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Bug 96374 - Change GtkFrame to comply with HIG
Change GtkFrame to comply with HIG
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: Other
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: future
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Depends on: 110365
Blocks: 98384
Reported: 2002-10-21 06:33 UTC by Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail]
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

hig.h from gLabels (6.99 KB, text/plain)
2002-10-31 03:30 UTC, Jim Evins
hig.c from gLabels (21.48 KB, text/plain)
2002-10-31 03:31 UTC, Jim Evins
Screenshot of default style, HIG-style, and proposed style. (22.14 KB, image/png)
2002-11-26 17:59 UTC, Gregory Merchan
Various frame child spacings (33.54 KB, image/png)
2002-12-07 17:16 UTC, Gregory Merchan

Description Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2002-10-21 06:33:32 UTC
Apparently the new hig preferences layout
is hard to implement in both gtk and glade, and requires the use of bad
hacks (ie using empty text boxes) currently. It would be nice if gtk
provided a widget so that this type of layout could be used in a consistent
and easy to maintain fashion among applications.
Comment 1 Owen Taylor 2002-10-21 15:17:55 UTC
I think we need an actual design proposal here; I'm not
sure exactly what you are looking for? A box with 
out-dented headers between elements?

Comment 2 Jim Evins 2002-10-31 03:29:00 UTC
I do not know what the original submitter had in mind, but I would
like to make the following design proposal:  a set of widgets that
would simplify the creation of HIG compliant alerts and dialogs.
These widgets would allow the application programmer to create such
dialogs and alerts without obfuscating his or her code with the
various layout "tricks" outlined in the HIG -- separating content
from presentation to some degree.  I created a set of such widgets
for gLabels ( and would like to offer
these as a possible starting point -- I will also be attaching the
relevant files.  Here is a brief outline of these widgets:

1) A HIG inspired alert (GtkHigAlert):  this is widget would be very
similar to a GtkMessageDialog, except you provide it separate primary
and secondary text strings.

	GtkWidget *gtk_hig_alert_new (GtkWindow      *parent,
				      GtkDialogFlags  flags,
				      GtkMessageType  type,
				      GtkButtonsType  buttons,
				      const gchar    *primary_text,
				      const gchar    *secondary_text);

2) A HIG inspired Dialog (GtkHigDialog):  this widget would be the
foundation of all other HIG dialogs.  This dialog has the default
HIG border and has an internal VBOX with appropriate default spacing.

	GtkWidget *gtk_hig_dialog_new              (void);

	GtkWidget *gtk_hig_dialog_new_with_buttons (const gchar    *title,
						    GtkWindow      *parent,
						    GtkDialogFlags  flags,
						    const gchar    *first_button_text,

	void       gtk_hig_dialog_add_widget       (GtkHigDialog   *dialog,
						    GtkWidget      *widget);

3) A HIG inspired Category widget (GtkHigCategory):  this widget
a category container, with the bold section heading and indented widget
area which the HIG suggests using instead of frames.  It is very clean
but extremely tedious to create from scratch.

	GtkWidget *gtk_hig_category_new        (const gchar    *header);

	void       gtk_hig_category_add_widget (GtkHigCategory *cat,
						GtkWidget      *widget);

4) HIG versions of VBOX and HBOX (GtkHigVBox and GtkHigHBox):  These are
simple dervations of their counterparts with proper HIG default.

	GtkWidget *gtk_hig_vbox_new        (void);

	GtkWidget *gtk_hig_hbox_new        (void);

	void       gtk_hig_vbox_add_widget (GtkHigHBox    *hig_hbox,
					    GtkWidget     *widget);

	void       gtk_hig_hbox_add_widget (GtkHigHBox    *hig_hbox,
					    GtkWidget     *widget);

Comment 3 Jim Evins 2002-10-31 03:30:22 UTC
Created attachment 11924 [details]
hig.h from gLabels
Comment 4 Jim Evins 2002-10-31 03:31:18 UTC
Created attachment 11925 [details]
hig.c from gLabels
Comment 5 Havoc Pennington 2002-10-31 04:40:48 UTC
A couple comments:

 1) I think the right thing is to change the default settings of 
    existing widgets, or add convenience constructors
    such as gtk_message_dialog_new_alert(), rather than 
    creating new classes, for the most part anyway.

 2) I'd file a separate bug report for each API addition, rather 
    than putting them all here; they need to be evaluated 
    and tracked independently.

 3) I think it's appropriate to add this stuff to GTK, the current 
    situation where GTK is out of sync with HIG is silly.
    (Although I also think we'd ideally get these things in a 
     GTK release *before* recommending them in the HIG, because
     with the current situation people such as yourself are hardcoding 
     the HIG recommendations all over the place and other people are 
     not bothering to implement the hard recommendations and the    
     result is UI inconsistency and a big mess.)

Anyway, we should not hijack this bug for this purpose, 
separate bugs should be filed for each problem to be solved (category
labels, dialogs, etc.)

btw one way to approach the category labels might be a special 
GtkFrame mode to be set programmatically, or perhaps even via style
properties in the theme.
Comment 6 Gregory Merchan 2002-11-09 00:12:25 UTC
 Once you have the toplevel of the indented widgets (typically a vbox)
 connect to the "size-allocate" signal:                              
   g_signal_connect (indented_toplevel, "size_allocate",             
                     G_CALLBACK (adjust_allocation), NULL);          
 The adjust_allocation callback is then:                             
   static void                                                       
   adjust_allocation (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation)  
     allocation->x += INDENTATION_IN_PIXELS;                         
     allocation->width -= INDENTATION_IN_PIXELS;                     
     GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->size_allocate (widget,
 I think an INDENTATION_IN_PIXELS value of 24 achieves the desired effect.
Comment 7 Gregory Merchan 2002-11-12 10:56:30 UTC
(Correction to my last comment:
  INDENTATION_IN_PIXELS at 18 is closer to the effect of the HIG's
  suggested method. The desired indentation is 12px.)

This is silly. I was playing with GtkFrame to see about making a
patch, and it's pretty damn close already. The HIG however needs
a stern review with an eye to consistency and code. Depending on
what section you read you'll be using a spacing of 6, 12, or 18px.

With that in mind, here's one way to do it using GtkFrame.

1) Create a GtkFrame with the group label.
2) Set the GtkFrame's shadow type to GTK_SHADOW_NONE.
2) Make the label's weight bold.
3) Place a GtkContainer widget (HBox, VBox, etc.) in the GtkFrame.
4) Set that widget's border width to 12.

That is almost exactly what the HIG calls for. There are three
variant distances, two of which are interdependent:

1) The distance from the window edge to the group label will be
   about 6px greater.
2) The distance from the left edge of the group label to the left
   edge of the child widgets will be about 6px greater.
3) The distance from the bottom of the group label to the top of
   the child widgets will be about 12px; but the HIG in different
   places seems to call for 6, 12, or 18px here.

1 and 2 are interdependent. They are caused by the indentation of
a frame label from the edge of the frame.

How to proceed?
Assuming the HIG is made consistent and that GtkFrame's defaults
are to be altered, then GtkFrame's:

1) shadow type will default to GTK_SHADOW_NONE, and
2) its label will not be indented, and
3) its label's default weight attribute will be bold.

Changing the default shadow type will annoy those not conforming
to the HIG. As we hope those conforming number greater than those
not and as the shadow type change is easy, changing the default
shadow type should not be a problem.

Because GtkFrame's label widget is relatively aligned, it would
be very difficult (if not impossible) to restore exactly the few
pixels indentation which it now has were that changed. Options
here include:
1) To hell with the non-conformists.
   I don't think this is a good option, but I had to include it.
2) Change the way the label widget is aligned.
   This does not seem unreasonable to me because left, right,
   and center are the only alignments I imagine anyone will want.
   An enum (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT) with a pixel offset seems
   reasonable to me if this option is chosen.
3) Change the HIG.
   This is the easiest for the code. Given how confusing the layout
   section is now, this may be the elimination of this problem.

Setting a default text attribute for a label without a subclass
is anathema. I think we need some way to set such attributes
thematically - at least Windows and OS/2 allowed this. I have before
suggested semantic types like GtkCaption, GtkHeader. This might
also be done with something like:
  GtkWidget *gtk_label_new_with_context (const gchar    *label,
                                         GtkContextType  context);
  where GtkContextType might include:
(See Windows or OS/2 and where they allow thematic font changes.
 My list may seem long, but I'm basing it on recollection of those.
 As we can already control text within a button, menu, or tooltip,
 we shouldn't need so many.)

Because it makes thematic changes and i18n difficult, the HIG
should not be advising use of Pango markup for such things.
Rampant subclassing or use of PangoAttrList would be hard to
maintain. As much as I like Pango, exposing it at the Gtk+ level
for anything other than user input seems like a bad idea.

The HIG must be made consistent before any Gtk+ changes are made.
Comment 8 Gregory Merchan 2002-11-26 17:59:43 UTC
Created attachment 12579 [details]
Screenshot of default style, HIG-style, and proposed style.
Comment 9 Gregory Merchan 2002-11-26 18:02:40 UTC
In the attached shot:
 window1 is the proposed style using GtkFrame.
 window2 is the default style of GtkFrame.
 window3 is the HIG style with wacky-packy.

I've left the encoded spacings the same the same in each.
Comment 10 Calum Benson 2002-11-27 18:10:42 UTC
I guess we need to think this one through, but certainly from the
screenshots Greg's suggestion doesn't look notably worse than the
currently more-convoluted HIG advice, IMHO...
Comment 11 Gregory Merchan 2002-12-07 10:15:46 UTC
I think all we need is a way to set horizontal and vertical padding
within the GtkFrame, somewhat like GtkButtonBox:

void gtk_frame_set_child_ipadding (GtkFrame *frame,
                                   gint      ipad_x,
                                   gint      ipad_y);

void gtk_frame_get_child_ipadding (GtkFrame *frame,
                                   gint     *ipad_x,
                                   gint     *ipad_y);

Owen, is that reasonable? How soon can it be included?
I can write a patch for it.
Comment 12 Murray Cumming 2002-12-07 10:37:09 UTC
A summary:
1. GtkFrame should default to GTK_SHADOW_NONE
2. GtkFrame should indent it's contents by x pixels.
3. When using GTK_SHADOW_NONE, GtkFrame's label should not be indented.

I don't understand why 2. wouldn't be achieved best by just adding a
vbox of a fixed size at the left.

3. Seems less important and slightly more difficult. We should go
ahead with 1 and 2 in the meantime.
Comment 13 Havoc Pennington 2002-12-07 15:56:04 UTC
I redid all of gnome-terminal with Gregory's original steps:

  1) Create a GtkFrame with the group label.
  2) Set the GtkFrame's shadow type to GTK_SHADOW_NONE.
  3) Make the label's weight bold.
  4) Place a GtkContainer widget (HBox, VBox, etc.) in the GtkFrame.
  5) Set that widget's border width to 12.

Those are just fine IMO, there's nothing hard about it. The only 
bad part is having to use markup for the bold label, which 
is filed separately as a glade bug.

Glade could default to the 12-pixel padding and bold frame label 
etc. even if gtk doesn't.
Comment 14 Gregory Merchan 2002-12-07 17:16:23 UTC
Created attachment 12820 [details]
Various frame child spacings
Comment 15 Gregory Merchan 2002-12-07 17:25:03 UTC
There's a partial explanation in the image.
The last two rows in each column show what could be more easily done
with GtkFrame parameters for child padding. Credit to James Cape for
pointing out that a single-child HBox can be used now.
Both adding fixed size empty containers and using padding with non-Bin
containers that have only one child seem to me to be a pain for
maintanance. Because of that I've suggested the child padding parameters
for GtkFrame.
I think the third row looks best.
Comment 16 Murray Cumming 2002-12-10 10:00:04 UTC
Havoc, yes it's simpler than the current bizarrre HIG implementation
recommendation, but this simple change (or something very similar)
still needs to be in GTK+ itself.

Gregory, doesn't this solution add unnecessary space at the right as
well as the left?

This bug is marget for the "future" target. Why doesn't it have the
"2.4" target like most of the other GTK+ HIG bugs?
Comment 17 Gregory Merchan 2002-12-10 10:18:15 UTC
Indeed it does add unnecessary space on the right. I was thinking
that wouldn't matter, but indeed it does.
What about this for the API?
void gtk_frame_set_child_padding (GtkFrame *frame,
                                  gint      pad_left,
                                  gint      pad_right,
                                  gint      pad_top,
                                  gint      pad_bottom);

void gtk_frame_get_child_padding (GtkFrame *frame,
                                  gint     *pad_left,
                                  gint     *pad_right,
                                  gint     *pad_top,
                                  gint     *pad_bottom);

Perhaps those should be {hpad_start, hpad_end, vpad_start, vpad_end},
to allow for RTL changes? Maybe setting end padding shouldn't
be allowed at all? E.g.,
void gtk_frame_set_child_padding (GtkFrame *frame,
                                  gint      horizontal_padding,
                                  gint      vertical_padding);
Comment 18 Murray Cumming 2002-12-10 10:25:00 UTC
So far I don't see a need to change the API, though people would
probably like to be able to customize the new layout. Wouldn't an
empty, but fixed size VBox at the left work as an indent?
Comment 19 Murray Cumming 2003-03-21 13:13:34 UTC
We have a planned solution for this:
(Added side padding to GtkAlignment).
Comment 20 Murray Cumming 2003-04-09 09:33:26 UTC
Bug 110365 now contains a GtkAlignment patch that should make this
Comment 21 Andrew Sobala 2003-04-09 12:34:28 UTC
Re-adding bug 110365 as a depends, because it does
Comment 22 Murray Cumming 2003-05-01 09:08:00 UTC
A new summary:

1. We have a solution for the indenting, using GtkAlignment: Bug 110365.
2. It seems unlikely that the GtkFrame defaults will change, but we
can change the defauls in Glade.
3. It might be nice to have some kind of "indent the contents"
property for GtkFrame so we don't have to add a GtkAlignment manually.
Comment 23 Murray Cumming 2003-05-30 18:29:32 UTC
Do we have a volunteer to implement this now that the GtkAlignment
indenting is in GTK+ HEAD?
Comment 24 Murray Cumming 2003-06-30 17:45:29 UTC
The GTK+ 2.4 feature-set will be frozen quite soon. Now is the time.
Comment 25 Murray Cumming 2003-07-15 07:02:55 UTC
Time is slipping away.
Comment 26 Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2003-07-15 11:29:15 UTC
Murray, Owen:

What exactly is needed in gtk+? Would this be a new widget? or an
alternate gtk_frame_new_frameless adding an indent property to the frame?

I'm not a great hacker, but i'd be willing to work on this if someone
pointed me in the right direction.
Comment 27 Murray Cumming 2003-07-17 11:43:10 UTC
From above:
3. It might be nice to have some kind of "indent the contents"
property for GtkFrame so we don't have to add a GtkAlignment manually.

Then you just need to set the frame title to bold, set the border to
off, and you're HIG-compliant, right? I don't think it makes sense to
have a do_it_like_the_hig property or style.

Then, we just need to make glade use the HIG settings as default.
Comment 28 Murray Cumming 2003-07-24 13:53:58 UTC
This is not going to happen. Owen's (reasonable) decision on the
maillng list is "Personally, I don't see any GTK+ API additions that
make sense here.". So I am closing this bug.

I have opened glade bug 118183. I think that's how we should take this