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Bug 111409 - JPEG2000 image format support
JPEG2000 image format support
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: Plugins
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 2.8
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
: 554028 631043 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-04-23 07:40 UTC by
Modified: 2010-10-01 08:21 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

gimp plugin jpeg2000 0.1.1 (126.17 KB, application/octet-stream)
2004-08-10 06:02 UTC, Florian TRAVERSE
Load JPEG 2000 (14.93 KB, patch)
2009-05-31 18:43 UTC, Aurimas Juška
committed Details | Review

Description 2003-04-23 07:40:16 UTC
It would be nice to have a plugin for JPEG2000 image import and export.
JPEG2000 is wavelet based image compression format rendering smaller image
sizes and better image quality comparing to standard JPEG one.
Comment 1 Sven Neumann 2003-04-23 12:45:50 UTC
AFAIK, there are legal issues with this file format. Again, the
plug-in should be provided by third-party authors.
Comment 2 Mukund Sivaraman 2003-04-24 10:43:43 UTC
The core system of JPEG2000 (which is about all that is required to
implement the save/load functionality) is licensed for free (it isn't
patent free).

Raph Levien doesn't have much to say for this file format (a very old
document -- things may have improved now):


Jasper is a free library which can be used:

Might be worth investigating. Adobe has recently introduced a JPEG2000
plug-in for Photoshop.

Comment 3 Raphaël Quinet 2003-04-24 13:07:33 UTC
Because of licensing problems due to the patents on the JPEG2000
format, we will probably not be able to distribute this plug-in as
part of the standard GIMP distribution, which should only contain GPL
or GPL-compatible code (see also bug #83362).  It should not be a
problem for a third-party author to distribute a JPEG2000 plug-in as a
separate package because the GIMP was designed to allow for plug-ins
with different licenses, including binary-only plug-ins or plug-ins
that are "free" but not "Free" (which would probably be the case for
the JPEG2000 plug-in).

It is unlikely that any GIMP developer could work on a JPEG2000
plug-in, but we can keep this bug report open until you find someone
who writes it.
Comment 4 Mukund Sivaraman 2003-04-24 15:30:46 UTC
Huh? Did you read the linked page? The patents associated with the
JPEG2000 standard are licensed royalty free for implementations and
their use.

Perhaps we should remove dockable dialogs, any form of layer
compositing, JPEG support (the Forgent patent on run length coding).

The JPEG2000 standard is a better standard than the JPEG standard as
far as patents go, because while there are parts of the original JPEG
standard which cannot be used royalty-free (IBM and Mitsubishi's
patents on arithmetic coding comes to mind immediately) known patents
on the core part of JPEG2000 have actually been made available for
royalty-free use.

We have a difference of opinion as before, and you are welcome to your
opinion. I am not going to opine anymore.

Comment 5 Raphaël Quinet 2003-04-24 17:24:38 UTC
Hmmm..  Sorry, I was wrong for the JPEG2000 patent stuff.  I should get
more sleep.  The core of JPEG2000 is licensed royalty-free for
everybody and this is compatible with the GPL.  So a GPL-compatible
plug-in for JPEG2000 could be part of the GIMP if someone writes it.
Thanks for correcting me.

As for the JPEG part, the Forgent issue is indeed a problem.  But as
far as I know, the other parts of the JPEG standard that were known to
be patented (used for example to achieve a better compression of black
and white images) are not supported by libjpeg and therefore not
supported by the GIMP and many other programs.
Comment 6 Mukund Sivaraman 2003-06-13 16:09:26 UTC
Even if the JPEG2000 standard can be implemented in a royalty-free
way, it does not mean that it is GPL compatible. This is the reason
why the FSF is still pushing for the W3C to reconsider their
royalty-free stance. This is because the patents associated with the
standards are licensed in a royalty-free way only for implementations
of the standard, whereas GPL'd source code can be used for any purpose.
Comment 7 Mukund Sivaraman 2003-06-13 16:11:56 UTC
Personally I feel patents should be taken with a grain of salt. Being
too conscious stalls development. Intellectual properly is an
important area and it should be kept in mind, but we do not have to
concern ourselves of the consequences of the use of patents outside
the scope of the GIMP project.

Comment 8 Alan Horkan 2003-07-23 18:41:29 UTC
Changes at the request of Dave Neary on the developer mailing list.  
I am changing many of the bugzilla reports that have not specified a target
milestone to Future milestone.  Hope that is acceptable.  
Comment 9 tobias 2003-08-19 13:42:47 UTC
I just found this:

The JasPer Project is an open-source initiative to provide a free
software-based reference implementation of the codec specified in the
JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1). This project was
started as a collaborative effort between Image Power, Inc. and the
University of British Columbia. Presently, the ongoing maintenance and
development of the JasPer software is being coordinated by its
principal author, Michael Adams, who is affiliated with the Digital
Signal Processing Group (DSPG) and Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria.
Comment 10 galeon 2004-01-15 16:59:17 UTC
A BSD licensed Jpeg 2000 encoder/decoder seems to be available at :
Comment 11 Florian TRAVERSE 2004-01-19 23:13:45 UTC
This probleme will be solved soon... I've opened my first JPG2000
(jp2) image 1 minute ago :o)

My plug-in, based on the jasper library, need some
improvement(progress bar, etc), the save/export abilitie, and a big
clean up(it's almost just gimp-plugin-template with no change but
main.c for the moment), but it works fine (it's just a little bit slow
with big images, but I hope it depends on jasper compilation flags):
the test with GRAY & RGB images is ok, need testing with graya/rgba
but it shouldn't matter.

The first beta version should be released soon :I hope in the current
week, but if not, it won't be released before 3 weeks because I will
be in hollidays next week.
Comment 12 Florian TRAVERSE 2004-08-10 05:53:31 UTC
As Joao S. O. Bueno asked me to attach my unfinished "draft" here, I've enhanced
it a little bit to be compilable with gimp 2.0.x.

It takes about 1min20 to open a 1024x768 rgb image with jasper 1.70.5, and about
40s for the same image with jasper 1.71 ...

It seems that the low performances doesn't come from jasper but from the API I
use to fill image with data... Any help would be nice.

Comment 13 Florian TRAVERSE 2004-08-10 06:02:02 UTC
Created attachment 30387 [details]
gimp plugin jpeg2000 0.1.1

My first make dist of my first C plugin of gimp, now working with 2.0.x,
opening jpeg2000 images. needs jasper to compile and work.
Comment 14 Dave Neary 2004-08-10 08:47:56 UTC
Your problems are here (in run): 

      guchar* buffer=malloc(jas_image_rawsize(jp_image));

You read the entire image into a buffer, and then set the entire buffer for the

The GIMP uses a tile-based structure internally, and usually JPEG type images
are capable of exploiting that somewhat by reading 8x8 blocks at a time, and
setting them. 

In import_jpeg2000 you read the image row by row, and then perform a pixel by
pixel operation to assign data. It would be interesting to see timing info for
the 2 calls, import_jpeg2000 and gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect. Now that I think about
it, I suppose that gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect takes care of tile information
itself, so that will probably be pretty quick.

To time this stuff, add the following:

time_t before, after;

/* After pixel_rgn_init */
before = time(NULL);

/* call import_jpeg2000 */

after = time(NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Time for jpeg2000 load: %d seconds\n", after - before);
before = after;

/* call set_rect */

after = time(NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "Time for jpeg2000 load: %d seconds\n", after - before);

I'd wager that of your 70 seconds, a good 65 are spent in import_jpeg2000. 

You could also compile your plug-in with -pg and do a profiling run on it.
Comment 15 Sven Neumann 2004-08-10 08:58:14 UTC
Bugzilla is really not the right place for such attachments. Please upload your
plug-in to the plug-in registry at

In order to improve performance, you should make sure that your plug-in sets the
tile cache to a reasonable size. It is also desirable to work on tiles, not on
rows or individual pixels. I see that your plug-in loads the full drawable into
memory before it passes it as a rectangle to gimp. This is a waste of memory and
can lead to problems with very large files.

Dave: If you want to get profiling data, time() is a bad choice because it gives
you a resolution of seconds only. You should be using GTimer
( instead.
Comment 16 Dave Neary 2004-08-10 09:32:57 UTC
Since this could be considered a work in progress, I don't mind if this
conversation stays in bugzilla. The only other place I can think of that would
be more appropriate is the devel list.

Florian: You might consider consolidating the plug-in into one file (following
the model of plug-ins in plug-ins/common in the main source tree) to facilitate
reading inline, rather than having to download, untar and so on. This would have
the additional benefit of allowing people to install your plug-in easily with

Sven: Thanks for the tip. I wasn't aware of timing stuff in glib. Since Florian
was talking about 70 seconds for a plug-in run, time would probably be fine
enough to prove the point. If there's a portable alternative that does
milliseconds, all the better.
Comment 17 Sven Neumann 2004-08-10 09:36:51 UTC
Well, I'd like not see any patent encumbered code in our bugzilla so please
refrain from further attachments. I don't mind discussung the code here or on
gimp-developer though.

Doing two function calls from the inner loop which is iterated over each
component of each pixel is definitely not making the code any faster. If the
jasper library doesn't provide a better way of accessing the image data, it
would be a very inefficient library then.
Comment 18 Dave Neary 2004-08-10 09:44:16 UTC
The code included here is calling a patent encumbered library, there's no patent
encumbered source in there... and I thought that the patent issue was more or
less addressed - jpeg2000 patents are licenced royalty free, and if that ever
changes, the plug-in can die.
Comment 19 Sven Neumann 2004-08-10 10:20:38 UTC
Using the directory structure and build system inspired by gimp-plugin-template
is a very good idea and I see no reason why Florian should change that. It makes
for a perfect package to distribute and at some point it will need translations
and help files also. So why should he use gimptool and a single C file?
Comment 20 Florian TRAVERSE 2004-08-10 20:05:26 UTC
I agree with sven: gimp-plugin-template is for me the best way to do, at least
for my first one, a C plugin (I've done some python-fu but that's all): a common
structure is much more readable, useful, and simpler to use for a beginer like me ;)

Without gimp-plugin-template I wouldn't have made this plugin! And I know what I
must do just by looking at the files I haven't edited (a kind of todo list).

And use is very simple! tar xzf xxx; cd xxx; ./ ; make all install

A lot of my code is adapted from ImageMagick sources, and also the load system:
when I've coded this, I was aware it wasn't the best solution, but as I'm not a
gimp guru at the moment, not jasper guru, I've simply done what I've understood
from both other gimp plugins sources and ImageMagick jasper interface.

I even don't know how to modify (and well, I only suppose that I
must change this file, I'm not sure!) to check for jasper when making configure,
neither have I an idea about how to using gettext for traductions...

I'm only an average programmer, very interested in Gimp :), and your help is
very apprecied ;)

Sven: can I attach patches or my main.c file next times on this bugzilla ? It's
in too early stage to be on gimp plugin registry...
Comment 21 Maurice 2004-10-04 22:47:15 UTC
News from "Jasper FAQ: Legal Issues
    * Is the JasPer software open source?
      Yes, the current JasPer license is an open source license and is based on
the MIT license."

Quote from JPEG Committee:
"JPEG 2000 was developed with the intention that Part 1 could be implemented
without the payment of licence fees or royalties, and a number of patent holders
have waived their rights toward this end."
The JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard is known as ISO/IEC 15444-1

Comment 22 Leon Brooks 2005-02-10 15:21:35 UTC
If nobody else (Florian?) is doing anything with this, I might have a go in the 
next few days (ready for a pillow right now). I've had a look at the RawPhoto 
plugin to see how it deals with tiles. It seems to be doing a row-wise load as 
well, but it is at least tile-aware. Are there other plugin examples kicking 
around which (suitably stripped) would make a better example/framework for 
reconciling Jasper and GIMP? 
Comment 23 Leon Brooks 2005-03-30 04:28:47 UTC
Still hoping for a constructive reply to this: 
"Are there other plugin examples kicking around which (suitably stripped) would 
make a better example/framework for reconciling Jasper and GIMP?" 
Comment 24 Michael Schumacher 2005-03-30 07:45:33 UTC
Well, the JPEG plug-in comes to mind - unless JPEG and JPEG2000 don't have
anything in common.
Comment 25 Michael Schumacher 2005-06-19 11:26:45 UTC
Leon, did you make any progress yet?
Comment 26 Michael Schumacher 2005-07-09 06:45:54 UTC
Comment 27 Martin Nordholts 2008-09-27 06:06:26 UTC
*** Bug 554028 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 28 Phillip M. Feldman 2008-09-27 15:52:15 UTC
It seems as though the project of developing a JPEG2000 plugin for GIMP died without ever producing a working plugin.  This is unfortunate.  JPEG2000
is significantly more space-efficient than ordinary JPEG for low-loss
compression.   Microsoft hasn't been interested in supporting the JPEG2000
standard, but Adobe, Corel, and others are supporting it.  Part of my
interest in this issue stems from the desire to migrate from Corel Photo
Album to GIMP, but can't do this until there is some mechanism for reading
this format in GIMP.
Comment 29 Michael Schumacher 2008-09-28 01:18:44 UTC
As long as there is no one who does work on this, JPEG2000 support will never happen. How about giving it a try yourself?

Comment 30 Phillip M. Feldman 2008-09-28 02:55:54 UTC
Most of my experience as a programmer is with numerical/statistical codes (linear systems, least squares, optimization, numerical integration, logistic regression, clustering analysis, etc.)  I can assist anyone who needs help in those areas, but I've never written a plugin, and have no experience with graphics programming except for a small amount of work with Matlab.
Comment 31 Phillip M. Feldman 2008-09-28 03:20:11 UTC
I download the guide to writing GIMP plugins (plug-in.pdf from and scanned through it.  Here are two specific things that I don't understand:

1. Let's suppose that I write a JPEG2000 plug-in for GIMP and that I tell GIMP to load the file "xyz.jp2".  How does GIMP know that it is supposed to use my plugin?  It seems as though there must be some table that gives the mapping between file extensions and plugins, but nothing like this is mentioned in the document that I read.

2. How does the interface between GIMP and my plugin code work?  Is my plugin compiled and linked into a DLL?
Comment 32 Martin Nordholts 2008-09-28 06:00:33 UTC
Hi Phillip! It's great that you seems interested in developing a JPEG2000 loader for GIMP, but please ask these questions on the gimp-developer mailing list or in the IRC channel #gimp @ Bug reports become so bloated otherwise.

I am going to answer your questions now, but please continue this discussion where more appropriate.

1. GIMP queries plug-ins at startup and it is in this stage the plug-ins says "Hi, I can load and save .bmps" or "Hi, I am a filter, put me here in <Image>/Image/Arrange". You can see how a typical file plug-in registers itself by looking at the query() routine for for example BMP:

2. Plug-ins are separate executables, not dll's. The communication between the GIMP process and the plug-in process happens through IO-pipes and shared memory  if the host OS supports shared memory.

I will be glad to answer further questions, but again, please continue this discussion on the gimp-developer mailing list or on the IRC channel, whichever you prefer.

Best regards,
Comment 33 Sven Neumann 2008-09-29 09:25:22 UTC
And please use instead of that hopelessly outdated site on sourceforge.
Comment 34 Michael Schumacher 2008-09-30 21:44:13 UTC
The plug-in that has been created during Summer of Code 2006 is available at It's not know if it does work currently, but it might be a base for future work.
Comment 35 WulfTheSaxon 2009-04-26 04:40:59 UTC
gtk-pixbuf has had JPEG 2000 read support via JasPer since 2.14.1. Shouldn't it be trivial to add support to the GIMP? Write support would certainly be great, but read support would be better than nothing... (I don't know C, or I'd offer to do it myself.)
Comment 36 Phillip M. Feldman 2009-04-26 18:01:49 UTC
I would like to migrate from Corel to GIMP, but can't do this until GIMP offers at least read support for JPEG2000 images.
Comment 37 Michael Schumacher 2009-04-27 11:08:43 UTC
Maybe you want to check if the plug-in mentioned in comment #34 does still work, and maybe you can maintain it so that it could be added to GIMP (it would be nice to have some figures on general JPEG2000 usage to support the cause then, though).

You can ask for advice on the gimp-developer mailing list is you run into problems.
Comment 38 Aurimas Juška 2009-05-31 18:43:06 UTC
Created attachment 135681 [details] [review]
Load JPEG 2000
Comment 39 Martin Nordholts 2009-05-31 19:15:23 UTC
Cool, looks like 2.8 material.
Comment 40 Michael Natterer 2009-06-01 14:25:09 UTC
Indeed, also almost perfect coding-style wise.
Comment 41 Michael Natterer 2009-06-01 16:47:58 UTC
Committed with some minor changes to master.
Comment 42 Michael Schumacher 2010-10-01 08:21:23 UTC
*** Bug 631043 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***