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Bug 127551 - Improve Nautilus "Send to..." feature
Improve Nautilus "Send to..." feature
Product: bounties
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: Misc
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Bounty Bug List
Bounty Bug List
: 128575 128576 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-20 20:24 UTC by Benjamin Kahn
Modified: 2005-01-08 10:46 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Benjamin Kahn 2003-11-20 20:24:38 UTC
The Nautilus file manager has a context menu item for "Send to...", which
opens the Evolution composer to mail a selected file to someone. This task
involves implementing three major improvements to this feature:

   1. If you select multiple files, Nautilus should automatically prompt
you to create an archive (zip, tar, etc - user's choice) and mail that instead.
   2. Allow the user to send the files to another user over IM instead of
email. The user should be prompted to select an online buddy from the buddy
list. Be sure to only display the buddies can accept file transfers.
   3. Provide a recipient selection dialog that does name and address 

If the user has selected only one file and it is not a directory, then we
can present him with a simpler dialog including only the recipient and the

After the user clicks "Send" he gets either a IM "send file" dialog or a
mail composer window with the file(s) attached.

To implement this feature nicely, you may want to integrate with file
roller for the archive creation. And you should in some way indicate the
total size of the compressed archive or file being sent to the user.

This bug is part of the Integrated Collaborative Desktop Bounty Hunt.  For
more information on prizes, contest rules, and other bounty tasks, visit:
If you would like to start working on this bounty, please create a bugzilla
account and append your intention to work on this bounty to this bug.  If
multiple people declare their intentions to work on a task, we encourage
you to join forces and work together.
Please do not close this bug.  The contest organizers will mark this bug as
FIXED when the prize is claimed.
Comment 1 Benjamin Kahn 2003-11-20 20:24:59 UTC
Please see for
more information.
Comment 2 Benjamin Kahn 2003-11-20 20:52:45 UTC
Oops.  The Correct URL for more information is:
Comment 3 Edd Dumbill 2003-11-22 20:33:55 UTC
Adding self to CC: whoever implements this one, I'd like there to be
some plugin system so I can make my Bluetooth tools do "Send via
Bluetooth"... currently I have a toplevel Nautilus context menu item
for doing this.
Comment 4 Hongli Lai 2003-11-24 06:35:59 UTC
I'll work on it.
Does this have to be part of the nautilus module or can it be a
seperate component, like nautilus-cd-burner?
Comment 5 Hongli Lai 2003-11-24 06:48:14 UTC
"If the user has selected only one file and it is not a directory,
then we can present him with a simpler dialog including only the
recipient and the medium."

Wouldn't it be a good idea to still let the user compress the file
even if only one file is selected?
Comment 6 Marius Andreiana 2003-11-25 18:54:44 UTC
>Wouldn't it be a good idea to still let the user compress the file
even if only one file is selected?

Yes. That one file might be a large text file.
Comment 7 Hongli Lai 2003-11-27 17:34:33 UTC
Can this feature be a seperate module (like nautilus-cd-burner is
seperate from nautilus), or must it be integrated in the nautilus
source tree?
Comment 8 Andrew Sobala 2003-11-27 20:33:25 UTC
I honestly can't see how it can be part of nautilus, since it would
probably bring in a dependency on evo-data-server, which would be silly :)
Comment 9 JP Rosevear 2003-11-28 17:09:34 UTC
Not if e-d-s becomes part of GNOME 2.6 which seems likely.
Comment 10 Andrew Sobala 2003-11-28 17:17:04 UTC
Urm... regardless if whether e-d-s is part of GNOME or not, it's still
a fairly large dependency for a single nautilus feature.
Comment 11 Alex de Landgraaf 2003-12-01 19:55:41 UTC
Over the weekend Ronald Bultje and I have teamed up to work on this
bounty. We have a large part of the implementation ready and working,
hope to finish this within the week.

Always good to have a little competition to make things interesting :)
Comment 12 Hongli Lai 2003-12-01 21:50:31 UTC
I also have implemented almost everything. I'm only waiting for Gaim's
file transfer patch (see other bounty item) to get accepted, and for
Evolution CVS to not crash so I can actually develop for the libebook API.
Comment 13 Andrew Sobala 2003-12-05 11:56:13 UTC
*** Bug 128575 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Andrew Sobala 2003-12-05 11:56:49 UTC
*** Bug 128576 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15 Ronald Bultje 2003-12-06 12:26:58 UTC
We've got it working. Attached are two files, one new package that
should be added into a new Gnome CVS module and one patch for gaim. It
has been sent to the appropriate mailinglists, too.

Please comment. :).
Comment 16 Ronald Bultje 2003-12-06 12:27:52 UTC
Oh, actually, they're not attached, my internet connection sucks too
much. :'(. Alex has hosted them on his server:
Comment 17 Nat Friedman 2004-02-09 19:28:55 UTC
Wow, this looks pretty cool.  What's missing at this point?
Comment 18 Hongli Lai 2004-02-09 20:05:05 UTC
I am (was) also working on this. What's missing is the acceptance of
the Gaim developers and the stability of Evolution 1.5. I cannot
finish my work until one of the Gaim patches gets accepted and until
Evolution 1.5 stabilizes.

Gaim currently provides no way for external apps to initiate a file
transfer, or to get the buddy list, that's why people make patches
against Gaim. But it's been months and those patches *still* haven't
been accepted. Not this patch, and not the "gaim drag & drop file
transfer" patch either. The Gaim developers seem to completely ignore
the patches.

Furthermore, Evolution 1.5 is nowhere near stable. The addressbook
does not work - at all. libebook seems to be completely broken and
documentation is almost nonexistant.
Comment 19 Marius Andreiana 2004-03-22 16:04:59 UTC
Please include Floppy as an option to "Send to...". As a bonus also
include Removable USB device (usb memory pen)
This is much easier copying, a la MS Windows Explorer, of files to
floppy disk.

Usability: I assume these options (Floppy, E-Mail, IM Buddy) are
available as a submenu for "Send to...". Thanks.
Comment 20 Ronald Bultje 2004-03-22 18:17:04 UTC
Hey, this is still alive. Sorry, I've been quiet, I continued my
studies recently.

I have to agree with Hongli here. We've submitted patches as suggested
by the gaim people. They've told us there were several of those
patches, we compared, discussed with them, suggested improvements,
combined existing patches into new ones, submitted again, got
confirmation that the patch was right and everything.

And there it ends. It never gets applied. It just plain sucks to get
stuck while you're this close, especially at such a trivial point as
applying patches that have essentially been accepted by developers
already. I just don't get it.

The bad thing is that if you look at gaim's SF patch tracker, it's
completely *stuffed* with patches that would be really cool to see
going into HEAD CVS. So we're not the only one sufferring from this
behaviour, if that makes anyone happier.
Comment 21 Marius Andreiana 2004-05-31 16:46:17 UTC
Comment 22 Hongli Lai 2004-05-31 16:49:59 UTC is down. Looks like the whole bounty thing has
been cancelled.
Comment 23 Andrew Sobala 2004-05-31 17:56:23 UTC
No, I don't believe it's been cancelled.
Comment 24 Ronald Bultje 2004-05-31 20:05:48 UTC
The above problem described still applies - gaim people refuse to apply our patches.
Comment 25 Hongli Lai 2004-05-31 20:41:54 UTC
Then this bounty is doomed to fail forever. :(
May as wel not even try.
Comment 26 Benjamin Kahn 2004-06-01 01:21:27 UTC
Well, that seems crazy.  I asked about the patches in GAIM IRC.  Here's the answer:

<LSchiere> xkahn: if they don't have a comment by me in the gaim patch tracker,
they probly have never been looked at

The tracker is at:
The direct URL is:

I did a quick search for the patches listed here, but didn't see them.  It's
possible they've been submitted and I simply didn't see them.
Comment 27 Ronald Bultje 2004-06-01 14:10:03 UTC
I've asked on IRC, was advised to put things on the tracker, we've done that
several times, kicked and pinged several times on both the bug tracker and IRC.
The tracker is #855457, see

And no, they didn't look at it. We always got a "we're busy, try again
later"-like answer.
Comment 28 Benjamin Kahn 2004-07-23 15:33:08 UTC
Looking at "gaim-sendtov2.patch" I see CVS control sequences in there:

+<<<<<<< gaim-remote.c

+>>>>>>> 1.12

With those you can't check in a patch and you can't compile either.  Maybe a new
patch is needed to get review through?
Comment 29 Roberto Majadas 2004-08-22 23:26:13 UTC
I finish this bounty

Probably there are some bugs (is 0.1 version), but in my computer i can send
files with evo and gaim. Please, report me all bugs :)

have fun ;)

PD : In the web there are screenshots
Comment 30 Aaron Gyes 2004-08-25 23:33:01 UTC
Thanks! Works well here.
Comment 31 Roberto Majadas 2004-08-26 23:38:30 UTC
cool ! This weekend i want to implement a plugin system for add support for
other apps (xchat, gossip, gfax ..). And clean the UI. When i finish it will be
a 0.2 version add i'll report here
Comment 32 Nat Friedman 2005-01-08 10:46:08 UTC
This bounty was completed by Roberto Majadas, so I am closing it. 
Congratulations again, Roberto!