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Bug 108329 - xmlSaveFile needs to be more robust
xmlSaveFile needs to be more robust
Product: libxml2
Classification: Platform
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Daniel Veillard
Daniel Veillard
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-13 17:53 UTC by Jeffrey Stedfast
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Jeffrey Stedfast 2003-03-13 17:53:36 UTC
This is actually a problem in both libxml1 and 2

xmlSaveFile is not very good wrt reporting errors to the caller. For
example, it is possible for xmlSaveFile (and friends) to return success
even when an error occured [1]. Also, if an error occurs, it is impossible
for the caller to know why because errno gets clobbered.

[1] Note that FILE* is buffered and so even if fwrite() passes, the data is
not necessarily flushed to disk until fclose() which can fail. One possible
solution is to fflush() the FILE* stream and handle any error cases. I
personally prefer lower-level i/o, but I can certainly understand you
wanting to use FILE*.

anyways, below is an example implementation that properly checks handles
errors and saves errno for unrecoverable errors so that our caller can
decide what to do:

xmlSaveFile (const char *filename, xmlDocPtr doc)
	size_t n, written = 0;
	int ret, fd, size;
	int errnosave;
	char *xmlbuf;
	ssize_t w;
	if ((fd = open (filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) == -1)
		return -1;
	xmlDocDumpFormatMemory (doc, (xmlChar **) &xmlbuf, &size, TRUE);
	if (size <= 0) {
		close (fd);
		unlink (filename);
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return -1;
	n = (size_t) size;
	do {
		do {
			w = write (fd, xmlbuf + written, n - written);
		} while (w == -1 && errno == EINTR);
		if (w > 0)
			written += w;
	} while (w != -1 && written < n);
	xmlFree (xmlbuf);
	if (written < n || fsync (fd) == -1) {
		errnosave = errno;
		close (fd);
		unlink (filename);
		errno = errnosave;
		return -1;
	while ((ret = close (fd)) == -1 && errno == EINTR)
	if (ret == -1)
		return -1;
	return 0;
Comment 1 Daniel Veillard 2003-03-13 22:24:57 UTC
Hum, that piece of code is unusable as is... there is a whole
familly of xmlSave...File functions with a lot more option,
including compression etc. 
Anyway, streaming was deemed more important than error reporting.
The current version of xmlSaveFormatFileEnc() which is where
the save is being handled is:

    buf = xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename(filename, handler,
    if (buf == NULL) return(-1);

    xmlDocContentDumpOutput(buf, cur, encoding, format);

    ret = xmlOutputBufferClose(buf);

 If you want more control over your I/O, that's perfectly possible
by using the I/O layer and defining your own handlers. See



  int     xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks (
                        xmlOutputMatchCallback matchFunc,
                        xmlOutputOpenCallback openFunc,
                        xmlOutputWriteCallback writeFunc,
                        xmlOutputCloseCallback closeFunc);

  Define a matchFunc which will accept the filenames, and
define your own open/write/close functions with the associated

Again I think streaming is far more important than doing those
check, so I don't really consider this a bug, we differ on 
implementation decisions, but since it seems there is a way for
you to keep a fine control over the I/O the status-quo sounds
reasonnable to me.

Comment 2 Jeffrey Stedfast 2003-03-17 04:14:26 UTC
it should at least do proper error checking so that it can return -1
on fail. the way it is now, you can't even depend on *that*.

errno preservation is just a bonus.
Comment 3 Daniel Veillard 2003-03-25 12:38:20 UTC
Okay reopened, I may find the time to propagate errors in some way.

Comment 4 Daniel Veillard 2003-10-21 12:56:20 UTC
Check the error handling code in release libxml2-2.6.0, I think
such problems are now trapped and provided back though a callback
or via a global error status. The errno code is preserved as an
internal libxml2 error value.