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Bug 114351 - Peculiar strings to translate: would be nice if a comment explained them.
Peculiar strings to translate: would be nice if a comment explained them.
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: .General
Other Linux
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-06-03 16:07 UTC by Telsa Gwynne
Modified: 2011-02-04 16:16 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Telsa Gwynne 2003-06-03 16:13:21 UTC
The Welsh translation team came across several "odd" (don't know
quite what they're getting at in order to translate them) strings in gtk.
This one caused much difficulty. 

msgid "Model column to search through when searching through code"

Since this is off the 2-2 branch I assume it can't be changed. But I think
it's possible to put comments for translators in the code? One explaining
this would be lovely.

(There are some more which seem to be causing trouble. Cc'd Oskuro
and menthos since they probably lots. Is it worth filing individual bugs
against each, or what?) 

Wasn't sure whether this was i18n or l10n on keywords. It affects
multiple teams, so i18n?
Comment 1 Kristian Rietveld 2003-06-03 16:32:42 UTC
Please don't file separate bugs, one big one with all problems of the
same kind will do.

Note that the string mentioned is not a user visible string. I've
never really understood why we have to mark these strings (blurbs of
properties) as translatable. Maybe it's because of glade. But I am not
really sure.

Anyway, I will pester jrb to get him to make up a nicer string (: (my
second attempt at this string would prolly fail too :)
Comment 2 Owen Taylor 2003-06-03 16:49:49 UTC
I think in general:

 - If the string is inherently unclear, it should be fixed
 - If the string involves technical terms that are hard
   to understand for translators, comments next to the
   property are generally wrong, since the same term
   might be used in many, many places.
 - Maybe we need a 'docs/glossary-for-translators' where
   we can provide detailed explanations of some of the
   hard terms that occur in property strings.

I've wanted for a long time to split GTK+ translated strings
into two domains:

 - One for user visible strings
 - One for developer strings

To allow translators to first translate the user visible
strings and get GNOME working, then worry later about
GUI builders.

So, you have say _() and D_(). But that would be a huge
amount of work, so we'd have to find a volunteer.
Comment 3 Owen Taylor 2003-06-03 16:55:29 UTC
And, actuallyl, I would generally prefer separate bugs unless
the problem is clearly the same for multiple strings. Bug
reports with multiple issues in them get really hard to deal

I'm putting this bug on the 2.4.0 milestone, but I don't
have a good sense of what the concrete action is here, so
that may not be appropriate.
Comment 4 Matthias Clasen 2003-06-04 06:51:10 UTC
Owen, why do we need two domains to mark strings as user-visible vs. 
developer-visible ? Wouldn't it be enough to develop a convention for 
putting a standardized comment next to the string, e.g. /*GUI*/ for 

user-visible strings, and have xgettext extract those to the .pot file 

I guess marking only the user-visible strings would be less work, 
since most of our strings are just error messages, right ?
Comment 5 Matthias Clasen 2003-06-04 06:56:48 UTC
Regarding that glossary idea, I don't think we need to hide it in some 
cryptic text file in docs/. Why not simply add a glossary to the api 
reference ? most of the the technical terms which are problematic in 
translations probably also occur in the api reference...
Comment 6 Owen Taylor 2003-06-04 14:36:04 UTC
Actually, you're right, it would be very useful to have
a glossary in the GTK+ API reference explaining "mnmenonic"
"model column", etc.

My thought was that perhaps translators needed *more* 
explanation that GTK+ developers, but on second thought,
that's not really a sustainable idea.

The reason for having two domains is largely so that
automated statistics can show:

 GTK+ UI strings: 100%
 GTK+ property documntation: 13%

Rather than the combined number. It is also, I think,
a lot easier for translators to just go through and 
translate all 100 strings in one file, then to worry
about going through 1100 strings looking for comments
/* GUI */.
Comment 7 Matthias Clasen 2004-01-08 08:19:17 UTC
Here is the beginning of a perl script to replace _() by P_() 

(and Q_() by QP_()) only within g_param_spec_* (). It doesn't try to 

be very clever, but it may already be good enough to sort out the GTK+ 

my $replace = 0;

while (<>) {

    if (!$replace) {

	if (m/g_param_spec_[a-z]*\s*\(/) {

	    $replace = 1;



    if ($replace) {

	$_ =~ s/_\(/P_\(/g;


    if ($replace) {

	if (m/\)\);\s*$/) {

	    $replace = 0;



    print $_;


Comment 8 Matthias Clasen 2004-01-16 23:16:00 UTC
I've done the first half of this now; property blurbs and nicks are
marked with P_() instead of _() now. I have adjusted the xgettext
invokation in po/ to also look for P_. 

Remaining to be done: 

- set up a po-properties directory
- adjust the definitions of P_() in gtkintl.h gdkintl.h and
gdk-pixbuf-18n.h to use a different domain
- adjust the xgettext invokations in po and po-properties so that
_() goes to po, P_() goes to po-properties
- split the existing po files
- inform
Comment 9 Matthias Clasen 2004-01-17 22:48:02 UTC
Ok, split the the translation domain now. The property nicks and
blurbs are now in the po-properties directory in the gtk20-properties
I've filed bug 131808 to track the glossary issue. 
Comment 10 Christian Rose 2004-01-18 23:23:39 UTC
It seems this change doesn't play nicely with intltool, which is a
major problem from the translator side of things. It seems the pot
file name used by intltool-update won't be the correct one in
po-properties, and nor will the messages be.
Comment 11 Matthias Clasen 2004-01-19 00:29:24 UTC
intltool-update has a --gettext-package argument to tell it the name
of the pot file. And what business has intltool updating the messages
? Thats the job of the xgettext invoking rule in po-properties/Makefile,
isn't it ?
Comment 12 Christian Rose 2004-01-19 00:42:11 UTC
Translators use intltool and so does the translation status pages. If
it doesn't work with intltool, that needs to be fixed.
Comment 13 Matthias Clasen 2004-01-19 22:37:27 UTC
Danilo has hopefully fixed this now.