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Bug 108047 - multiple inheritance problem in IDL compiler
multiple inheritance problem in IDL compiler
Product: orbit-cpp
Classification: Deprecated
Component: idl-compiler
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: ÉRDI Gergõ
ÉRDI Gergõ
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-10 21:46 UTC by Bowie Owens
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.1/2.2

Description Bowie Owens 2003-03-10 21:46:30 UTC
I am having some difficulty with ORBit cpp (orbitcpp-1.3.4, ORBit2-2.6.0)
and multiple inheritance of interfaces. I have the following file mi.idl:

module foo {

       interface Symbol {
               string name();

       interface Hash {
               long hash();

       interface Variable : Symbol, Hash {

Compiling the idl and then the stubs file causes problems with multiple
definition of Hash::hash() where the second definition should probably be

[owe043@phi bug]$ orbit-idl-2 mi.idl ; orbit-idl-2 -l cpp mi.idl ; g++ -c `pkg-config ORBit-2.0-cpp --cflags`
orbit-idl-2 2.6.0 compiling
 mode, show preprocessor errors, passes: stubs skels common headers
skel_impl imodule

orbit-idl-2 2.6.0 compiling
 mode, show preprocessor errors, passes: stubs skels common headers
skel_impl imodule

** (process:4194): WARNING **: orbit_idl_backend_func

In file included from redefinition of `Long _orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::hash()' `Long _orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::hash()' previously
  defined here no `Long _orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::hash()' member
  function declared in class `_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash' confused by earlier errors, bailing out

Below is the contents of mi-cpp-stubs.cpp.

// -----------------------------------------------------
// generated by orbitcpp, do not edit
// -----------------------------------------------------
#include "mi-cpp-stubs.h"
// Stub code -------------------------------------------
        char * _orbitcpp::stub::foo::Symbol::name ()
        ::_orbitcpp::CEnvironment _ev;
        char *_retval = foo_Symbol_name (_orbitcpp_cobj (), 
_ev._orbitcpp_cobj ());
        _ev.propagate_sysex ();
                if (_ev->_major == ::CORBA_USER_EXCEPTION)
                throw CORBA::UnknownUserException();
        return _retval;
_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Symbol::Symbol (foo_Symbol cobject, bool take_copy
/*= false */):
CORBA::Object(cobject, take_copy)
        ::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Symbol *
_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Symbol::_orbitcpp_wrap (foo_Symbol cobject, bool
take_copy /* = false */)
        return new ::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Symbol (cobject, take_copy);
        CORBA::Long _orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::hash ()
        ::_orbitcpp::CEnvironment _ev;
        CORBA::Long _retval = foo_Hash_hash (_orbitcpp_cobj (), 
_ev._orbitcpp_cobj ());
        _ev.propagate_sysex ();
                if (_ev->_major == ::CORBA_USER_EXCEPTION)
                throw CORBA::UnknownUserException();
        return _retval;
_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::Hash (foo_Hash cobject, bool take_copy /*=
false */):
CORBA::Object(cobject, take_copy)
        ::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash *
_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::_orbitcpp_wrap (foo_Hash cobject, bool
take_copy /* = false */)
        return new ::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash (cobject, take_copy);
        CORBA::Long _orbitcpp::stub::foo::Hash::hash ()
        ::_orbitcpp::CEnvironment _ev;
        CORBA::Long _retval = foo_Hash_hash (_orbitcpp_cobj (), 
_ev._orbitcpp_cobj ());
        _ev.propagate_sysex ();
                if (_ev->_major == ::CORBA_USER_EXCEPTION)
                throw CORBA::UnknownUserException();
        return _retval;
_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Variable::Variable (foo_Variable cobject, bool
take_copy /*= false */):
::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Symbol(cobject, take_copy)
        ::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Variable *
_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Variable::_orbitcpp_wrap (foo_Variable cobject, bool
take_copy /* = false */)
        return new ::_orbitcpp::stub::foo::Variable (cobject, take_copy);
Comment 1 ÉRDI Gergõ 2003-03-11 17:55:05 UTC
Fixed in CVS HEAD