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Bug 90313 - Paper preview not using theme
Paper preview not using theme
Product: gnome-print
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other Solaris
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Chema Celorio
Chema Celorio
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-09 12:54 UTC by Muktha
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

patch created with "gnome-2-0" branch source (5.69 KB, patch)
2002-10-25 15:10 UTC, Pasupathi
none Details | Review
cvs commit (10.43 KB, patch)
2002-12-08 04:12 UTC, Chema Celorio
none Details | Review

Description Muktha 2002-08-09 12:54:48 UTC
1. The 'Print preview' dialog is not theme compliant.
   The background/foreground and the font of the display do not change when
   HighContrastLargePrint, HighContrastLargePrintInverse,
   LowContrastLargePrint themes are used.

2. In the 'Print' dialog, under 'Paper' option, the preview of the paper is
   not theme compliant.
Comment 1 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-08-25 19:16:21 UTC
What doe sit mean that "the preview of the paper is
not theme compliant" ? What behavious would you expect?
Comment 2 Muktha 2002-08-26 10:46:16 UTC
The background/foreground color of the preview does not change when
HighContrast, HighContrastLargePrint, HighContrastLargePrintInverse,
LowContrastLargePrint themes are used.
The expected behaviour would be that the color of the preview changes
according to the specified theme.
Comment 3 Chema Celorio 2002-08-27 05:44:02 UTC
I am not sure about this change. The preview will show whatever color
the Application is rendering. What if the image is already high
contrast? This is not a widget with white background which contains
black ink. It is a canvas, which can contain any color that the app

I agree about the preview of the paper part 2. but not 1..
Comment 4 Andreas J. Guelzow 2002-08-27 06:22:18 UTC
I don't understand what would be expected fo rthe paper preview: it
doesn't contain any text so LargePrint, LargePrintInverse, ... seems
meanig less.

And about HighContrast: how much more of a contrast would you like?
Comment 5 Calum Benson 2002-08-27 17:15:28 UTC
I just spoke to Bill about this and we reckoned that probably the most
useful thing you could do would be to offer the user the option of a
monochrome print preview, using the colours of a GtkTextView (say) in
the current theme to render the ink and paper.  

Nothing special need be done for LargePrint themes as you can zoom
into the preview anyway.
Comment 6 Muktha 2002-08-29 13:21:09 UTC
I think in case of 'Print Preview' option, since there's a zoom
option, nothing needs to be done for LargePrint. But in case of
'Print' dialog under 'Paper' option, shouldn't the preview of the
paper be a larger one for LargePrint theme?
Comment 7 Calum Benson 2002-08-29 18:29:59 UTC
The 'paper' preview gets bigger if you grab the corner of the dialog
and resize it, so this probably isn't a major problem.  Yes, it would
be nicer if it somehow 'knew' you were using a LargePrint theme and
drew it bigger to start with, but I don't think we have a good general
solution to that problem at the moment.
Comment 8 bill.haneman 2002-10-21 12:50:44 UTC
With respect to the 'paper' preview, it's not a "high contrast" issue,
it's an issue of matching contrast/colors to the current theme (some
users will need low contrast, or white-on-black, etc.).

So the colors used to render the canvas need to come from the theme,
or at least pay some attention to the theme.

Comment 9 Pasupathi 2002-10-25 15:09:14 UTC
I have fixed the second issue mentioned in this bug. I have removed 
the hardcoding and used the following theme colors:

STRIPE_COLOR refers to the contents shown as bar and a rectangle 
inside the preview.

I guess we need a discussion on the first issue, hence i have opened 
a new Bug 96802

Comment 10 Pasupathi 2002-10-25 15:10:30 UTC
Created attachment 11829 [details] [review]
patch created with "gnome-2-0" branch source
Comment 11 Calum Benson 2002-11-20 18:53:39 UTC
Just to confirm this patch works well with all the themes I've
tried... would be great if we could get it back into HEAD, nudge nudge
Comment 12 Chema Celorio 2002-11-20 21:50:58 UTC
The patch looks good from a quick glance over. I'll get to it next week.

Comment 13 Chema Celorio 2002-12-07 21:06:23 UTC
Guys, this should have been filed as two different bugs. The issues
here are totally different. I'm making this bug the paper preview
issue, since it has a patch already.
Comment 14 Chema Celorio 2002-12-08 04:12:16 UTC
Created attachment 12833 [details] [review]
cvs commit
Comment 15 Chema Celorio 2002-12-08 08:02:56 UTC
Fixed in CVS.
Comment 16 Pasupathi 2002-12-09 06:39:06 UTC
Chema: Is it Ok to commit the patch (id = 11829) to gnome-2-0 branch ?
Comment 17 Chema Celorio 2002-12-09 15:38:26 UTC
Yes, go ahead.