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Bug 136144 - does not validate against Scrollkeeper-OMF DTD
does not validate against Scrollkeeper-OMF DTD
Product: gnome-desktop
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other other
: Urgent major
: ---
Assigned To: Desktop Maintainers
Desktop Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-04 04:06 UTC by Robert McMeekin
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target:
GNOME version: ---

Fix the godforsaken omf files (5.96 KB, patch)
2004-06-29 23:58 UTC, Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
none Details | Review
Fix them, only better this time (7.66 KB, patch)
2004-06-30 01:10 UTC, Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
none Details | Review

Description Robert McMeekin 2004-03-04 04:06:08 UTC
Distribution: Unknown
Package: gnome-desktop
Severity: normal
Version: GNOME2.5.90 unspecified
Gnome-Distributor: CRUX
Synopsis: does not validate against Scrollkeeper-OMF DTD
Bugzilla-Product: gnome-desktop
Bugzilla-Component: general
Bugzilla-Version: unspecified
Bugzilla-Keyword: doc
gnome-desktop 2.5.90 tarball
OMF file [/usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/gpl-C.omf] does not validate
against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register /usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/gpl-C.omf
OMF file [/usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/fdl-C.omf] does not validate
against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register /usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/fdl-C.omf
OMF file [/usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/lgpl-C.omf] does not validate
against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register /usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/lgpl-C.omf
OMF file [/usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/gnome-feedback-C.omf] does not
validate against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register /usr/share/omf/gnome-desktop/gnome-feedback-C.omf

------- Bug moved to this database by 2004-03-03 23:06 -------

Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Luis Villa 2004-03-04 21:00:04 UTC
Robert: please make sure to add the GNOMEVER2.5 keyword if you can,
when it is appropriate. Thanks!
Comment 2 Mark McLoughlin 2004-03-05 07:49:57 UTC
Malcolm - any chance you could take a look at this?

I'm not even sure how to get scrollkeeper to try and validate the OMF
file in oder to see the error ..
Comment 3 Harsh Jaitly 2004-03-08 11:09:59 UTC
make install for gnome-desktop/desktop-docs runs this command :
"scrollkeeper-update -p /home/ximian/opt/gnome2//var/scrollkeeper -o

Running scrollkeeper-update with the verbose switch provides this log:

OMF validation error: Element resource content does not follow the
DTD, expecting (creator+ , maintainer* , contributor* , title , date ,
version* , subject* , description? , type* , coverage* , format ,
identifier , language , relation* , source* , rights*), got (title
subject format identifier language )
OMF validation error: Element subject was declared EMPTY this one has
OMF validation error: Element subject does not carry attribute category
OMF validation error: No declaration for element category
OMF file [/home/ximian/opt/gnome2//share/omf/gnome-desktop/fdl-C.omf]
does not validate against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register
OMF validation error: Element subject does not carry attribute category
OMF validation error: No declaration for element category
OMF file [/home/ximian/opt/gnome2//share/omf/gnome-desktop/gpl-C.omf]
does not validate against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register
OMF validation error: Element subject does not carry attribute category
OMF validation error: No declaration for element category
OMF file [/home/ximian/opt/gnome2//share/omf/gnome-desktop/lgpl-C.omf]
does not validate against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register
OMF validation error: Element subject does not carry attribute category
OMF validation error: No declaration for element category
OMF file
does not validate against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:
Unable to register

Mark/Malcolm : I hope this is helpful...:)

Comment 4 Mark McLoughlin 2004-03-09 18:34:12 UTC
Fixed on HEAD now
Comment 5 Robert McMeekin 2004-05-17 12:31:11 UTC
In gnome-desktop 2.6.1, the omf files need a <date> tag after the
<title> tag in order to validate.
Comment 6 Mariano Suárez-Alvarez 2004-06-29 23:58:11 UTC
None of the omf files in gnome-desktop is valid yet.

They are all missing the <creator> element, which should be the first child in
the <resource>.

Here comes a patch that makes " (Free Software Foundation)" which is
pretty sane, I guess.
Comment 7 Mariano Suárez-Alvarez 2004-06-29 23:58:52 UTC
Created attachment 29099 [details] [review]
Fix the godforsaken omf files
Comment 8 Malcolm Tredinnick 2004-06-30 00:04:01 UTC
I think it is incorrect to use, since they did NOT create these files.

Use CVS to track down the original creator and use the right value. If that is
impossible, we should think about using a generic address (you'll
need to seek advice about which one to use, we may need to create one or
something). By using you are mis-indicating the creator (which will
be a copyright violation in at least some jurisdictions).
Comment 9 Mariano Suárez-Alvarez 2004-06-30 01:09:46 UTC
Actually, I read on that 

 	Author or Creator
	Obligation: Mandatory
	Maximum Occurrence : Repeatable
   The person or organization primarily responsible for creating the
   intellectual content of the resource. CREATOR should appear in RFC822
   format (
   Preferred format: (Full Name)

and the licenses are the intellectual property of the FSF.

The gnome-feedback omf files are not FSF's, though, so that should be fixed.

Also, a couple of the omf files are not valid also because they use a <category>
element which does not exist, and the no translation is translating the category
code, which is an opaque string, so yelp will choke on that.

Here comes a patch which fixes this last two issues. It also uses the GNOME
Documentation Project as <creator> for the gnome-feedback files, because they 
hold the copyright, according to the respective files (This is missing the email
address, because the only one I could find is the mailing list; we can interpret
à la rfc2119 the ‘should’ in the spec...)

Also, this adds DOCTYPEs to all the omf files, since having to pass the url of
the DTD in the --dtdvalid command line option to xmllint gets very annoying
after a bit, and, well, files which describe themselves are nice.
Comment 10 Mariano Suárez-Alvarez 2004-06-30 01:10:17 UTC
Created attachment 29103 [details] [review]
Fix them, only better this time
Comment 11 Frederic Crozat 2004-07-08 17:38:35 UTC
Revised patch committed on gnome-2-6 and HEAD branches.