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Bug 88637 - window given scrollbar when none is needed
window given scrollbar when none is needed
Product: eog
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: EOG Maintainers
EOG Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-07-19 19:05 UTC by R.K.Aa.
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description R.K.Aa. 2002-07-19 19:05:59 UTC
When opening an image smaller than monitor display, EOG seems to
miscalculate image size or window size, so the resulting window is always
given a scrollbar.

No scrollbar, when image is clearly smaller than monitor resolution.

(What DOES work OK is when the image is larger than screen resolution:
Then the resulting window (as usual) opens a window approx 75% of screen
size, without redundant scrollbars.) I believe this is in Gnome2 as well.
Comment 1 Jens Finke 2002-07-19 19:17:04 UTC
Do you _really_ talk about the latest CVS head version of EOG? It
should work there and indeed does it for me. If not, re-open this bug
Comment 2 R.K.Aa. 2002-07-19 19:22:02 UTC
The version i see it with is eog2-
- which of course may be old as sin for all i know. Sorry for the spam.
Comment 3 R.K.Aa. 2002-08-03 21:41:28 UTC
Gonna try reopen this, setting version 1.0.x.

This is still as annoying in the ximian gnome2-snapshot from today.
Since it is fixed in CVS: Would it be possible to backport the fix to
the old 1.0.x series that ximian obviously pull from?
Comment 4 Jens Finke 2002-08-04 10:59:38 UTC
We just need to make a new release, which will be 1.0.2. The code is
in CVS already on both branches (HEAD and gnome-2-0).
Comment 5 R.K.Aa. 2002-08-04 11:15:48 UTC
Help->About shows that the version i see the bug with is already 1.0.2.
Perhaps you mean 1.0.3?
Comment 6 Jens Finke 2002-08-04 12:47:55 UTC
Hm, I don't know what ximian exactly ships as snapshots. You can help
me most if you checkout the HEAD or gnome-2-0 branch of eog and see if
the problem exists. Otherwise we are not talking about the same thing.

For better checking it would be also nice if you can attach the image
where it occurs.