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Bug 113655 - Panel crashes when I open panel properties
Panel crashes when I open panel properties
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: panel
Other Linux
: High critical
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-05-24 22:23 UTC by William Lovaton
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Ensures that panel_profile_get_background_image() always returns a string. (345 bytes, patch)
2003-05-26 10:33 UTC, Ray Strode
none Details | Review
Only calls gtk_entry_set_text() if text is non-NULL. (977 bytes, patch)
2003-05-26 10:58 UTC, Ray Strode
none Details | Review

Description William Lovaton 2003-05-24 22:23:05 UTC
Hello there,

I just compiled Gnome 2.3.2 from garnome and the panel _always_ crashes
when I right-click on it and then select the option properties in the popup

The courios thing is that it happens only with my current panels, the panel
at the top and the panel at the bottom of te screen.  When I add a third
panel it works just fine.

The following is the backtrace I got:

  • #0 strcmp
    from /lib/i686/
  • #1 gtk_entry_set_text
    at gtkentry.c line 3366
  • #2 panel_properties_dialog_setup_image_entry
    at panel-properties-dialog.c line 302
  • #3 panel_properties_dialog_new
    at panel-properties-dialog.c line 677
  • #4 panel_properties_dialog_present
    at panel-properties-dialog.c line 717
  • #5 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID
    at gmarshal.c line 77
  • #6 g_closure_invoke
    at gclosure.c line 437
  • #7 signal_emit_unlocked_R
    at gsignal.c line 2822
  • #8 g_signal_emit_valist
    at gsignal.c line 2554
  • #9 g_signal_emit
    at gsignal.c line 2612
  • #10 gtk_widget_activate
    at gtkwidget.c line 3175
  • #11 gtk_menu_shell_activate_item
    at gtkmenushell.c line 914
  • #12 gtk_menu_shell_button_release
    at gtkmenushell.c line 528
  • #13 gtk_menu_button_release
    at gtkmenu.c line 1972
  • #14 _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED
    at gtkmarshalers.c line 82
  • #15 g_type_class_meta_marshal
    at gclosure.c line 514
  • #16 g_closure_invoke
    at gclosure.c line 437
  • #17 signal_emit_unlocked_R
    at gsignal.c line 2860
  • #18 g_signal_emit_valist
    at gsignal.c line 2564
  • #19 g_signal_emit
    at gsignal.c line 2612
  • #20 gtk_widget_event_internal
    at gtkwidget.c line 3143
  • #21 gtk_propagate_event
    at gtkmain.c line 2267
  • #22 gtk_main_do_event
    at gtkmain.c line 1502
  • #23 gdk_event_dispatch
    at gdkevents-x11.c line 2018
  • #24 g_main_dispatch
    at gmain.c line 1653
  • #25 g_main_context_dispatch
    at gmain.c line 2197
  • #26 g_main_context_iterate
    at gmain.c line 2278
  • #27 g_main_loop_run
    at gmain.c line 2498
  • #28 gtk_main
    at gtkmain.c line 1092
  • #29 main
    at main.c line 153
  • #30 __libc_start_main
    from /lib/i686/

I hope this helps.

Comment 1 Elijah Newren 2003-05-25 02:23:34 UTC
Appears to be a unique stack trace, according to the
simple-dup-finder.  Setting version->2.3.x, marking priority->high &
severity->critical (it's a crasher), and adding bugsquad keyword.
Comment 2 William Lovaton 2003-05-25 04:29:53 UTC
unique stack trace??

So, this is something related only to my system?
Comment 3 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-25 11:02:24 UTC
William: Elijah was only indicating that no-one else has reported this
bug yet. That's a good thing :-) Thanks.

Ray: you might look at this ?
Comment 4 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 03:56:22 UTC
Just compiled garnome build and I can reproduce.  Seems like there are
two faucets to this bug.  1) The code passes a value that can
conceivably be NULL straight from gconf to gtk_entry_set_text ()
(which doesn't like NULL values), 2) In this case the value is NULL
because the background gconf key and all its subkeys aren't being
created for the top panel and bottom panel. I will investigate why 2)
is happening, fix it,  and submit a patch for both issues.  
Comment 5 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 10:22:22 UTC
Okay, I've played with this a bit more and I have a theory about
what's happening.  When I reproduced this bug, it was on a test
account that I have.  When I logged into garnome for the first time,
the panel locked up hard and so I just killed it (I probably should
have tracked down why it locked up, but i was focusing on trying to
reproduce this bug so I didn't).  Then when the panel restarted, I was
able to reproduce this bug. When I erased my config and started it
again, I could no longer reproduce the bug.  This leads me to believe
that problem 2) from my previously mentioned list was actually caused
by me killing the panel.  In other words, I think I killed it before
the default setup was completely copied over to the new panels' keys.
 Indeed, if I erase my config, startup gnome-panel in gdb and kill it
before the default setup is completely copied over, then the bug
occurs the next time I start gnome-panel.

William, when you ran garnome for the first time did you encounter any
panel lockups, system crashes, power outages, X server crashes or
anything like that (before this crash occured)?  Or did your panel
load without any problems the first time you logged in and the only
problem you've noticed is when you go to properties?

Mark, I would like to guard against half copied over keys by
introducing a new GConf key.  Something like "reset_config".  If it's
set to "yes", then the panel will automatically reset to its default
setup. When it's done resetting it will set "reset_config" to "no". 
This way, if the panel is in the process of copying over a default
setup and gnome-panel is terminated prematurely (for whatever reason),
the next time the panel is started it will copy over the default setup
again and so half copied keys can be avoided.  This will also make it
easier for kiosk type environments to reset their settings each time a
 user logs in, I think.  If this sounds fine to you, then I'll write a
patch and attach it to this bug report.

In the mean time, I'm going to attach a fix for 1) (as mentioned
Comment 6 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 10:33:35 UTC
Created attachment 16847 [details] [review]
Ensures that panel_profile_get_background_image() always returns a string.
Comment 7 Arvind S N 2003-05-26 10:43:12 UTC
instead could we check in panel_properties_dialog_setup_image_entry()
if we got a NULL before doing a gtk_entry_set_text() ? Not really
sure we should send an empty string. Anyways, I would leave that
to Mark. Also panel_properties_dialog_update_name() seems a potential
candidate for dump if "text" remains a NULL.
Comment 8 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-26 10:43:55 UTC
I think NULL is a perfectly valid return from
panel_profile_get_background_image, but we should handle it safely in
panel-properties-dialog.c with something like:

--- panel-properties-dialog.c   9 Apr 2003 05:55:36 -0000       1.6
+++ panel-properties-dialog.c   26 May 2003 10:42:17 -0000
@@ -297,11 +297,12 @@ panel_properties_dialog_setup_image_entr
        dialog->image_entry = glade_xml_get_widget (gui, "image_entry");
        image = panel_profile_get_background_image (dialog->toplevel);
+       if (image) {
+               entry = gnome_file_entry_gtk_entry (GNOME_FILE_ENTRY
+               gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), image);
-       entry = gnome_file_entry_gtk_entry (GNOME_FILE_ENTRY
-       gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), image);
-       g_free (image);
+               g_free (image);
+       }
        g_signal_connect_swapped (dialog->image_entry, "changed",

How does that sound ?
Comment 9 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-26 10:45:06 UTC
Heh :-) Mid-air collision.

Yep, I image there are other places where we could get similar
problems and need to patched in the same way.

Thanks :-)
Comment 10 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 10:58:41 UTC
Created attachment 16849 [details] [review]
Only calls gtk_entry_set_text() if text is non-NULL.
Comment 11 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 11:02:12 UTC
Mark, the above patch does it like you suggest.  It also fixes
Arvind's update_name() case and plugs a small memleak. Okay to commit?

What's your opinion on adding the "reset_config" key?
Comment 12 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-26 11:30:00 UTC
Patch looks great. Please go ahead.

About the reset_config key ... sorry I missed that the first time :/

Resetting like this should (and is) a part of GConf itself. If you do
rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel or recursively unset /apps/panel then it
should be the same thing. I don't see what benefit it would be to make
the panel do this itself ...
Comment 13 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 12:44:37 UTC
My theory has been that the crash was just a symptom of a bigger
problem.  Namely, that the panel can leave its gconf keys in an
unexpected state if it terminates at the wrong time. 

The problem is that the panel copies some keys over from the
default_setup key the first time gnome-panel is run (or if it is run
after you do rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel or recursively unset
/apps/panel).  If for some reason the panel is terminated while it is
copying those keys over, then the next time the panel starts, gconf
won't have all the keys that the panel expects (for instance in the
case of this bug gconf didn't have the background key and its subkeys).  

The patch for 1) above isn't a complete fix to the problem, because
some environments may set the schemas to have a default background
image (or some other setting).  In the event that a partial copy
happens (from the panel terminating early for whatever reason) in such
an environment, the above patch will stop the panel from crashing, but
it won't retain the background image set in the schema (assuming the
sysadmin setup the schema to have a preset panel background [or

My solution to this is to add a key to gconf that that the panel can
set that says, "I am in the process of copying config data over", so
if the panel terminates during this process, the next time it starts
it will know it terminated and can continue to copy the config data
over (e.g. add the background key or whatever).  I purpose calling
this key "reset_config".  

When the panel deems it necessary to copy the keys from default_setup,
it will set "reset_config" to "yes".  It will then copy the keys over,
and when it's finished it will set "reset_config"  to "no".  If a
gnome-panel starts and it finds that "reset_config" is "yes", then it
will copy from default_setup (thus preventing the panel from having an
incomplete set of gconf keys).

Now it could be argued that "reset_config" isn't a good name and
something like "is_copying_defaults" would be better.  My opinion,
though, is that having a key that has absolutely no use to users and
is only useful for ensuring consistent program state seems to go
against what gconf was designed for.  So I figured extending the
semantics of the key slightly to make it more externally useful was
the way to go.  By that I mean, if the key is called "reset_config",
then a user can easily reset their configuration with gconf-editor or
 a sysadmin could just run gconftool --set at startup.  Granted it
doesn't bring a whole lot of advantage versus rm -Rf or gconftool
--unset, but it seemed better than having a gconf key with no useful
purpose to the user. 

Another option to protect against partial copies of keys would be to
check if a default setup is being used, and if so, then check if each
key (such as background/image) exists before trying to read from it.
If a key doesn't exist then copy it from default_setup.

Yet another option (and maybe a better option) is to extend GConf to
have atomic transactions, where you could do something like:

gconf_client_start_transaction (client);
panel_gconf_copy_dir (client, src_dir, dest_dir);
gconf_client_complete_transaction (client);

I think if GConfChangeSet were atomic that would be even better.

Of course, another option is to just say the odds of the panel
terminating right when the defaults are being copied over is so slim
that in the unlikely event it happens, the user can just delete

So what do you think?

Comment 14 William Lovaton 2003-05-26 12:53:23 UTC

My panel loaded the first time without any problem.  It is strange all
that things you said aobout erasing the configuration,  I erased
~/.gconf* and ~/.gnome* etc. to restart a whole fresh configuration
and this bug is still present.

Ray, Mark, should gtk_entry_set_text() validate NULL strings any way??
Comment 15 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 13:14:41 UTC
> I erased ~/.gconf* and ~/.gnome* etc. to restart a whole fresh 
> configuration and this bug is still present.

Hmmm... Did you "killall gconfd-2" and then restart the panel (or
reboot) after removing ~/.gconf*?  What does: 

gconftool-2 -R /apps/panel/profiles/default/toplevels

say?  It could be there is another problem, yet.
Comment 16 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 13:17:47 UTC
> Ray, Mark, should gtk_entry_set_text() validate NULL strings any way??
It does unless G_DISABLE_CHECKS is defined when compiling glib. 
garnome  defines it by default.
Comment 17 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-26 13:27:11 UTC
Ray: no, g_return_if_fail() is only meant to be used for debugging. It
is similar to assert() as in you generally wouldn't ship an
application with assert() turned on.
Comment 18 Ray Strode 2003-05-26 13:53:08 UTC
Mark: Yes, I know.  I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

To make it clear, gtk_entry_set_text() does not allow a NULL input,
and any code that expects that it would is incorrect.  Having said
that, the result of giving a NULL input to gtk_entry_set_text()
depends on whether glib was compiled with G_DISABLE_CHECKS defined or
not.  If G_DISABLE_CHECKS was not defined when glib was compiled, then
gtk_entry_set_text() will validate the input by making sure it is
non-NULL before using it.  In the event that it is NULL and
G_DISABLE_CHECKS is not defined then, it will post a warning to the
console.  If G_DISABLE_CHECKS is defined when glib is compiled then
the input is not checked and a NULL value will cause the program to crash.
Comment 19 William Lovaton 2003-05-27 04:16:45 UTC
> What does: 
> gconftool-2 -R /apps/panel/profiles/default/toplevels
> say?  It could be there is another problem, yet.

  y = 0
  enable_animations = true
  enable_buttons = false
  hide_delay = 1500
  animation_speed = fast
  unhide_delay = 0
  size = 24
  y_centered = false
  name = Top Panel
  expand = false
  x_centered = true
  auto_hide_size = 1
  screen = 0
  monitor = 0
  x = 79
  auto_hide = true
  enable_arrows = true
  orientation = top
  y = 996
  enable_animations = true
  enable_buttons = false
  hide_delay = 1500
  animation_speed = fast
  unhide_delay = 0
  size = 24
  y_centered = false
  name = Bottom Panel
  expand = false
  x_centered = true
  auto_hide_size = 1
  screen = 0
  monitor = 0
  x = 0
  auto_hide = true
  enable_arrows = true
  orientation = bottom

I did kill gconfd-2 before restarting but the bug keeps buging me :-)

Comment 20 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-27 11:11:13 UTC
Ray: Its not glib that is affected by the G_DISABLE_CHECKS define in
this case. G_DISABLE_CHECKS is used in gmessages.h, so whether
g_return_if_fail actually does anything or not in this case depends on
whether *gtk+* is built with G_DISABLE_CHECKS ...

Anyway, you've committed your patch, right ? So, I'll close the bugs.
Much thanks to both of you (Ray and William) :-)

2003-05-26  Ray Strode  <>
        * panel-properties-dialog.c:
        (panel_properties_dialog_setup_image_entry): Don't send NULL
        to gtk_entry_set_text.
        (panel_properties_dialog_update_name): Don't send NULL to
        gtk_entry_set_text and plug a leak.
Comment 21 Ray Strode 2003-05-27 11:35:27 UTC
> Anyway, you've committed your patch, right ? 

> So, I'll close the bugs.
Well, we've only fixed the crashing portion of the bug.  I haven't
found the broader issue of why
/apps/panel/profiles/default/toplevels/* are missing background
subdirs (iow, why the defaults aren't being copied over completely). 
I think maybe the bug should be reopened and the severity/priority
should be dropped (because it's no longer a crasher), or maybe a new
bug should be filed.  

As it turns out, my other ramblings about the panel being terminated
prematurely wasn't the cause of the bug for William, so that issue can
be shelved for now, I think.

> Its not glib that is affected by the G_DISABLE_CHECKS define in
> this case. G_DISABLE_CHECKS is used in gmessages.h, so whether
> g_return_if_fail actually does anything or not in this case depends on
> whether *gtk+* is built with G_DISABLE_CHECKS ...
Yes, you're right. My bad.

Comment 22 Mark McLoughlin 2003-05-27 12:05:37 UTC
Ray, I think it would be better to open a new bug with that problem
explained more clearly. There's so much in this ubg already it would
just confuse the issue.

You've fixed the crash, which is actually a bug in itself.
Comment 23 Ray Strode 2003-05-27 12:57:11 UTC
Okay, I filed