GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 111574
libxml2-2.5.7 + Sun compiler
Last modified: 2009-08-15 18:40:50 UTC
Hi, I've just tried to build libxml 2.5.7 on Solaris 8 with Sun compiler. No special problem to mention, except these minor details: "parser.c", line 10734: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype: prototype: pointer to const unsigned char : "./include/libxml/uri.h", line 63 argument : pointer to const char "parser.c", line 10734: warning: assignment type mismatch: pointer to const char "=" pointer to unsigned char "DOCBparser.c", line 5921: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype: prototype: pointer to const unsigned char : "./include/libxml/uri.h", line 63 argument : pointer to const char "DOCBparser.c", line 5921: warning: assignment type mismatch: pointer to const char "=" pointer to unsigned char "catalog.c", line 791: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype: prototype: pointer to const unsigned char : "./include/libxml/uri.h", line 63 argument : pointer to const char "catalog.c", line 791: warning: assignment type mismatch: pointer to const char "=" pointer to unsigned char "relaxng.c", line 6555: warning: argument #1 is incompatible with prototype: prototype: pointer to struct _xmlDoc {pointer to void _private, enum {XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE(21), XML_XINCLUDE_END(20), XML_XINCLUDE_START(19), XML_NAMESPACE_DECL(18), XML_ENTITY_DECL(17), XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL(16), XML_ELEMENT_DECL(15), XML_DTD_NODE(14), XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE(13), XML_NOTATION_NODE(12), XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE(11), XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE(10), XML_DOCUMENT_NODE(9), XML_COMMENT_NODE(8), XML_PI_NODE(7), XML_ENTITY_NODE(6), XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE(5), XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE(4), XML_TEXT_NODE(3), XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE(2), XML_ELEMENT_NODE(1)} type, pointer to char name, pointer to struct _xmlNode {..} children, pointer to struct _xmlNode {..} last, pointer to struct _xmlNode {..} parent, pointer to struct _xmlNode {..} next, pointer to struct _xmlNode {..} prev, pointer to struct _xmlDoc {..} doc, int compression, int standalone, pointer to struct _xmlDtd {..} intSubset, pointer to struct _xmlDtd {..} extSubset, pointer to struct _xmlNs {..} oldNs, pointer to const unsigned char version, pointer to const unsigned char encoding, pointer to void ids, pointer to void refs, pointer to const unsigned char URL, int charset} : "./include/libxml/tree.h", line 615 argument : pointer to struct _xmlRelaxNGDocument {pointer to struct _xmlRelaxNGDocument {..} next, pointer to unsigned char href, pointer to struct _xmlDoc {..} doc, pointer to struct _xmlRelaxNGDefine {..} content, pointer to struct _xmlRelaxNG {..} schema} Not that it really matters, but you may want to fix them.
Okay, that should be fixed in CVS now. Thanks for the report the warnings appear with gcc too but for some reason I forgot to pay attention. At least the last one was a real bug, not calling the right function. thanks Daniel
this should be closed by release of libxml2-2.5.8 thanks, Daniel