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Bug 105974 - Some of the dialog boxes go behind the nautilus window.
Some of the dialog boxes go behind the nautilus window.
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: File and Folder Operations
0.x.x [obsolete]
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-02-13 11:32 UTC by Kaushal Kumar
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Kaushal Kumar 2003-02-13 11:32:13 UTC
There are many functions like real_file_limit_reached,
open_scripts_folder_callback, delete_callback, etc which call
fm_directory_view_get_containing_window to get the parent window for their
respective dialog boxes. All these dialog boxes are found to go behind
the nautilus window when the nautilus window is clicked. This indicates
that fm_directory_view_get_containing_window is not returning the correct
parent window.
In the function fm_directory_view_get_containing_window, it is found that
window = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (view), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW) is
not returning the correct window i.e. the nautilus window. 

It can be changed to  window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (view));
which returns the correct window. Attaching the patch.
Comment 1 Kaushal Kumar 2003-02-13 11:52:48 UTC
I am not able to create the attachment. An error comes,

No file was provided, or it was empty.
Please hit Back and try again.

Anyways, its just a one line patch so it can be tried easily.
-       window = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (view),
+       window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (view));
Comment 2 Kaushal Kumar 2003-02-25 04:41:38 UTC
Index: nautilus/ChangeLog
RCS file: /export/cvs/gnome-2.0/nautilus/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.5696
diff -p -u -5 -r1.5696 ChangeLog
--- nautilus/ChangeLog  2003/02/13 09:52:13     1.5696
+++ nautilus/ChangeLog  2003/02/13 11:25:58
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+2003-02-13  Kaushal Kumar <>
+       * src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c
+       Parent window returning function changed.
 2003-02-13  Alexander Larsson  <>

        * src/nautilus-server-connect.c:
        Include locale.h. (#105756)

Index: nautilus/src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.561
diff -p -u -5 -r1.561 fm-directory-view.c
--- nautilus/src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c       2003/01/20
17:29:21     1.561
+++ nautilus/src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c       2003/02/13
@@ -461,11 +461,11 @@ fm_directory_view_get_containing_window
        GtkWidget *window;

        g_assert (FM_IS_DIRECTORY_VIEW (view));

-       window = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (view),
+       window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (view));
        if (window == NULL) {
                return NULL;

        return GTK_WINDOW (window);
Comment 3 Matthew Gatto 2004-03-13 03:45:28 UTC
So this is fixed? Closing as such.