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Bug 107383 - To many menu options in contex menu
To many menu options in contex menu
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: File and Folder Operations
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-02 09:32 UTC by Chris Chabot
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Description Chris Chabot 2003-03-02 09:32:18 UTC
When you right-click a file in nautilus, you are given about 15 menu
options . With file-roler installed and right-clicking an archive this
increases to 19 options.

It would seem to me that bringing down that number significantly would make
it a lot easier to comprehend and use for end-users (i remeber reading in
some usability docs that upto 6 to 8 is optimal)

A few things that i considere prime candidates for changing in the context

- Why not change "Include delete command that bypasses trash" to "Do not
move files to trash but delete directly" ? Having 2 choices for removing
files seems to much

- Remove the 'scripts' menu item. Distro's i've tried did not come with
scripts and can't think of a place where i could find them either.. Feels
like a option from a time when nautilus was seperate from the gnome core.
It would make more sense if apps add menu options to that context menu
(such as file-roler with archive options)

- Move the archive context menu into a "Archive" sub menu (extract here,
extract to, extract in a sub folder). Ps, maybe not a nautilus thing, but
why have a difference between extract to and extract in a sub-folder? Isnt
that the same thing?

- Duplicate: Copy & Paste has the same effect (Copy of file.ext) so why the
double option?

- Stretch icon / Restore icon size: Great feature, but i never used it my
self. I can't imagine ppl resizing their icons all day and every day, so
maybe remove it from the context menu and let ppl use it thru the "Edit" menu?

In the normal / whitespace context menu:

- Scripts, as above

- New window: I'm used to finding this in the 'File' menu as it is with
browsers/etc. Does it need to be in this menu?

- Zoom in / out / Normal size: The zoom controls are already in the
toolbar, why include it here to?

- Use default background: Wouldn't this be better at home in the
"Background and emblems" dialog? Changing backgrounds is not something i do
often (if ever), so why have it in the context menu?

I think these changes would make nautilus simpler, more intuitive and less
intimidating to use for and end-user without loosing any features
Comment 1 Mark Finlay 2003-03-02 19:54:11 UTC
> Why not change "Include delete command that bypasses trash" to "Do not
> move files to trash but delete directly" ? Having 2 choices for removing
> files seems to much

Just because you want a delete option doesn't mean that you never
want to use the trash again.

> Remove the 'scripts' menu item

Scripts are an extrememly important nautilus feature to a lot of users.
Maybe they belong somewhere else, but they certainly should not be

>Move the archive context menu into a "Archive" sub menu (extract here,
> extract to, extract in a sub folder). 

These items only show up for archives and context menus should not have
sub-mens if at all possible

> Duplicate: Copy & Paste has the same effect (Copy of file.ext) so
why the
> double option?

Because Duplicate is a common function and is useful :) , see also bug

> Stretch icon / Restore icon size: Great feature, but i never used it my
> self. I can't imagine ppl resizing their icons all day and every day, so
> maybe remove it from the context menu and let ppl use it thru the
"Edit" menu?

Not sure - it really needs to be in the context menu, if anywhere

> New window: I'm used to finding this in the 'File' menu as it is with
> browsers/etc. Does it need to be in this menu?

bug 82463

> Zoom in / out / Normal size: The zoom controls are already in the
> toolbar, why include it here to?

Because they are operation on the background

> Use default background: Wouldn't this be better at home in the
> "Background and emblems" dialog? Changing backgrounds is not
something i do
> often (if ever), so why have it in the context menu?

Kinda of agree, but then again i don't use custom backgrounds.
Removing this
item might totally break that feature. Not sure what the plans are for


These issues really need to be discussed on the list and if any/all
of them are valid they need to be filed as sepporate bugs (assuming
that they are not in bugzilla already). Marking as INVALID
Comment 2 Reinout van Schouwen 2003-03-03 22:25:01 UTC
Mark: it's still possible to dnd something to the Trash. Chris'
suggestion makes a lot of sense IMO.