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Bug 80479 - Sawfish dies on load when lots of fonts are on the system
Sawfish dies on load when lots of fonts are on the system
Product: Sawfish
Classification: Deprecated
Component: General
Other other
: Normal normal
: 1.5.x
Assigned To: John Harper
sawfish QA Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-05-01 16:42 UTC by anderson
Modified: 2009-08-16 15:13 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description anderson 2002-05-01 16:42:30 UTC
Package: sawfish
Severity: blocker
Version: sawfish2-2.0.pre1.0.200204252035-0.snap.ximian.1
Synopsis: Sawfish dies on load when lots of fonts are on the system
Bugzilla-Product: sawfish
Bugzilla-Component: general

Description of Problem:
So there I go, loading up the latest rpms from RedCarpet. I logout, then
login and it kills X. Takes it down with a sig11. After much fussing
around, nada. So I try it on my home machine, it works. 

After much futzing around (I can get it all to work if I load things
manually), I play a hunch. I shut down my ttf font server. It works.
Near as I can tell, it appears to be sawfish, but I do not have a way to
narrow it down properly. I do know the only difference in the two
machines is the font count. The machine it fails on is a dual 866 w/1GB
RAM, so I doubt it is system resources. Besides, it worked just fine on
1.4 GNOME/Sawfish

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Install ~500 fonts. (including making sure they are in the font path
for the Xserver!)
2. Load GDM and try to log in  
3. log into console, and run startx

Actual Results:
Sawfish takes a loooong time to laod, and then it takes down the

Expected Results:
X should stay up.

How often does this happen?
Every time.

Additional Information:
Enlightnement under the same setup works fine. That is why I am fairly
certain it is sawfish. Further, it appears to only be a problem during
start up. If I manually add the font path containing the fonts after
loading, it seems to work just fine. The additional fonts are being
served by xfstt.

Bill Anderson      
Hewlett Packard              396-6348

------- Bug moved to this database by 2002-05-01 12:42 -------

Unknown version 1.0.x in product sawfish. Setting version to "1.0".
The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the exporter,
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Christian Kirbach 2005-05-14 23:34:10 UTC
is this still valid?
Comment 2 Andrea Vettorello 2008-01-21 17:55:12 UTC
I couldn't reproduce it with more than 800 TTF fonts installed, trying to put them in the user ~/.fonts dir or using the XFS server. No noticeable starup slowdown either.

On the mailing list there was a report of an a working Sawfish instance with near 12000 fonts and another with more than 22000 ( ) so i'm closing this bug report. Feel free to reopen it if the bug persist.