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Bug 107379 - 'Open with' option: Intergrate with filetypes preferences and make simpler?
'Open with' option: Intergrate with filetypes preferences and make simpler?
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Desktop
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-03-02 08:34 UTC by Chris Chabot
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Well I did do this mockup a while back (123.06 KB, image/png)
2003-03-02 20:26 UTC, Mark Finlay

Description Chris Chabot 2003-03-02 08:34:13 UTC
One feature i miss a lot in gnome2 is to right-click a file on the desktop
or in the file manager, select open-with and get a new window with options
(where aplicable) and the option to select another program (run dialog?)
and 'always use this' checkbox..

Currently open with has a sub-menu, which then has a few options if it
knows of programs that can handle the file, "Other Application" and "Other
Viewer". Now i do not think a beginning user knows what the diff is. Worse,
they seem to open the same screen for for quite a few files.. puzzeling and
confusing. Going there, i am greeted by a complex and tech-looking dialog,
 a "modify" button that gives me a slew of weird options; A "go there"
button that brings me to a more complicated dialog that make no sense to
me, and no way to go back to where i was before.. Also the name "Choose" is
confusing.. i would expect a selection dialog there (choose a program
right?) but instead it seems to run the app.. All in all a lot of places to
get lost and confused; Not to mention generaly intimitated by the desktop.

It would be simpler if we had one default inline-viewer for nautilus (and
hide that prefs in a control center dialog) and open-with would directly
open the "Open with other application" dialog.

That dialog shows a list of programs that are appropiate (preferably icon +
app name, maybe lift that code from the run dialog?), a "other program"
button (opens a file selector) and a "Always use this program for files of
this type" option/checkbox.

I think in this way ppl would be more confident in using this feature, and
be less confused/intimidated. Using wording such as "Always use for files
of this type" sounds a lot less intimidating then things like "default for
tar archive (gzip compressed)".. i would hide most mime-type names from the
users, especialy 

The ability to choose "Don't show this program as an option for this type",
"Show in menu" and "make default for this file / all files" in the
"open-with" menu is a bit more power then users need (and over complex). 

I could understand that having all these extra options for customising how
your OS behaves do have value, but making them accesable thru nautilus
menu's seems a bit overkill, and would make it to hard to use for end-users.
Comment 1 Mark Finlay 2003-03-02 19:55:31 UTC
Nautilus's "Open With" is really totally messed up ATM. It needs 
an overhaul. IMHO it is easier to start working on what it should
be like than the problems with the current implementation.
Comment 2 Chris Chabot 2003-03-02 20:20:10 UTC
If would make open-with a non-submenu, and you would lift the run-
dialog code for displaying a list of apps (with the added 
functionality that it displays only appropiate apps) you could get 
there pretty quickly i would hope.. Ah, it is bliss to be ignorant ;-

Is there any way i can help more? Glade mockups? Write simple specs?
Comment 3 Mark Finlay 2003-03-02 20:26:09 UTC
Created attachment 14734 [details]
Well I did do this mockup a while back
Comment 4 Mark Finlay 2003-03-02 20:28:14 UTC
Also, I think that this might be being worked on over
at Don't know how relevent it is to the 
actual ui.
Comment 5 Chris Chabot 2003-03-09 22:14:38 UTC
Sorry about the double-spam. Went to close the wrong bug-bookmark.
Remarking as 'need info' though since we kinda agreed this should be
mailing list material first
Comment 6 Martin Wehner 2004-09-16 21:27:38 UTC
The whole mime association stuff has been reworked since this bug was filed.