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Bug 110536 - srcore exits when gnopernicus is loaded.
srcore exits when gnopernicus is loaded.
Product: gnopernicus
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other opensolaris
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: firm
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-04-11 09:31 UTC by clifton lockhart
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.1/2.2

Description clifton lockhart 2003-04-11 09:31:31 UTC
As soon as gnopernicus is loaded an error message indictating "srcore
exited" is seen. (Gnopernicus built from HEAD)

Error message:

Bonobo accessibility support initialized
GTK Accessibility Module initialized
Atk Accessibilty bridge initialized
Xlib:  extension "RENDER" missing on display "bark:0.0".

        speech initialization succeded

        Exception "Unknown CORBA exception id:
''" occured at line 368.

        srcore exited.
Comment 1 Adi Dascal 2003-04-11 13:26:08 UTC
I assume that this is happening with the new stack of gnome 2.2, the
stack from 11 Apr 2003. Is this correct?
Messages like "Xlib:  extension "RENDER" missing on display
"bark:0.0"." do NOT appear to us in the current configuration, so it
should be something diffrent from the 27 mar stack.

With the stack from 27 Mar 2003 and gnopernicus from CVS I can NOT
reproduce the problem that you are indicating. I will try to reproduce
it with the new stack (when it would be available), but I _assume_
that is a problem of servers of gnome-speech being installed without
actual support (bugs on this are already filed in bugzilla).
Comment 2 Patrick Wade 2003-04-11 13:36:25 UTC
I see this problem with Gnopernicus too. srcore exits immediately.
Very frustrating - the application is unuseable. :(

I do not get the 'Xlib:  extension "RENDER" ' message, so I think
that it is unrelated.

Comment 3 Adi Dascal 2003-04-11 14:42:10 UTC
I am sure that the problem with Xlib is unrelated. I only wanted to
prove that Clifton is using a diffrent stack from what I do. Today was
 released a new stack of gnome-2.2 which is not uploaded, yet, on (I know that this takes
time, meaning from releasing it to making it public). I thought that
the problem apears on that stack only.

Because you seem to reproduce it, you would be of much help if you
could give me some more information about what TTS engines are
installed on your machine and to verify if the below instructions
solve the problem.

There is an old problem that I know about, but I described it on so
many lists that I thought it is well known (I will  describe it in the
README file too, until the bugs related to gnome-speech will be solved).

Description:if in your gconf files of gnopernicus you do have a
festival voice asociated to a name, role etc voice, but you don't have
"festival" program in /gnome-2.2/bin (or somewhere "reachale") and the
system voice of ViaVoice than the following behaviour occurs: you will
hear "welcome to gnopernicus" and than hanging occurs because
gnopernicus is trying to use a festival voice.
gnome-speech is not notyfing gnopernicus that it could not execute
and misbihaviour occurs. This type of problems occurs with the other
drivers too, so, please:
- erase gnome-speech servers (from /gnome-2.2/lib/bonobo/servers )
that has no support on your machine.
Eg1. if you have a stack that has *FreeTTS.server and you did not
build gnome-speech with --with-freetts-driver parameter, please erase it.
Eg2. If you have a stack that has
GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_Festival.server, but you don't have
"festival" in /gnome-2.2/bin please copy it there or erase it.
Eg3: If you have a stack that has 
GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_Viavoice.server than please test with
test-speech if it is working for you. If it is, do nothing with it.
On my system I was not able to use that driver so I reinstalled
gnome-speech and it worked for me.(It is the recommended way).
In the current stack this problem might be solved (if you use viavoice
provided on

Note : The problems that I am acusing above are well known (bugs are
filed for gnome-speech about them) and hopefully they will be solved soon.

If there will be a confirmation about what I said above, I will
introduce dependecy of this bug to the gnome-speech bugs :#105297 and

Comment 4 padraig.obriain 2003-06-19 09:45:08 UTC
This bugs no longer occurs.