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Bug 117836 - gtkhtml2/libgtkhtml/dom/core missing in
gtkhtml2/libgtkhtml/dom/core missing in
Product: gtkhtml2
Classification: Deprecated
Component: General
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: padraig.obriain
: 151326 152130 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-19 11:15 UTC by Fredrik Jönsson
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Fredrik Jönsson 2003-07-19 11:15:50 UTC
I'm trying to build gnome for Solaris from cvs, but the folder
gtkhtml2/libgtkhtml/dom/core, which is in the released 2.3.5 tarball is
missing from the cvs-site.

I've grabbed it from the tarball instead for now.
Comment 1 padraig.obriain 2003-07-21 10:52:25 UTC
Two similar bugs, 111276 and 115761 were logged recently.

The directory _is_ in CVS tree.
Comment 2 Fredrik Jönsson 2003-07-24 20:17:30 UTC
Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but following the steps in and doing a 
cvs -z3 checkout gkthtml2 will not checkout the
gtkhtml2/libgkthtml/core folder.

Nor is it available looking in the bonzai tree at

Should I check out some particular version?
Comment 3 Fredrik Jönsson 2003-07-24 20:30:04 UTC
I take that last comment back, looked in the wrong place. The folder
gtkhtml2/libgtkhtml/dom/core is indeed in bonzai, but it is not
checked out when I do the cvs -z3 checkout. Are they looking at
different places/servers, or should I check out some particular
revision which isn't broken? 


export CVSROOT='' 
cvs login
cvs -z3 checkout gtkhtml2

will give me a tree missing the core folder. It's just not there.
Comment 4 padraig.obriain 2003-07-29 16:10:50 UTC
I just tried what you did and I have the directory

I normally use rather than
Comment 5 Fredrik Jönsson 2003-07-29 21:55:01 UTC
Wierd, I've even tried to change cvs versions in case of a bug in
later cvs's to no avail. At one point when I ran an update in the tree
it complained about my copied in version of the core folder and
checked out it correctly once I removed it.

But if I try to run an update now it says:
cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: Updating core
cvs server: cannot open directory
/cvs/gnome/gtkhtml2/libgtkhtml/dom/core: No such file or directory
cvs server: skipping directory core

Using is not an option for me I believe, since I have no
account. I don't see what I could possibly do wrong. I kind of suspect
some problem in the synchronization between the master cvs site and
Comment 6 Fredrik Jönsson 2003-07-29 22:02:58 UTC
sune:cvs# /usr/sbin/nslookup
Non-authoritative answer:

Hmm... could it be that these don't contain the same stuff?
Comment 7 Fredrik Jönsson 2003-07-29 22:07:02 UTC
Ahhh.... indeed. has the missing folder. does not.
Comment 8 Fredrik Jönsson 2003-08-03 17:22:34 UTC
Informed cvsmaster, ticket #1983.
Comment 9 padraig.obriain 2004-09-07 06:59:28 UTC
*** Bug 151326 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 padraig.obriain 2004-09-08 14:04:41 UTC
*** Bug 152130 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Thomas Fitzsimmons 2004-11-10 19:59:25 UTC
Has this been resolved yet?  I'm still seeing this error.  Where are these
tickets tracked?
Comment 12 Ross Golder 2004-12-19 02:37:09 UTC
The 'anonftp5' mirror had a '--exclude core' directive/parameter somewhere, so
was skipping this directory. It's been resolved now.