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Bug 104641 - Rethink UI of balloon messages
Rethink UI of balloon messages
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: notification area
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
: 113803 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-01-28 16:08 UTC by Ross Burton
Modified: 2014-12-29 18:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

intial patch against gnome-panel- (2.10 KB, patch)
2003-01-29 23:19 UTC, Ian Campbell
needs-work Details | Review

Description Ross Burton 2003-01-28 16:08:11 UTC
If I send a message to the notification area (using EggTrayIcon), the
message never times out.
Comment 1 Havoc Pennington 2003-01-28 17:42:12 UTC
The balloon messages feature is basically not implemented. 
You shouldn't use it unless you're going to fix it. ;-)
(I would encourage you to fix it, though.)
Comment 2 Ian Campbell 2003-01-29 23:19:10 UTC
Created attachment 13935 [details] [review]
intial patch against gnome-panel-
Comment 3 Havoc Pennington 2003-01-29 23:22:06 UTC
One thing I just remembered, KDE didn't like the balloon part of the 
spec, so we should probably bring it up on xdg-list again or rename
the atoms relating to that to the _GNOME namespace.

Ross does this patch work with your app?
Comment 4 Ross Burton 2003-01-30 10:49:50 UTC
Sure does, excellent. :)
Comment 5 Havoc Pennington 2003-01-30 14:10:33 UTC
One note on the patch, current_balloon should not be a global variable; 
it should be stored on the EggTrayManager, just as a struct field
instead of as object data would be fine.

Also, shouldn't you be able to queue up multiple messages and handle 
that sanely somehow via the UI? 
Comment 6 Ross Burton 2003-01-30 14:18:52 UTC
I believe that using tooltips for messages is a bad idea for this reason.

My tool was going to send multiple messages, but if the all appear as
tooltips then only the latest one will be visible, which is not good.

Maybe MSN Messenger like scrolling windows would be better.
Comment 7 Havoc Pennington 2003-01-30 16:00:30 UTC
Have a look at how Windows XP works here. I think it shows each tip as
you close the previous one, or something.

A log-viewerish display might be interesting too I guess.

It's probably worth stepping back here for a minute and doing a 
real UI design for the notification area - either that or basically 
just copying Windows XP's UI design.

Ideally we could support a cross-platform API in GTK that worked on XP
and GNOME, so that may affect how we want to design it.
Comment 8 Calum Benson 2003-03-24 13:40:59 UTC
The XP mechanism probably isn't *quite* as straightforward as showing
multiple balloons sequentially, as it also has the notion of
severity... so I'd hope (but I don't know) that a warning balloon
would automatically override an information balloon.
Comment 9 Mark McLoughlin 2003-07-02 09:08:07 UTC
Removing PATCH keyword as Havoc had issues with it
Comment 10 Mark McLoughlin 2004-02-04 10:03:33 UTC
Re-assigning to gnome-panel-maint. Apologies for the spam.
Comment 11 Mark McLoughlin 2004-02-04 10:29:36 UTC
*** Bug 113803 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Nick Dimiduk 2004-04-29 16:47:56 UTC
Comment on attachment 13935 [details] [review]
intial patch against gnome-panel-

UI design decision needs to be made before moving forward.
Comment 13 Vincent Untz 2005-01-01 18:16:10 UTC
> It's probably worth stepping back here for a minute and doing a 
> real UI design for the notification area - either that or basically 
> just copying Windows XP's UI design.

This has been a long time since we've stepped back. Is there any news on UI
design for this?
Comment 14 Seth Nickell 2005-01-02 23:54:10 UTC
Windows XP does have a real problem here. Logging onto many computers (for
example, with the Dell factory defaults) results in a long flood of closing
balloons. Incredibly annoying. My gut feel is that balloons should only be used
for transient / relatively unimportant information anyway, so it'd be better to
have them pop up and automatically dismiss... but this has problems too. Not
sure what to do here. A lot of it is dependent on the question of "how
responsibly will balloons be used"?
Comment 15 Vincent Untz 2006-08-15 14:44:01 UTC
I committed a (big) patch that make balloon messages work. Here's the current way it works now:

 + each tray icon can display one message at a time
 + when the user clicks on the message, or after the timeout of the message, the next message for this tray icon is displayed (yes, we buffer next messages)

There's no notion of severity since the system tray spec doesn't allow this. Also, having a kind of log viewer (as proposed in comment #7) might help.

The thing is, libnotify is getting a lot of love. We should either kill the messaging part of the notification area or kill libnotify (having both doesn't sound useful to me). But this is probably xdg matter.

Keeping the bug open as a "Rethink UI of balloon messages" :-)
Comment 16 Alberts Muktupāvels 2014-12-29 18:30:09 UTC
Thanks for taking the time to report this bug.
However, you are using a version that is too old and not supported anymore. GNOME developers are no longer working on that version, so unfortunately there will not be any bug fixes for the version that you use.

By upgrading to a newer version of GNOME you could receive bug fixes and new functionality. You may need to upgrade your Linux distribution to obtain a newer version of GNOME.
Please feel free to reopen this bug if the problem still occurs with a newer version of GNOME.