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Bug 788630 - Unintuitive dialogue when setting resolution
Unintuitive dialogue when setting resolution
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 786726
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Display
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-10-07 08:43 UTC by Mads Rosendahl
Modified: 2017-11-08 17:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Mads Rosendahl 2017-10-07 08:43:14 UTC
Usability bug in Settings -> Devices -> Display

Only way to close the dropdown-list is by click the (X) close icon. When you are changing the resolution, this feels like clicking the CANCEL button rather than OK. You can see the APPLY button in the top right corner becomes active, but you can't click it.

Shouldn't the resolution be applied instantly or the APPLY button placed in the same "window" as the resolution list? 


This usability bug is also reported here:
Comment 1 Mads Rosendahl 2017-10-07 10:18:28 UTC
Actually, the dropdown-list should just close when a new resolution is closed.
Comment 2 Allan Day 2017-11-08 17:28:26 UTC
I think this issue will be solved if we use a popover rather than a dialog, as per bug 786726.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 786726 ***