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Bug 128118 - Apply layer mask by comparing instead of multiplying
Apply layer mask by comparing instead of multiplying
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: General
git master
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: Future
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-28 15:14 UTC by Raphaël Quinet
Modified: 2018-05-24 10:58 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Operate directly on alpha? (1.10 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-15 17:53 UTC, hettmerj

Description Raphaël Quinet 2003-11-28 15:14:17 UTC
First, some introduction:

When editing an image with transparent areas, there are several
indirect ways to modify the alpha channel: using the eraser, adding a
mask and drawing in it, creating a selection (maybe using the quick
mask) and then clearing its contents, etc.  Using the mask as a way to
edit the opacity of the image is useful because many operations can be
applied to that mask, including plug-ins, and it is easy to toggle
between viewing the image and viewing the mask.  Viewing the mask can
be very useful because it shows precisely what areas are made
transparent by the mask, without being disturbed by the features
present in the image.

However, this does not work as well after the mask has been applied:
even if it is possible to re-create the mask by copying it from the
alpha channel, applying it to the image later will not produce the
expected result because the mask and the alpha channel will be
multiplied.  As a result, the areas that were partially transparent
before will be made more transparent even if they were not edited.
This multiplicative effect is useful in some cases, but usually
not when one creates the layer mask from the alpha channel.

Current (but bad) solutions:

A known but tedious workaround to this problem is to use the eraser in
"anti-erase" mode and "un-erase" the partially transparent areas of
the picture before applying the mask, so that the multiplicative
effect is avoided.  This is not an elegant solution, because it relies
on a hack in the eraser.  Besides, "un-erasing" large areas of the
picture takes time and is error-prone.

Another solution has been proposed in bug #127930 by Pedro Gimeno: add
a new option for creating the layer mask.  Allow the alpha channel to
be "transferred" to the layer mask.  So besides creating a mask from
the alpha channel, it also resets the alpha channel to full opacity,
so that the problems with the multiplication will be avoided when the
mask is applied later.  However, this presents some problems, because
the user could also decide to discard the layer mask, or to make some
fully transparent areas opaque.

What happens then is that some internal data (the "color" of fully
transparent pixels) is revealed to the user.  The image would then
contain arbitrary data, depending on how it was created or from which
file format it was loaded.  This is bad because it reveals some random
internal data, but also because some users could start relying on this
and could complain if we ever try to optimize the handling of
transparent pixels in a future version of the GIMP (maybe via GEGL).

A better solution (IMNSHO):

Instead of having a special case for creating the mask, let's change
the way the mask is applied to the image: use a comparison instead of
a multiplication.  In pseudo-code:
  for each pixel:
      if opacity(mask) < opacity(A) then
        opacity(A) = opacity(mask)
So any part of the mask that has been edited to reduce its opacity
will be transfered to the alpha channel.  Any part that has not been
edited will be left unchanged.  This avoids the drawbacks of the
default way to apply the layer mask (which performs the unconditional
operation: opacity(A) = opacity(A) * opacity(mask)).  In fact, this
comparison is similar to combining grayscale layers with the "Darken
Only" mode.

- allows easy editing of the alpha channel via the layer mask
- does not require any hacks relying on "un-erase"
- no problems if the user discards the layer mask

The code:
Well, I created a patch two days ago, but I think that I was a bit
too ambitious because I tried to have several ways to apply the mask,
like the different modes for combining layers.  But after getting lost
for a while trying to propagate the right modes to the paint core, I
decided that it was the wrong way to go and I started on a simpler
track involving only two ways to apply the layer mask: "Apply
(multiply)" and "Apply (compare)".  This also made the menus simpler
and easier to understand.  I worked on this yesterday, but I still
have to finish the patch and test it.  I will attach it to this bug
report as soon as possible (hopefully this evening, maybe tomorrow)
but I am opening this bug report already now, in order to have a good
reason to ask for the patch in bug #127930 to be reverted (even if the
patch is nice, I think that it solves the wrong problem and introduces
several new ones).
Comment 1 Sven Neumann 2003-11-28 15:19:47 UTC
That is IMO the wrong approach. Instead there should be a toggle
button that allows me to replace the alpha channel with the mask when
it is applied.

That would be a lot easier to code, easier to understand and it
wouldn't change existing behaviour.
Comment 2 Raphaël Quinet 2003-11-28 15:31:11 UTC
I don't think so.  If you simply replace the layer mask, then you will
have the same problems with fully transparent areas that may be made
opaque by accident, revealing unwanted internal data.

Also, it will have the same problem as I just described in bug #127930:
if you start painting the mask in black to make some areas transparent
and then want to correct this by painting over it in white, then you
will have to be very careful when painting close to the previous edge
of the transparent area.  It will be almost impossible to restore any
smooth edges that were there previously.  You do not have this problem
with the solution proposed above, or if you start a new mask from

In fact, the problem is that some people get used to one way of
working with the masks: paint freely in black or white, and correct
mistakes with the opposite color.  This is easy and this works very
well when starting with a new mask.  But this does not work with the
solution proposed in bug #127930 or with any solution that just
replaces the alpha channel without taking into account what it
contained previously.
Comment 3 Sven Neumann 2003-11-28 15:33:29 UTC
We can not possibly do this change because it changes existing
behaviour in a completely unforseeable way and I expect that quite
some scripts will break. I strongly suggest to close as WONTFIX.
Comment 4 Raphaël Quinet 2003-11-28 15:39:52 UTC
Please read my description carefully: I am proposing to add a new way
to apply the mask.  As I wrote above, there would be:
- Apply (multiply)
- Apply (combine)
This will not break any scripts and this would let the user select what
works best for them.
Comment 5 Raphaël Quinet 2003-11-28 15:45:22 UTC
Another note: depending on how you see it, the way I propose to apply
the mask (comparison instead of multiplication) could be seen as the
"replace" mode that you are proposing, except that it does not create
pixels where there was nothing before.
Comment 6 Dave Neary 2003-11-28 15:49:49 UTC
I agree with Sven. This seems to change behaviour in a way which is
quite unintuitive, and not at all like the current behaviour. 

If I understand correctly, what is projected in the image window
before applying the layer mask will be different than after applying
the layer mask. Since applying a layer mask is (and should be) a
simple merging of a mask into the alpha channel, this seems wrong to me.

Thanks for the proposition (and the work) Raphael, but I feel that we
should perhaps be spending as much time as possible bug-fixing now,
and not make any drastic interface changes.

Comment 7 Raphaël Quinet 2003-11-28 15:56:36 UTC
It does not change behaviour, it adds a new option, as I just mentioned
in my comment to Sven.

And if I would agree with your last sentence, I would say that the
patch that was so quickly applied in bug #127930 has more reasons
to be rejected: it does change the user interface by adding a new
option in the mask creation menu (and it has side-effects, contrary
to the other options in the same menu) and it only takes two simple
operations to see that it introduces new problems: "transfer" the
layer mask, then discard it.

Although I think that it would be a pity, I wouldn't mind if the
discussion about *both* new features (bug #127930 and this one) was
postponed until 2.2, but accepting one and not the other does not
really make sense from my point of view.
Comment 8 Sven Neumann 2003-11-28 16:07:59 UTC
This feature has been discussed in #gimp for a couple of months. It
came up several times and everyone agreed that it is a good thing to
add this additional action. It is additional, it doesn't change anything.

Adding a new mode to apply the mask could make sense and it should be
considered, but I don't see why the change in bug #127930 should be
Comment 9 Sven Neumann 2003-11-28 16:14:28 UTC
Bolsh is absolutely correct here. Applying a layer mask must not
change the projected image. That's a principle that we stick to for
too long to change it. Especially not a few days before a major
prerelease. We could leave this report open for discussion but
considering this change for 2.0 is not an option.
Comment 10 Raphaël Quinet 2003-11-28 16:19:56 UTC
Regarding the discussion in #gimp, I was unfortunately not part of it.
The only thing that I saw was on the developer's mailing list, and
no consensus was reached there.

The reason for reverting the patch in #127930 is that it introduces
new problems that could certainly be filed as bugs.  It is really
worth trying to experiment with different files that you load and then
discard the alpha channel (transfer to mask, then discard mask) or try
to paint in the mask alternatively with black and white and see how
difficult it is to correct any mistakes (if it is too late for undo).
Really, try it honestly: you will probably see that it is harder than
you think to work correctly with this.

That's why I said above that if you think that we should discuss this
further, then it would be better to revert the previous patch before
the problems propagate further.

Another, more general, problem is that revealing the internal data is
wrong.  The "anti-erase" mode of the eraser does that already, and it
is useful sometimes to "un-erase" some parts of the image that you
have erased by accident but that you do not want to undo as a whole.
This is useful, but this is the wrong solution to the problem: other
programs have invented the "undo brush" for this.  It allows some
small parts to be corrected without having to undo everything.
Implementing the undo brush would reduce the importance of the hack
offered by the anti-erase mode.  As there is some hope to have a
better solution to that problem without side-effects, I think that it
would be the wrong time to introduce another wrong solution to a
similar problem with layer masks.

Hmmm...  Let's try to calm down this discussion a bit...

Before implementing the patch described above, I thought about another
solution that would avoid the problems associated with bug #127930.  I
rejected it in favor of the solution described above, but maybe you
would like it. Here is how it goes: use the same principle as in
Pedro's patch (transfer alpha channel to layer mask), but do not
discard the previous alpha channel.  Instead, keep a temporary copy in
memory and use that as a constraint for the layer mask.  There would
be two ways to apply this constraint: either the painting operations
would be prevented from increasing the opacity beyond what was in the
old alpha channel, or all painting operations would be allowed but
the mask would be automatically compared with the previous alpha
channel when applying it.  I didn't like these solutions because the
first one is too complex and would require some modifications
comparable to what happens when a selection is active, but only in one
direction.  The second one is less complex but still involves some
"hidden" data (the old layer mask) and this does not feel right.  So
I thought that the solution presented above was the best compromise
because it was simpler.  But the other options can also be a basis
for discussion, if you think that they would be better.
Comment 11 Sven Neumann 2003-11-28 16:36:33 UTC
Raphael, could you try to write less? It is almost impossible to read
the amount of text you are writing. I am certainly not willing to
spend that much time on this and I know that others think the same and
will not take part in this discussion simply because of the shear
amount of text you create.

Discarding the layer mask is a destructive operation and has always
been. Thus, I cannot follow your argumention. I also don't follow you
on the track that there's internal data that shouldn't be unveiled.
Comment 12 Daniel Rogers 2003-11-28 17:30:29 UTC
oh, well, I know exactly what he is taking about as far as internal
data goes.

The "internal" data is the color associated with totally transparent
pixels, which, in many cases, is uninitialized, and so contains garbage.

I do remember the previous flame war about this topic, the behaviour
of alpha and the desire to have an unerase brush.

I totally agree with Raphael here.  The unerase should go away and be
replaced with an undo brush that does more or less the same thing.  A
pixel with 0 alpha has undefined color (in the same way that value=0
leads to an undefined hue and saturation) and should probably be
filled with the background color, or black, if necessary.  An undo
brush would fill transparent pixels with whatever defined color was
there before, and totally transparent pixels should be filled with a
background color only.

Or, we could have a shape channel and a transparency channel, and
insist that everywhere the shape is non-zero, the color must be
defined.  This is really the best solution, IMO, and is what I was
getting at during that flame war.   This is totally irrelevent for the
current discussion.
Comment 13 Dave Neary 2003-12-01 12:43:02 UTC
The problem is quite simple. My memory is now jogged as well. There
are two ways to consider transparent pixels - either when someone
makes a pixel transparent, they are deleting it, or they are hiding
it. If they are deleting it, it is invalid, and should not be
restored. If they are hiding it, then an alpha channel and a layer
mask are conceptually identical. 

The problem is that if we assume the former situation in any
operation, then we break things for people who expect the second
operation (hiding). Whereas exposing random data that's not supposed
to be exposed doesn't break anything.

I favour the alpha channel as a hiding mechanism. I think that
treating pixels with alpha 0 as undefined in the RGB channels is wrong. 

Comment 14 Raphaël Quinet 2003-12-08 19:01:03 UTC
The alpha channel should not be considered as a hiding mechanism, or
at least not always.  There is a significant difference between the
pixels that were made transparent during the current editing session
and those that were loaded from disk.  For the former, one could see
the alpha channel as a hiding mechanism (although an undo brush would
be a better way to un-erase these pixels).  But for the latter, the
pixels were never there, so the concept of "hiding" does not apply.
This is what prompted me to ask for the new feature in bug #127930 to
be removed, because it can expose RGB values of pixels that should not

I will post a slighly better explanation of the differences and their
consequences (depending on file formats, etc.) to the gimp-developer
mailing list in a few hours.  I might also attach the patch here if I
have enough time to test it thoroughly.  I did a cvs update and I am
waiting for the stuff to compile.  Anyway, I suggest that we exchange
a few messages on the list and see if there is any consensus about
how alpha should be handled before adding more comments to this bug

(And I am sorry for not replying earlier.  Work and real life got in
 the way: I had to travel abroad and my trip was shifted earlier than
 expected, on short notice.)
Comment 15 hettmerj 2003-12-15 17:53:34 UTC
Created attachment 22466 [details]
Operate directly on alpha?
Comment 16 Sven Neumann 2004-10-06 13:12:40 UTC
Noone worked on this for a while so it's probably not going to be 2.2 feature.
Bumping off the 2.2 milestone.
Comment 17 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-05-24 10:58:04 UTC
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