GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 127939
support for composer/Music Director id3 tag in rhythmbox and the database
Last modified: 2013-07-10 01:48:21 UTC
The discussion on this happened in the rhythmbox-devel mailing list thread John Russell's original message has some more details I think.
I would like this feature, too. I am thinking about optional layout with three columns with selections: Artist, Composer and Album and adding Composer to viewable columns in view.
If we ever get around to supporting more of these kind of tags, I think the best solution for browser would be to replace the current options with a set of checkboxes for which ones you want shown. Somewhat similar to the "visible columns" prefs.
This would probably need to be added first in gstreamer, currently there is no GST_TAG_COMPOSER in gstreamer which for MP3s would map to the the TCOM ID3v2.4.0 tag. There is, however a GST_TAG_PERFORMER, which doesn't map to anything obvious in ID3.
This post sums up the ID3 situation with respect to "composer" nicely:
A Rhythmbox bug that tackles a similar (meta-data) problem: (support for track artist (performer) and disk artist (artist)) A similar bug for muine that contains a patch: (Muine does not load ogg composer metadata) I finished ripping and tagging my non-classical music and thus had only minor problems till now (cover-versions of (in)famous songs). But now I started ripping/taggin my classical music, I'm immediately at a loss, because Rhythmbox doesn't have a UI for composer and/or Performer yet. I really hope this issue will be picked up again and discussed and brought to a conclusion of how to handle this. Thanks to all the developers for their efforts in making Rhythmbox rock.
(In reply to comment #1) > I would like this feature, too. > > I am thinking about optional layout with three columns with selections: Artist, > Composer and Album and adding Composer to viewable columns in view. I concur. In Vietnam, in some cases, composer is more important than artist.
(In reply to comment #3) > This would probably need to be added first in gstreamer, currently there is no > GST_TAG_COMPOSER in gstreamer which for MP3s would map to the the TCOM > ID3v2.4.0 tag. GST_TAG_COMPOSER has just recently been added to gstreamer CVS: bug #459809 so support in rhythmbox is now theoretically possible.
Created attachment 114042 [details] [review] majority of work involved in adding composers This patch is not complete or tested. When writing, I was acting blindly, mimicking anything related to artist. Compliles, but imcomplete! I was unable to figure out how to change rhythmdb-tree.c or rb-play-queue-source.c to accommodate composer, maybe someone with more experience could help
Wish I could help, this feature is sorely needed!
(In reply to comment #8) > Created an attachment (id=114042) [edit] > majority of work involved in adding composers > > This patch is not complete or tested. When writing, I was acting blindly, > mimicking anything related to artist. Compliles, but imcomplete! I was unable > to figure out how to change rhythmdb-tree.c or rb-play-queue-source.c to > accommodate composer, maybe someone with more experience could help > Hi Chris, I tried the same, the same way. You may check against Herbert
This feature still seems to be not available. It would be very helpful and is a MUST for classical music, since in classical music the composer is the most important first level filter criteria (almost as important as genre). So it would be very nice if someone implemets it. Kind regards, Nico
*** Bug 613376 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nico says this correctly. I simply cannot use Rhythmbox until I can see the composer field.
It's been nine years now. Is no one looking at this issue at all?
I'm working on a fix.
Created attachment 240914 [details] [review] Patch for composer tag support in Rhythmbox core + iPod plugin w/ Italian translation. I'm attaching a patch for fixing this bug. This is a fully functional and tested patch of the core Rhythmbox app plus the iPod plug-in. Please include this in the next possible release. The composer tag is often more important than the artist tag for listeners of classical music. Other Gnome apps, like EasyTag for example, support the tag. Also for users new to Gnome, this tag is often expected: popular music stores like Amazon and iTunes populate the composer tag for purchases. The iPod music player also supports the tag. Users who purchase music from those stores and then migrate their library to Gnome lose this functionality. Even their iPods lose the composer tag when doing a synch with Rhythmbox. This patch includes the following features to the core app: * View and edit the composer tag and composer sort tag in the two song info dialogs. * Preferences can add composer as a column to the library browser. * Ability to sort the library by the composer column. * Search results include composer tag. * Ability to use composer as a parameter in automatic playlists. * Incremented version to 1.9 for rhythm DB, reloads all metadata so as to get the composer into the DB. * Italian translation of a few new strings related to composer. (It's my other language, might as well do that, too.) Plug-ins: * iPod support was programmed and tested. Composer tag is now copied to the iTunes DB on the iPod. I didn't update any other plugins because I don't have the hardware to test them or I didn't know what the plugin did. Two that probably should be updated eventually are: audiocd and generic-player. If you have any questions or need me to do any more programming for this then feel free to e-mail me.
Very nice, thank you! I'm surprised though that you did not mention the #1 feature I would like to see implemented: allow browsing by composer rather than by artist. This could be done by replacing artist with composer if composer is set; or both could be shown in the list. I also have a small suggestion: it would probably make sense to automatically show the Composer column if at least one song in the list has this field. OTC if all songs have an empty composer, hide it. This would be very useful since typically classical music albums have the composer set for all songs, and other genres do not have a composer set for any song.
Not sure what you mean "browsing." You can sort and search by composer. You could also make an auto-playlist where composer != "" if you want only songs with composers. Do you mean something else? I'll let the maintainers decide of they want that suggestion to auto show / hide. I'm just pitching in code for a gap that was driving me nuts on my iPod. :)
Created attachment 240983 [details] [review] Patch for composer tag support in Rhythmbox core + iPod plugin w/ Italian translation My last patch wasn't formatted how Gnome likes it. I'm re-attaching the patch, but formatted per these instructions: No code changes from the last patch upload.
Review of attachment 240983 [details] [review]: this generally looks fine. commit message needs to be reworded a bit, but I can do that when I commit it. I'm going to see if there are other database structure changes (fields to be added, etc.) that I can make at the same time first.
Created attachment 241479 [details] [review] add composer to search menus this bit is also relevant
The only searching I was aware of in the app was the quick search box in the library browser view. So if there's a third way to search besides that and the search menu then I missed that, too. If you want to send a task my way for anything else I overlooked then I'm happy to give it a try. Just let me know!
Sorry for not responding, I missed the reply in my bugmail. What I meant is that the primary way to find an album/song is to select the artist in the list available from the main window (rather than searching for the name of the artist). I think it would be natural to add composers to the list of artists, so that you can find them the same way. The "Artist" list box could be renamed to "Artists and composers".
I couldn't find anything else relevant to add, so I pushed this to master. Thanks for working on this. I'm going to close this bug here. Any related work (such as changing album/artist browsers) can go in new bugs.
*** Bug 703906 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***