GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 134909
aisleriot doesn't seem to be being built in current packages.
Last modified: 2012-01-31 23:16:26 UTC
I've been unable to find aisleriot (to play and test a couple of outstanding bugs) in either the games menu or using the command line after building gnome-games using garnome. Has aisleriot been disabled, or is something amiss?
It should still be built, but it is conditional on having guile installed. Check that in addition to the guile package you have the guile-devel package installed (or the equivalent, I'm assuming a redhat-like system). Also, on the command line the program is called 'sol'. If this doesn't solve the problem, could you check the following things: 1) After running configure there should be a short summary saying what is being built. There should be a line like: Compile AisleRiot (Have guile): yes if this line reads "no" then it hasn't found guile and you should check that is installed properly. 2) Once the build is complete look in the aisleriot subdirectory and check that there are some .o files in there (i.e. ls *.o gives you some results. If so check for the file sol in the same directory. If 1 is OK this is unlikely to be wrong, but we need to check it to rule out a silent build failure. 3) Look for the file sol in $prefix/bin/. If it is there and the is still no menu item it is a desktop file issue. 4) Do locate sol.desktop and check that it appears somewhere sane like $prefix/share/applications. It should also appear in the build directory. Also check the permissions on the desktop file. If it isn't world readable then there is a bug. If all four of those tests are OK then it is probably not a gnome-games issue but a bug somewhere in the menu code. I doubt this is the case though. My bet is on a missing guile-devel.
Mea Culpa. I didn't have guile-devel installed
This bug is being reassigned to the "general" component so we can close the aisleriot bugzilla component. Apologies for the mass email!