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Bug 109176 - make_directory and umask
make_directory and umask
Product: gnome-vfs
Classification: Deprecated
Component: File operations
cvs (head)
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-vfs maintainers
gnome-vfs maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-25 20:10 UTC by Owen Taylor
Modified: 2008-09-06 19:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Owen Taylor 2003-03-25 20:10:48 UTC
This is sort of a doc bug, sort of an API bug.

The GNOME VFS docs say nothing about the interaction
of make_directory() with the umask. Isn't that just 
a UNIX file system detail? 

Well, yes it's a UNIX file system detail, but no, 
because it affects the what permissions you pass in. 
You need to pass in GROUP_ALL because 0775 should be 
the directory mask on operating systems like Red Hat linux 
using a user-private-group scheme. But you might
think that was unsafe on systems that 

I think there probably should be a predefined define
for the value:



since it virtually always is the value you want here:

 - You want group all as discussed above
 - But you shouldn't have OTHER_ALL because if you 
   create network directories, on systems without 
   the concept of umask, you don't want them world
   writable. (Systems without umask probably don't
   don't have groups)

   Actually, most of the GNOME vfs modules just
   ignore the permissions field, but I still wouldn't
   feel safe passing in OTHER_ALL.

Anyways, the docs need to discuss this issue at a minimum.
Comment 1 Alexander Larsson 2003-04-01 08:20:28 UTC
"But you might think that was unsafe on systems that"
This got cut of.  I'm not sure what you meant.

What exactly is it you want documented? make_directory for local files
does use mkdir, so it follows umask. For remote files the umask
currently doesn't affect anything.

I agree with wanting the define though. Just need to come up with a
Comment 2 Owen Taylor 2003-04-01 16:39:37 UTC
"on systems that don't use user private groups" - that
is, on a standard Unix system, creating a directory
with permissions 0775 would allow it to be written
to be all other users on the system, since everybody
is typically in a 'users' group.

I basically would want documented:

 "for some backends the permissions passed in will 
  be modified by system policy. For instance, for
  the file backend, the current umask is AND'ed
  with the permissions passed in to give the 
  actual permissions used. In general, you should
  permission field; other values may produce 
  unexpected results due to differences between

(Or you could explain more about the reasoning
Comment 3 Jonathan Polley 2004-08-28 15:32:57 UTC
I was recently surprised by the file chooser creating a directory with different
permissions than mkdir does.  As an example:

jonathan@neokiwi:~$ mkdir mkdir
jonathan@neokiwi:~$ ls -ld mkdir
drwxr-xr-x  2 jonathan jonathan 4096 2004-08-28 11:19 mkdir/

(make a directory with the file chooser)
jonathan@neokiwi:~$ ls -ld chooser
drwxr-xr--  2 jonathan jonathan 4096 2004-08-28 11:22 chooser/

And just for comparison, I also made a directory with nautilus:
jonathan@neokiwi:~$ ls -ld nautilus
drwxr-xr-x  2 jonathan jonathan 4096 2004-08-28 11:23 nautilus/

I think that using the chooser should result in the same set of permissions as
the "normal" means of creating directories.

Version info:
jonathan@neokiwi:~$ pkg-config --modversion libgnome-2.0
I am using the packages currently in Debian unstable.
Comment 4 André Klapper 2008-09-06 19:17:35 UTC
gnome-vfs has been deprecated and superseded by gio/gvfs since GNOME 2.22, hence mass-closing many of the gnome-vfs requests/bug reports. This means that gnome-vfs is NOT actively maintained anymore, however patches are still welcome.

If your reported issue is still valid for gio/gvfs, please feel free to file a bug report against glib/gio or gvfs.

@Bugzilla mail recipients: query for gnome-vfs-mass-close to get rid of these notification emails all together.

General further information: 
Reasons behind this decision are listed at