GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 104232
Inappropriate german translation of "accessibility"
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
Package: control-center Severity: major Version: 2.2.0 Synopsis: Inappropriate german translation of "accessibility" Bugzilla-Product: control-center Bugzilla-Component: general Description: Description of Problem: The "accessibility" area in the current release of control center (debian package 2.2.0-1) has a german translation of "Barrierefreiheit", which roughly translates to "freedom from barriers". I find this translation highly inappropriate, because it specifically points out barriers a disabled person may have. You might also argue it promises to fix them (which it ofcourse can't). Additionaly, the Terms "Barrierefreiheit" and "barrierefrei" are used in a few other translated places(like the title of the keyboard accessibility settings and some tooltips i think). A better translation may be "Zugangshilfen", or "Zugriffshilfen" as it was in the past. I sincerely hope that this will be fixed in the final release of Gnome 2.2. ------- Bug moved to this database by 2003-01-23 09:56 ------- The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here. Reassigning to the exporter, Reassigning to the default owner of the component,
"Barrierefreiheit" is a term of professional language that means "providing facilites so that an environment imposes less barriers to people" and isn't even necessarily about disabilities. There is no need to make up new terms that convey the meaning badly, like the reporter proposes or like Microsoft did. We've had the discussion on gnome-de. This is NOTABUG. I've forwarded this to the responsible translator, however, as he can explain the reasoning more clearly.
Benjamin: Thanks for reporting Excerpt from a hard of hearing organisation Definition Barrierefreiheit – allgemeine Definition, die dann in den anderen Vorschriften über Barrierefreiheit ergänzend herangezogen werden können. Vor allem sollte klargestellt werden, daß Barrierefreiheit Zugänglichkeit für alle Behinderte (Gehbehinderte, Rollstuhlfahrer, Sehbehinderte, Blinde, Gehörlose, Schwerhörige) bedeutet, grundsätzlich über den üblichen Zugang erfolgen muss und einen Zugang ohne fremde Hilfe ermöglichen muss; Nutzung darf nicht vermeidbar erschwert sein. Die Nutzung darf nicht beschränkt sein auf die Zweckentsprechende Nutzung, sondern auf jede übliche Nutzung (Zugang zum Kino nicht nur zum Film anschauen, sondern auch zum Popcorn kaufen an der Kasse). Taken from: regs, Chris
We should really move this to the appropriate product ("l10n", component "German") instead of cc:ing
I didn't know about that product :) Thanks, Christian.