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Bug 126068 - the properties should always display the "Contents"
the properties should always display the "Contents"
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: File Properties Dialog
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
: 167146 316030 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-02 23:43 UTC by Helge Hielscher
Modified: 2006-01-08 12:55 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.13/2.14

Proposed patch (8.81 KB, patch)
2005-09-04 14:33 UTC, Christian Neumair
committed Details | Review

Description Helge Hielscher 2003-11-02 23:43:09 UTC
Please add a button to the properties window to count the number and size
of the selected files when "count number of itemss" is disabled in the
Comment 1 Sebastien Bacher 2005-01-28 14:01:27 UTC
I'm not sure than the button is a good option, but the properties should
probably always display the count. I'm changing the summary to reflect that. Let
me know if you agree of if you think than a button would be a better choice
Comment 2 Sebastien Bacher 2005-02-12 11:34:09 UTC
*** Bug 167146 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Christian Rudh 2005-09-04 13:32:35 UTC
Yeah, making the folder properties always display the folder size and count even
if the "count number of items" is turned off is something I have always wanted.

I don't display the count of folders in the folder view but I want the
properties to show it. The way it works now I have to enable "count number of
items" anyway because else I don't get size and count in properties, but it
slows down interaction in folders that contain many sub folders which is
irritating (it can take over 10 seconds to open a sub folder in a folder that
contains several hundreds of sub folders, but with "count number of items"
turned off it is instant).
Comment 4 Christian Neumair 2005-09-04 14:03:42 UTC
This sounds like a useful proposal.
nautilus_file_get_deep_counts unfortunately returns if
nautilus_file_should_show_directory_item_count is FALSE, which toggles based on
the preference. Maybe nautilus_file_get_deep_counts should take a gboolean force
Comment 5 Christian Neumair 2005-09-04 14:33:12 UTC
Created attachment 51787 [details] [review]
Proposed patch

Some remarks:
- Removed properties window code which toggles the visibility of the deep count
- Added "force" flag to nautilus_file_get_deep_counts
- - string getters pass FALSE
- - the property window passes TRUE
- - all nautilusfile_class->get_deep_counts implementations pass TRUE, since
their deep count getters are always beyond the check in
nautilus_file_get_deep_counts. I'm not sure whether the trash implementation
should be special-cased and only pass TRUE for local files, so that remote
locations in the trash still obey the pref.
Comment 6 Christian Neumair 2005-09-12 11:27:35 UTC
*** Bug 316030 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Christian Neumair 2005-09-20 16:05:49 UTC
I've committed the patch. This change will make it into Nautilus 2.12.1.
Comment 8 linuce 2006-01-08 12:55:47 UTC
> I'm not sure than the button is a good option, but the properties should
probably always display the count. I'm changing the summary to reflect that. Let
me know if you agree of if you think than a button would be a better choice

I let you know that a button is by far a better choice : the counting of items of a directory is a *quite* heavy task in term of CPU usage and system calls. Such a heavy task for a rarely usefull information is a very bad idea : if a user really want such an information, he/she would click on a Compute (for example) button.

Think about asking the property of a item when a network filesystem via FTP or SFTP... Think about people asking why their disk become noisy each time they ask for a directory property ... Think about people why low-end computer which get on its knees each time a user ask for directory's properties.

A button (or the disabling of the "count number of item" if it is set to "Never") is IMHO the way to go.