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Bug 99533 - [ui-review] Sound preferences UI issues
[ui-review] Sound preferences UI issues
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Sound
Other other
: High minor
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
: 85638 103594 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 115435
Reported: 2002-11-25 18:26 UTC by Andrew Sobala
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

(Part 1) The Gnome Control Center patch... (6.19 KB, patch)
2002-12-14 18:57 UTC, Dennis Cranston
none Details | Review
(Part 2) The libgnome patch... (2.82 KB, patch)
2002-12-14 18:58 UTC, Dennis Cranston
none Details | Review
(Part 3) The GNOME Panel patch... (1005 bytes, patch)
2002-12-14 18:59 UTC, Dennis Cranston
none Details | Review

Description Andrew Sobala 2002-11-25 18:26:51 UTC
- "Enable sound server startup" if it does it straight away, it's not
really needed at all, you could just turn it on when you checked "sounds
for events"
- s/File to play/Sound File
- Shows sounds that aren't installed on your system if you don't install
- HIG Frame stuff
- Stripey treeview
- Play button looks better to the right of the Browse button
- Columns aren't resizable
- <calum> there's no obvious way to remove a sound from an event
- Sound events should use words from the doc list
-- s/Action button click/Click on command button
-- s/Check box toggled/Select check box
-- s/Menu item activation/Choose menu item
-- s/GNOME system events/System events
-- s/Error Messages/Error message
-- s/Informational Messages/Informational message
-- s/Login/Log in
-- s/Logout/Log out
-- s/Miscellaneous Messages/Miscellaneous message
-- s/Question Dailogs/Question dialog
-- s/Warning Messages/Warning message
-- s/New Mail/New mail
- <calum> the categories in the first column don't seem to be ordered in
any sane way, and you can't click on the column headers to sort them
Comment 1 Andrew Sobala 2002-11-25 21:41:50 UTC
From UI-Review 2.0:

- List needs label 'Sound:' and mnemonic
- Tooltips on the treeview should show full path if clipped
- Text entry should have label 'Sound file' and mnemonic - above text
to allow field to be wider?
Comment 2 Andrew Sobala 2002-11-25 21:42:16 UTC
*** Bug 85638 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Dennis Cranston 2002-12-14 18:57:48 UTC
Created attachment 12990 [details] [review]
(Part 1) The Gnome Control Center patch...
Comment 4 Dennis Cranston 2002-12-14 18:58:38 UTC
Created attachment 12991 [details] [review]
(Part 2) The libgnome patch...
Comment 5 Dennis Cranston 2002-12-14 18:59:47 UTC
Created attachment 12992 [details] [review]
(Part 3) The GNOME Panel patch...
Comment 6 Dennis Cranston 2002-12-14 19:05:02 UTC
I attached three patches for this bug report as the changes span
across three cvs modules: gnome-control-center, libgnome, and gnome-panel.

The patch for gnome-control-center addresses these issues...
2002-12-14  Dennis Cranston <>

	* sound-view.c:  Fixes for ui-review bug number 99533.
	  - s/File to play/Sound File,
	  - HIG Frame stuff,
	  - Play button looks better to the right of the Browse button,
	  - Columns aren't resizable,
	  - Can't click on the column headers to sort them,
	  - Text entry should have label "Sound File" and mnemonic - 
            above text entry to allow field to be wider.

The patch for libgnome addresses these issues...
2002-12-14  Dennis Cranston <>

	Fixes for ui-review bug number 99533.
	* gnome-data/  
	  s/Action button click/Click on command button,
	  s/Check box toggled/Select check box,
	  s/Menu item activation/Choose menu item.
	* gnome-data/
	  s/GNOME system events/System events,
	  s/Error Messages/Error message,
	  s/Informational Messages/Informational message,
	  s/Login/Log in,
	  s/Logout/Log out,
	  s/Miscellaneous Messages/Miscellaneous message,
	  s/Question Dialogs/Question dialog,
	  s/Warning Messages/Warning message.

The patch for gnome-panel addresses this issue...
2002-12-14  Dennis Cranston <>

	*  s/New Mail/New mail.
	Fix for ui-review bug number 99533.
Comment 7 Andrew Sobala 2003-01-16 20:08:42 UTC
*** Bug 103594 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Andrew Sobala 2003-01-16 20:09:07 UTC
Glancing at these patches, there is still no obvious way to remove a
sound from an event
Comment 9 Andrew Sobala 2003-01-18 15:03:51 UTC
Removing sounds from events is bug 14272, so it doesn't need to be 
fixed to close this bug.
Comment 10 Dennis Cranston 2003-03-29 08:33:16 UTC
Well, it has been over three months and I haven't seen a response from
the gnome-control-center maintainer.  If I don't hear any objections
soon, I will commit the patch to CVS HEAD and close this bug report.
Comment 11 Andrew Sobala 2003-03-29 10:03:17 UTC
Um.... I think "People shouldn't commit to CVS without the 
maintainer's approval" is a good thing to say at this point.

Poke the maintainers. Don't threaten to commit things to CVS without 
waiting for a green light.
Comment 12 Dennis Cranston 2003-03-29 19:01:28 UTC
Don't call my bluff so soon!  I am poking the maintainers.  ;-)
Comment 13 Kjartan Maraas 2003-04-22 23:27:54 UTC
Upping pri.
Comment 14 Kjartan Maraas 2003-04-29 22:16:16 UTC
This really needs to go in this time.
Comment 15 Murray Cumming 2003-07-11 14:35:54 UTC
Time is running out for ui changes. There's a freeze soon. I hope
these patches won't be ignored.
Comment 16 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-11 18:13:06 UTC
Someone gives me the go ahead, and I will apply the patches.
Comment 17 Jody Goldberg 2003-07-11 18:34:38 UTC
By the power vested in my be virtue of having made releases of
gnome-cc I say 'commit'
Comment 18 Dennis Cranston 2003-07-12 02:07:12 UTC
I have applied the fixes to CVS HEAD!