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Bug 126093 - RelaxNG validation fails without reporting error
RelaxNG validation fails without reporting error
Product: libxml2
Classification: Platform
Component: relaxng
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Daniel Veillard
libxml QA maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-03 10:55 UTC by pajas
Modified: 2017-06-12 19:06 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description pajas 2003-11-03 10:55:24 UTC
xmllint --noout --relaxng tutorA.rng demo.xml 
(files from libxml2's test/relaxng) only reports 'fails to validate' 
on these documents, without giving a reason. On the C level, 
xmlRelaxNGValidateDoc returns 1 (error) but no errors are passed to error 
handlers set by xmlRelaxNGSetValidErrors.
Comment 1 William M. Brack 2004-03-21 11:26:10 UTC
Sorry it took so long to get around to this bug, but I had it at a 
pretty low priority (since the validation error was discovered, just 
not well reported).  I added an error message to cover this case (an 
element name doesn't match with the <choice>), and that should meet 
your expectation (fixed in CVS - relaxng.c):
bill@billsuper relaxng $ xmllint --noout --relaxng tutorA.rng 
demo.xml:1: element TEI.2: Relax-NG validity error : Did not expect 
element TEI.2 there
demo.xml fails to validate

Thanks for the report.

Comment 2 Daniel Veillard 2004-03-25 11:21:01 UTC
This should be closed by release of libxml2-2.6.8,