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Bug 106684 - No info on themeing locationbar
No info on themeing locationbar
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Backgrounds Emblems and Themes
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-02-21 08:02 UTC by Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
Modified: 2006-08-18 11:06 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Description Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller 2003-02-21 08:02:07 UTC
I am trying to make a GTK+ 2.2 theme as part of my SVG themeing effort. One
of the last remaining issues is the themeing of the Nautilus locationbar.
What I want to do is add a line in my gtkrc to use a pixmap as background
for that toolbar as I already have for the menubar and toolbar. I tried
asking in #gnome-art and some of the guys there tried looking into the
Nautilus code to  help me out, but they did not manage to find anything.
Any help to solve this issue would be appreciated. I will write a full
themeing doc based on my effort so any assistance with this would
potentially help many theme makers.
Comment 1 Alexander Larsson 2003-02-21 17:00:36 UTC
The widget is a NautilusLocationBar, maybe that helps you?
Comment 2 Andrew Johnson 2003-02-21 19:34:53 UTC
Theming the NatuilusLocationBar does not work properly it apears,
probably because it is an hbox and not really a toolbar. for instance 

style "blue-LocationBar" {
  fg[NORMAL] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
  bg[NORMAL]   = { 0.30,0.35,0.65 }

widget_class "*LocationBar*" style "blue-LocationBar"

only affects the location label, and about 1-2 pixels around the
location entry, not the whole bar as it should. I would guess this is
actually a bug, though it is possible it is still themable by some
other means. I just cannot think of any atm.
Comment 3 Alexander Larsson 2003-03-19 18:07:38 UTC
It is possible. The nostalgia theme does this:
Comment 4 Andrew Johnson 2003-03-19 19:55:49 UTC
I still see nothing to indicate it is possible. Nostalgia does not
theme the location bar. Notice that the locationbar is actually the
same pixmap as a blank window, Nostalgia themes the window, and since
the locationbar is an hbox and does not draw itself, it thus apears
with the same background pixmap as the window, notice it does _not_
match other toolbars. When the window is no longer themed, neither is
the locationbar. So in the situation where the locationbar should have
a different pixmap then the window, it does not work. 
Comment 5 Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller 2003-04-01 20:41:24 UTC
Doing some testing today I discovred that the theme element in pixmaps
themes that today theme the location bar is:
style "Window" {   
    engine "pixmap" {
        image {
            function        = FLAT_BOX
            recolorable     = TRUE
            file            = "window_background.png"
            stretch         = FALSE

class "*Window*" style "Window"

This of course shows that there is no proper themeing available for
the location_bar, as setting there are many examples of when the
window background and location bar background do not mix.
Comment 6 Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller 2004-03-16 12:07:00 UTC
Moving this to the right component
Comment 7 Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller 2004-12-05 15:30:52 UTC
Since there is a huge refactoring of Nautilus going on, to remove bonobo stuff,
I thought I should re-ping on this bug so maybe it could be fixed along with the
other changes.
Comment 8 Baptiste Mille-Mathias 2006-08-18 11:06:43 UTC
As the location bar and whole nautilus theming was moved to gtk + icons theme, I think this bug can be closed now.