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Bug 136483 - Screen resolution chooser places window poorly
Screen resolution chooser places window poorly
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Display
Other Linux
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-07 20:06 UTC by M. Creidieki Crouch
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Added a position to the dialog window (685 bytes, patch)
2004-06-09 22:32 UTC, David Sedeño Fernández
none Details | Review
Hide the main dialog box while centered the confirmation dialog. (952 bytes, patch)
2004-06-10 18:12 UTC, David Sedeño Fernández
accepted-commit_now Details | Review

Description M. Creidieki Crouch 2004-03-07 20:06:00 UTC
After I change screen resolution in "Screen Resolution Preferences", the
resulting "Do you want to keep this resolution?" dialog box is centered
based on the old resolution. This means that if I change resolution from
"800x600" to "1280x1024", instead of the dialog being in the center of the
window, it is in the upper left. Worse, in changing resolution from
"1280x1024" to "800x600", the dialog box is so far offcenter that it is
mostly not visible (the reason I didn't file this bug as "trivial".).

The "Do you want to keep this resolution?" box should be centered based on
the resolution you are changing to, not the resolution you are changing from.
Comment 1 M. Creidieki Crouch 2004-05-23 11:02:33 UTC
Verified that this still exists in 2.6; changing Version.
Comment 2 David Sedeño Fernández 2004-06-09 22:32:46 UTC
Created attachment 28530 [details] [review]
Added a position to the dialog window
Comment 3 David Sedeño Fernández 2004-06-10 18:12:41 UTC
Created attachment 28567 [details] [review]
Hide the main dialog box while centered the confirmation dialog.

With the patch #2, the dialog of the "Screen Resolution Preferences"
configuration still show in the incorrect postition. 

I think it's better to hide it while displaying the "Do you want to keep this
resolution?" dialog box and reshow if the user want to revert the selection.

The next patch do this. 

Please confirm to commit it.
Comment 4 Jody Goldberg 2004-06-10 21:14:43 UTC
Comment on attachment 28567 [details] [review]
Hide the main dialog box while centered the confirmation dialog.

Cute, you use center_always  and trigger a re-centering when you un-hide the
window.  Seems reasonable.  Please commit to HEAD.
Comment 5 David Sedeño Fernández 2004-06-10 21:37:02 UTC
Ok, commited.