04-08 14:58:47 UTC
Right now, introspection through libgobject is limited to those aspects of the 
object that go through GObject ... signals, properties, inheritance.

However, for language bindings, it would be very useful to have information
about, for instance:

 - Methods and other functions in the library
 - Virtual function slots in class structures

The right way to do this is to attach a binary blob to the library -
a "type library". Generally, you want a single blob rather than a set
of C structures to avoid having relocations that have to be processed
when loading the library.

It may be interesting to expose introspection as a set of GInterfaces
for navigating and invoking rather than directly exposing the type
library - this would have the advantage of letting objects implemented
in something other than C avoid having to create the type library
and create C function stubs to call into the library.

However, it has potential performance downsides when trying to create 
a really small/fast invocation core for a particular language.

This was brought up on the mailing list
thread from:
Comment 1 Mike Hearn 2004-06-09 23:29:13 UTC
For comparison, here are some notes on how Microsoft do this with COM/OLE:

* Type libraries can either be separate .tlb files, or as a binary resource in
EXEs and DLLs. ELF has no explicit resource mechanism, however the equivalent
can be achieved with a magic symbol name pointing to a binary blob, or
alternatively a large set of statically initialized structures (generated by a
type library compiler).

* Typelibs are generated by a dedicated compiler which parses IDL, but that
could be avoided here by using certain marker comments, coding styles etc. There
are free parsers for C available, and if the format was documented GObjects
implemented in languages other than C could be exposed via the typelib mechanism
too. If the magic symbol was a function rather than a variable, typelibs could
be generated on the fly.

* In COM a type library is represented by the ITypeLib and ITypeLib2 interfaces
which allow traversal and reflection of the types inside the library. ITypeInfo
allows you to examine a particular type. The actual file format is an internal
interface, the only public way to work with typelibs is via these interfaces.

* A given type library can be used to generate IDispatch implementations which
is basically "given a set of strings and variants representing method calls,
invoke this method". Could be short circuited by having a g_object_get_method()
method, I guess.

* Typelibs can also contain documentation. Major misfeature there IMHO.

It's worth noting that while the ITypeInfo interfaces allow you to invoke
methods/properties, in practice this interface is never used (except internally
by COM itself).

In the case of C++ objects being exposed via COM to scripting engines (the most
common case), typelibs are generated from IDL files however they are not exposed
directly, but rather the system uses them to generate IDispatch implementations
for each object on the fly which the scripting runtime uses directly.

In the case of objects implemented in scripting languages being called from
native code, I think either you have to use IDispatch directly OR the system
generates proxy implementations of the required interfaces on the fly using DCOM
(CORBA/Bonobo equivalent) and so the method calls are first translated into RPC
packets and then demarshalled into IDispatch invocations behind the scenes.

To be frank, I would vote +1 for both providing a stable typelib format that can
be embedded into DSOs and also providing GInterfaces for navigating (but not
invoking upon) that data. Scripting engines can then generate their own glue on
the fly from this data.

For the case of objects say written in Python which want to be accessed from C,
on the fly construction of marshal thunks which do the correct argument
conversion is probably the best approach: the C programmer can either get the
method function pointers using a dlsym type interface, or for extra style you
can use a similar trick to relaytool with dummy symbols and GOT rewriting to
provide totally natural code. By that I mean you generate a file that contains
code like this:

asm(".globl my_python_object_say_hello
     .type my_python_object_say_hello, @function
     ... blah blah blah stub to make linker happy ....

and then in the code which generates the marshal thunks have:

asm("movl %%0, my_python_object_say_hello@GOT(%ebx)\n" : : (thunk_ptr));

That way you can link in a minimalist .o file which lets you write code which
*looks* like you are accessing a standard C GObject but the function calls are
redirected at runtime to the Python implementation of that object.

All that's totally bluesky optional stuff though, but one thing working with COM
has taught me is that it's worth having the core minimalist and then allowing
people to write whatever magic glue they want on top to exploit the properties
of their platform (ELF linker tricks for C/C++, metaclasses in Python, whatever)
rather than try and make the core too generic and end up with a jack of all
trades and master of none.

I hope this provided food for thought.
thanks -mike
Comment 2 Rob Melby 2004-08-09 05:26:49 UTC
are there major objections to using (an) IDL and compiler?

it seems necessary, if you want a blob you don't have reloc. and of course C
signatures don't have enough information for specifying interfaces.  i favor it
over comments as being cleaner.

it could be made more palettable by having the IDL compiler spit out the
boilerplate for the C implementation.  i think most people would see this as a win.

are there preferences among implementations?  the choices i've seen are XPCOM,
COM, whatever ORBit uses for its typelib format (but of course not using visible
structs).  i don't know how much these differ; can anyone else compare/constrast?

finally, are there any suggestions on interface repositories?  (which i guess
would be the way one would get to all this information).
Comment 3 Owen Taylor 2004-08-10 21:17:07 UTC
In my opinion:

* IDL compilers are out. They don't fit into the way we
  do things and would require massive code changes to GObject-based
  libraries. We already extract all this information by parsing
  header files for gtk-doc, as a proof of concept.

* No existing typelib is going to work without modification. 
  Perhaps the XPCOMormat could be started from,
  but it needs to be extended to cover GLib/GObject types and

* An out-of-process server (like the CORBA IR) doesn't make sense.
  Just a simple in-process API. Someone suggested it should be an 
  interface so that (e.g.) the python bindings
  could avoid generating a typelib on the fly. Might be interesting
  though *fast* access is also important in some applications.
Comment 4 James Henstridge 2004-08-10 22:07:22 UTC
There is information that would be nice to have in a type library that aren't
present in the headers, but would be in the IDL (default values for function
arguments comes to mind.  Relationships between objects and the functions that
act as its methods are another).

If some form of IDL is out of the question, what would be the best way to
represent this extra data?

As for typelibs, it'd definitely be good to have something that can be shared
fully between processes.  The typelibs ORBit2 generates are shared libraries,
but are full of pointers which I'd imagine leads to a lot of relocations.  In
this respect, the XPCOM format is a lot better.  For reference, XPCOM's format
is documented at:

For interoperation with dynamic scripting languages, it would be nice if an
IDispatch-style interface could be implemented generically using the typelib
information and libffi.  That might provide a nice way to do this without
requiring a heaps of generated stub code to be compiled into the library.
Comment 5 Rob Melby 2004-08-24 04:10:08 UTC
1. Mike Hearn suggested adding a gobject call which would get a list of all the
_get_type() calls in a library.  he notes that the functions would be relocated
on demand rather than at dynamic link-time.  the gobject class can then carry
all its meta data in the same fashion that it now carries the signal and
property information.  

does anyone see a downside to this ?  (e.g. would it cause a large and
unnecessary burden  for programs like GUI builders that might want to look at
every class in a library but not necessarily instantiate them?)

2. are there any ideas how inheritance and interfaces would work?  assume 
we find a class in libfoo which is derived from a widget in libbar.  who carries
what metadata?  and how does the get_type function know how to find its parent?  
Comment 6 Havoc Pennington 2004-09-07 03:29:49 UTC
On the question of IDL, my suggestion is to take the approach we've been
discussing on the D-BUS mailing list. First have an XML "IDL" format that is a
representation of the typelib data; write a converter from the XML format to the
typelib itself; then write a separate "scan header files and generate the XML"
piece of code.

If you have a parse tree data structure (like dbus-gidl.h) you can convert that
data structure to/from XML and to/from the typelib. So that lets you easily support:
 - scan header files to parse tree and generate XML
 - scan header files to parse tree and generate typelib
 - load XML to parse tree and generate typelib

The advantage of having the XML intermediate representation rather than just the
in-process parse tree data structure is 1) you can get everything going without
writing the "hard part" (the heuristic C parser) 2) you can easily debug the
heuristic C parser by having a human-readable output available from that parser
3) you could allow "merging" some XML from the C parser with some override XML
that corrects ambiguities or remaps some names

Anyway, however you go about it, D-BUS is a pretty good use-case to look at; the
main two use cases would be remoting (as in D-BUS) and language bindings (as in
gnome-python). Some patches for dbus-glib have recently been posted that
implement some of the introspection stuff.

Of course, the D-BUS case is simplified by the assumption each object will be
written explicitly for D-BUS, so we don't try to handle any random C function
signature that might exist.
Something like foo (MyObject *obj, RandomStruct **bar, OtherRandomStruct baz)
would just not be introspectable with the way we're doing D-BUS. Probably 
that's true for GLib general case too but I guess in the general case one might
want to try a little harder, to support a language binding for all of GTK which 
includes many legacy interfaces.
Comment 7 Maciej Katafiasz 2004-09-07 14:31:46 UTC
I'm in the process of learning Mono/C#, and it has one concept I like the better
the more I see it used, that is attributes. Attributes are kinda like
properties, but are specifically meant for introspection only, and don't
directly affect "normal" running of object. All attributes inherit from
System.Attribute, and are thus proper object themselves, and support creation of
arbitrary custom attributes classes. CLI allows for marking anything with
attributes (where anything means "whatever you can introspect"), like classes,
methods, fields, etc. Attributes can also take construct-time keyword parameters. 
What is really cool about attributes is that they neatly solve what was
traditionally done by various hacks a'la magic method names (like tests for
JUnit have to be named like TestSomething, in NUnit you mark them with attribute
NUnit.TestAttribute instead, similarly you mark objects meant to be serializable
by runtime with System.SerializableAttribute, nothing else is needed). Having
attributes available would be perfect for things like designating D-BUS methods,
and also would allow for incorporating some of manual overrides and corrections
directly into typelib.
Comment 8 Maciej Katafiasz 2004-09-08 22:35:58 UTC
Discussing that further with Rob on IRC, we came to the problem of how to get
metadata for classes that are not instantiated. Particularly in more convoluted
cases, like class G defined in one place referencing its parent class F defined
somewhere else and not registered (yet). One solution is of course to leave
things as they are now, and only support introspection of registered classes,
but we could also try to enhance contract and try to provide that additional
info in form of packages/modules/jars/assemblies (pick your favorite term). This
way we _could_ give that info, provided all requisites are in place, and not
break existing contract for old users.
The exact realization of that info is probably dependent and left up for
implementation, but can be embedded directly in DSO - ELF can use some magic
sections, a.out magic variable, and PE I have no clue. Someone more
knowledgeable should comment here (Mike?)

On a semi-related note, the metadata should probably contain info about
namespaces - ie, that GtkWidget really lives in Gtk.Widget. That's important for
autogenerating correct bindings in languages that have real OO support. And it
could be implemented using attributes :).
Comment 9 James Henstridge 2004-09-09 05:19:12 UTC
Any introspection system is going to need to work with the existing
introspection capabilities in libgobject.

If the introspection info is hung off the GType for the class, then we can
already find the parent class with g_type_parent().

If the introspection info is separate, then we'd still need some way to find the
associated GType in order to make use of the information (if we can't even do
that, then the info isn't very useful ...).  Similarly we'd need some way to
find the information associated with an arbitrary GType.  So again we would be
able to find information about the parent using g_type_parent().
Comment 10 Maciej Katafiasz 2004-09-09 09:21:55 UTC
Yes. Assemblies are complementary to existing system - they provide means to
give some info (like where is given class implemented), to allow for metadata
retrieval without registering types. Old methods obviously need to (and will)
work, that's what I meant by enhancing the contract without breaking it for
existing clients.
Comment 11 Rob Melby 2004-09-19 10:28:24 UTC
as havoc suggested, i wrote a front-end to eat xml descriptions
(  if you'd like to see it).  it's a straight
translation of the .defs format, though there are still a few limitations.  i'm
currently working on getting it to spit out the actual binary data.  

the type information will probably be split up in a couple pieces: a blob
existing in the library (which will give the _get_type functions for classes,
all the type information for non-gtype types, etc), and the gobject
introspection info which will stay in the class structure with the properties
and signals currently.  a set of apis will abstract all of this so we can play
with the format as necessary. 

i'm not exactly sure how this will fit into the build process since some of the
information goes inside the gobject and some outside.

Comment 12 Matthias Clasen 2005-04-12 14:48:18 UTC
Created attachment 45175 [details]
my prototype

Here is my current prototype. It is rather unfinished, and needs a lot more
but I need to get it out here so that interested people can look at it and
maybe help completing it.
Comment 13 Jonathan Blandford 2005-05-04 06:43:51 UTC
Created attachment 46000 [details] [review]
Supplemental patch to let boxed types have a constructor.
Comment 14 Matthias Clasen 2005-05-09 15:49:40 UTC
Ok, I have imported the prototype in cvs now, module gobject-introspection
Comment 15 Torsten Schoenfeld 2005-05-17 17:26:12 UTC
Created attachment 46552 [details] [review]
Patch to it compile with restrictive compiler options

Here's a patch that removes unused variables and such to make it compile when
using restrictive compiler flags.
Comment 16 Matthias Clasen 2005-05-17 18:02:49 UTC
Comment on attachment 46552 [details] [review]
Patch to it compile with restrictive compiler options

Patch looks fine. Can you commit it ?
Comment 17 Torsten Schoenfeld 2005-05-22 16:46:34 UTC
No, sorry, I don't have commit rights.
Comment 18 Maciej Katafiasz 2005-05-24 12:00:53 UTC
I have commited proposal for typed annotations,
metadata-annotations-proposal.txt. Please read it and comment. There's a bunch
of FIXME's too, which will need addressing before it can go in.
Comment 19 Kjartan Maraas 2006-09-25 06:35:19 UTC
Was Torsten's patch ever commited?
Comment 20 Torsten Schoenfeld 2006-09-26 12:41:02 UTC
Not completely it seems.  I do have commit rights now, so I'll look into it and commit the approved parts.
Comment 21 Johan (not receiving bugmail) Dahlin 2008-09-02 08:30:40 UTC
I've picked up Matthias prototype and finished it with plenty of help from others.
More information can be found and in the tarball we released.

We should either close this bug or changing the descripting into integrating GObjectIntrospection into glib itself.
Comment 22 Johan (not receiving bugmail) Dahlin 2010-09-06 04:50:15 UTC
I'm closing this bug now as we have a mechanism in gobject-introspection which provides a (more) complete API description.

For inclusion of g-i in glib, another bug should be filed.
Comment 23 André Klapper 2015-02-07 16:59:42 UTC
[Mass-moving gobject-introspection tickets to its own Bugzilla product - see bug 708029. Mass-filter your bugmail for this message: introspection20150207 ]