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Bug 127547 - Gaim drag and drop file transfer
Gaim drag and drop file transfer
Product: bounties
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: IM
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Bounty Bug List
Bounty Bug List
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-20 20:13 UTC by Benjamin Kahn
Modified: 2012-02-19 16:53 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Initial implementation, it mostly works, i will like to get feedback about the send_file interface for PluginProtocols, also i'm getting the drop event twice for some reason. (6.79 KB, patch)
2003-11-23 10:07 UTC, Juan Pablo Mendoza
none Details | Review
Almost there, created varius send_file apis, some sense checks, etc. (14.35 KB, patch)
2003-11-23 23:03 UTC, Juan Pablo Mendoza
none Details | Review
Current patch, w/o file transfer api rewrite (6.47 KB, patch)
2003-11-23 23:58 UTC, Dan Willemsen
none Details | Review
Moved all the dialogs to gaim_request API, it works very good right now. (13.58 KB, patch)
2003-11-24 00:54 UTC, Juan Pablo Mendoza
none Details | Review
Adds dnd support to the _conversation_ window, fixes some things, and adds link sending support too (12.30 KB, patch)
2003-11-25 00:27 UTC, Dan Willemsen
none Details | Review
Updated version. (19.79 KB, patch)
2003-12-02 03:02 UTC, Juan Pablo Mendoza
none Details | Review
Better d'n'd and .desktop file support, with other small enhancements (17.06 KB, application/x-compressed-tar)
2004-11-08 20:05 UTC, Alceste Scalas

Description Benjamin Kahn 2003-11-20 20:13:15 UTC
For those protocols that support it, Gaim allows you to send and receive
files with other IM users. Currently, you have to right click on the user
in the Gaim buddy list and select the "Send file" popup menu entry to send
the user a file.

This task is to modify Gaim to support drag-and-drop as a means of
initiating a file transfer to a user. Dragging a file from the file manager
or desktop and dropping it onto a Gaim conversation window should initiate
a transfer of that file to the user.

One subtlety is how .desktop files are handled. The contents of the
.desktop file are probably not what the user wants to send, so you'll have
to figure out how to handle these.

This bug is part of the Integrated Collaborative Desktop Bounty Hunt.  For
more information on prizes, contest rules, and other bounty tasks, visit:
If you would like to start working on this bounty, please create a bugzilla
account and append your intention to work on this bounty to this bug.  If
multiple people declare their intentions to work on a task, we encourage
you to join forces and work together.
Please do not close this bug.  The contest organizers will mark this bug as
FIXED when the prize is claimed.
Comment 1 Benjamin Kahn 2003-11-20 20:13:43 UTC
Please see for
more information.
Comment 2 Benjamin Kahn 2003-11-20 21:09:39 UTC
Oops.  The Correct URL for more information is:
Comment 3 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-11-23 00:42:17 UTC
I'll work in this one.
Comment 4 Alex Converse 2003-11-23 08:14:46 UTC
I'm working on this one, I'm willing to collaborate
Comment 5 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-11-23 10:07:43 UTC
Created attachment 21715 [details] [review]
Initial implementation, it mostly works, i will like to get feedback about the send_file interface for PluginProtocols, also i'm getting the drop event twice for some reason.
Comment 6 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-23 13:50:44 UTC
I've been working on this too
Comment 7 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-23 18:02:01 UTC
> One subtlety is how .desktop files are handled. The contents of the
.desktop file are probably not what the user wants to send, so you'll
have to figure out how to handle these.

I don't really see how it would be useful to to do anything other than
transfer the .desktop file. Considering there are four types,
applications, web links, FSDevices, and directories.

-The application type wouldn't be very useful in my mind, because you
often need support files beyond the main executable, and Gaim isn't
limited to x86(etc) Linux either, so you may be sending a application
to a windows user, that would have no use of it.

-The web link type I would only see useful as sending it as a link in
a regular conversation

-The FSDevices and directories don't make very much sense as you can't
send a whole directory with gaim. (With my current patch, you can send
multiple files at once, they show up as multiple file sends though)

Gaim's file transfer api is a little forgotten/incomplete right now,
which makes portions of this a little more difficult
Comment 8 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-11-23 23:03:14 UTC
Created attachment 21731 [details] [review]
Almost there, created varius send_file apis, some sense checks, etc.
Comment 9 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-23 23:58:47 UTC
Created attachment 21733 [details] [review]
Current patch, w/o file transfer api rewrite
Comment 10 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-24 00:01:04 UTC
This is my current version. It doesn't work right now because the file
transfer api is broken/forgotten, but I am working on rewriting that

Juan Pablo Mendoza: the Gaim people have been trying to get Gaim into
nice apis for an upcoming api split, so your file-send method might
encounter some opposition. Just my view though.
Comment 11 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-11-24 00:09:02 UTC
I wrote that API per a developer's request.
Comment 12 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-11-24 00:54:41 UTC
Created attachment 21737 [details] [review]
Moved all the dialogs to gaim_request API, it works very good right now.
Comment 13 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-24 12:54:11 UTC
isn't this supposed to enable drag and drop to the _conversation_ window?
Comment 14 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-25 00:26:17 UTC
this patch(submitting next) fulfills the actual requirement of this
bounty, to drag a file onto a conversation window to transfer the
file. It uses some of juan's api code that got checked into cvs, and
this patches against the current cvs.

It also implements the link drag-n-drop, which is the objective of
another bounty, 127547, the code is pretty much dependent upon each other.

This also adds some other niceties, like some memory management and
finishing drags.

I can't test to see if the actual file transfer works, but I can tell
it is getting the correct files, I believe the problem is elsewhere,
considering the state of the file transfering in gaim.

Dan Willemsen
Comment 15 Dan Willemsen 2003-11-25 00:27:10 UTC
Created attachment 21780 [details] [review]
Adds dnd support to the _conversation_ window, fixes some things, and adds link sending support too
Comment 16 Kenneth Rohde Christiansen 2003-11-29 23:12:29 UTC
Is the patch sent to the gaim developers?
Comment 17 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-12-02 03:02:13 UTC
Created attachment 22002 [details] [review]
Updated version.
Comment 18 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-12-02 03:15:17 UTC
Yes Kenneth, I'm already talking to Gaim developers.
Comment 19 sean.egan 2003-12-03 20:17:24 UTC
Just a few comments regarding handling of specific files.  I would
like to see .desktop files parsed.  Links should be inserted as URLs,
and directories should offer to send the entire contents.  You can
send a directory over AIM and retain the directory structure, this
would need to be supported in the Gaim API.

It would be awesome if someone working on this bounty could make AIM
file transfer not suck.  I'll probably wind up doing it myself.

Other .desktop files should cause a warning to pop up, informing the
user that he has dragged a .desktop file, give a simple explanation of
what it is, and ask if he still wants to send it.

Further, if a regular file is dragged, GdkPixbuf should attempt to
load it, and if it's a valid image file, offer to let the user either
send it as a file, or insert it into the conversation to be sent in a

Comment 20 Hongli Lai 2003-12-03 21:00:14 UTC
Is at least the API for file transfer stable? I'm working on the
"Nautilus send to" feature and I can only implement "Send as Instant
Message" if this patch gets accepted.
Comment 21 Juan Pablo Mendoza 2003-12-04 03:47:16 UTC
Hi Hongli, i'm working with Sean to stabilize and get that API in CVS,
i hope it will be ready soon.
Comment 22 sean.egan 2003-12-14 08:55:33 UTC
Another choice to give a user dragging an image file into a
conversaiton window or buddy list entry: offer to set that as a buddy
icon for that person.
Comment 23 Hongli Lai 2004-03-03 21:42:48 UTC
What's the status on this? Will this patch ever get accepted? If not,
what's the reason? Is anybody still looking at this?
Comment 24 Alceste Scalas 2004-11-08 20:02:56 UTC
I've worked on it as well.  My patch is here:

You can find it in the attachment as well (a .tar.gz with a .diff and 4 files to
be applied in the src/ directory).

About sending .directory files retaining directory structure: is it needed for
the bounty?  Is someone working on Gaim send file API?
Comment 25 Alceste Scalas 2004-11-08 20:05:28 UTC
Created attachment 33562 [details]
Better d'n'd and .desktop file support, with other small enhancements

The archive contains a .diff and 4 new files to be applied in the src/
directory in Gaim source tree.
Comment 26 Alceste Scalas 2004-11-23 12:28:29 UTC
Mi patch was revised and accepted. Going to (try to) claim the bounty...
Comment 27 sean.egan 2004-11-24 17:08:35 UTC
Alceste's patch has been commited to Gaim's CVS.
Comment 28 Alceste Scalas 2004-11-25 19:22:02 UTC
So, is this bug closed?  Is there anything left to be done?  And of course, is
it possible to claim the bounty? :-)
Comment 29 Kjartan Maraas 2005-07-03 16:38:19 UTC
Would be nice if the list of patches was marked correctly as obsolete/commited
or whatever so it doesn't look like we have ten unreviewed patches just sitting
around in bugzilla. Was the bounty ever claimed? Do we have the feature in Gaim now?
Comment 30 Hongli Lai 2005-07-03 17:43:47 UTC
The plugin is shipped with Gaim. However, it's disabled by default, making
nautilus-sendto as good as useless for most users since it doesn't work
out-of-the-box. :(
Comment 31 Mark Doliner 2006-10-31 07:46:47 UTC
This bounty is marked as "claimed" at  Alceste's patch was accepted and his code is still in our repository.  Assuming he has received the bounty, this item should probably be closed.
Comment 32 André Klapper 2012-02-19 16:53:55 UTC
Empathy has become the main IM application in the meantime.

This bounty was available in 2003 and is not available anymore. 
Closing as OBSOLETE.