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Bug 787044 - Unable to decode h.264 from RTSP server
Unable to decode h.264 from RTSP server
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: gst-plugins-base
Other Mac OS
: Normal normal
: git master
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-08-31 00:44 UTC by Allan Matthew
Modified: 2018-11-03 11:59 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

wireshark pcap (2.50 MB, application/x-gzip)
2017-08-31 00:47 UTC, Allan Matthew

Description Allan Matthew 2017-08-31 00:44:13 UTC
I've got an IPTV device which appears to work just fine with VLC and other RTSP-capable software.  However within the playbin (as well as other pipelines I've tried) it appears h264parse is unable to handle the datastream.  I see the following from the gstreamer debug output:

gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=rtsp:// --gst-debug=3
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Progress: (open) Opening Stream
Progress: (connect) Connecting to rtsp://
Progress: (open) Retrieving server options
Progress: (open) Retrieving media info
Progress: (request) SETUP stream 0
Progress: (request) SETUP stream 1
Progress: (open) Opened Stream
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
Progress: (request) Sending PLAY request
0:00:00.162460000  5723 0x7fe20900b450 FIXME                default gstutils.c:3826:gchar *gst_pad_create_stream_id_internal(GstPad *, GstElement *, const gchar *):<fakesrc0:src> Creating random stream-id, consider implementing a deterministic way of creating a stream-id
0:00:00.162479000  5723 0x7fe20900b4a0 FIXME                default gstutils.c:3826:gchar *gst_pad_create_stream_id_internal(GstPad *, GstElement *, const gchar *):<fakesrc1:src> Creating random stream-id, consider implementing a deterministic way of creating a stream-id
Progress: (request) Sending PLAY request
Progress: (request) Sent PLAY request
0:00:02.245090000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:494:gst_h264_parse_vui_parameters: failed to read uint8, nbits: 1
0:00:02.245108000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:519:gst_h264_parse_vui_parameters: error parsing "VUI Parameters"
0:00:02.245112000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:1771:gst_h264_parse_sps: error parsing "Sequence parameter set"
0:00:02.245117000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN               h264parse gsth264parse.c:732:gst_h264_parse_process_nal:<h264parse0> failed to parse SPS:
0:00:02.251065000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 FIXME           videodecoder gstvideodecoder.c:945:GstFlowReturn gst_video_decoder_drain_out(GstVideoDecoder *, gboolean):<vtdechw0> Sub-class should implement drain()
0:00:02.260569000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN                   vtdec vtdec.c:310:gst_vtdec_negotiate:<vtdechw0> error: VTDecompressionSessionCreate returned -12913
0:00:02.260609000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN            videodecoder gstvideodecoder.c:745:gboolean gst_video_decoder_setcaps(GstVideoDecoder *, GstCaps *):<vtdechw0> Subclass refused caps
0:00:02.260617000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN               decodebin gstdecodebin2.c:2505:gboolean connect_pad(GstDecodeBin *, GstElement *, GstDecodePad *, GstPad *, GstCaps *, GValueArray *, GstDecodeChain *, gchar **):<decodebin1> Couldn't set vtdechw0 to PAUSED
0:00:02.261430000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 ERROR                  libav :0:: Overread VUI by 5 bits
0:00:02.261448000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 ERROR                  libav :0:: Overread VUI by 5 bits
0:00:02.261454000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 ERROR                  libav :0:: Decoding sps 0 from avcC failed
0:00:02.261549000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN            videodecoder gstvideodecoder.c:745:gboolean gst_video_decoder_setcaps(GstVideoDecoder *, GstCaps *):<avdec_h264-0> Subclass refused caps
0:00:02.261558000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN               decodebin gstdecodebin2.c:2505:gboolean connect_pad(GstDecodeBin *, GstElement *, GstDecodePad *, GstPad *, GstCaps *, GValueArray *, GstDecodeChain *, gchar **):<decodebin1> Couldn't set avdec_h264-0 to PAUSED
0:00:02.261831000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 FIXME           videodecoder gstvideodecoder.c:945:GstFlowReturn gst_video_decoder_drain_out(GstVideoDecoder *, gboolean):<vtdec0> Sub-class should implement drain()
0:00:02.285609000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 FIXME           videodecoder gstvideodecoder.c:945:GstFlowReturn gst_video_decoder_drain_out(GstVideoDecoder *, gboolean):<vtdec0> Sub-class should implement drain()
0:00:02.285719000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:494:gst_h264_parse_vui_parameters: failed to read uint8, nbits: 1
0:00:02.285727000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:519:gst_h264_parse_vui_parameters: error parsing "VUI Parameters"
0:00:02.285731000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:1771:gst_h264_parse_sps: error parsing "Sequence parameter set"
0:00:02.285735000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN               h264parse gsth264parse.c:732:gst_h264_parse_process_nal:<h264parse0> failed to parse SPS:
0:00:02.285939000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:494:gst_h264_parse_vui_parameters: failed to read uint8, nbits: 1
0:00:02.285948000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:519:gst_h264_parse_vui_parameters: error parsing "VUI Parameters"
0:00:02.285952000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN       codecparsers_h264 gsth264parser.c:1771:gst_h264_parse_sps: error parsing "Sequence parameter set"
0:00:02.285956000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 WARN               h264parse gsth264parse.c:732:gst_h264_parse_process_nal:<h264parse0> failed to parse SPS:
Redistribute latency...
0:00:02.487635000  5723 0x7fe207820f70 FIXME           videodecoder gstvideodecoder.c:945:GstFlowReturn gst_video_decoder_drain_out(GstVideoDecoder *, gboolean):<vtdec0> Sub-class should implement drain()
0:00:02.500567000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:02.992016000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.026161387 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.002633000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.022304414 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.056081000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.025659650 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.098606000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.024199670 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.162608000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.025542416 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.237276000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.020886785 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.344099000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.021757938 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.381288000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:03.503956000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.022442428 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:03.727885000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.021587424 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:04.122796000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.021214951 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:04.609725000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:05.584356000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1512:gst_audio_base_sink_skew_slaving:<osxaudiosink0> correct clock skew -0:00:00.020102705 < -+0:00:00.020000000
0:00:05.747763000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:06.979292000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:07.013708000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1807:gst_audio_base_sink_get_alignment:<osxaudiosink0> Unexpected discontinuity in audio timestamps of -0:00:00.130181405, resyncing
0:00:08.208908000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:08.496646000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1807:gst_audio_base_sink_get_alignment:<osxaudiosink0> Unexpected discontinuity in audio timestamps of -0:00:00.130068027, resyncing
0:00:09.347761000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:09.968630000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1807:gst_audio_base_sink_get_alignment:<osxaudiosink0> Unexpected discontinuity in audio timestamps of -0:00:00.130204081, resyncing
0:00:10.581011000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:11.430185000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1807:gst_audio_base_sink_get_alignment:<osxaudiosink0> Unexpected discontinuity in audio timestamps of -0:00:00.130249433, resyncing
0:00:11.814706000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
0:00:12.902327000  5723 0x7fe207918a80 WARN           audiobasesink gstaudiobasesink.c:1807:gst_audio_base_sink_get_alignment:<osxaudiosink0> Unexpected discontinuity in audio timestamps of -0:00:00.130113378, resyncing
0:00:12.947475000  5723 0x7fe206d63750 ERROR                  vtdec vtdec.c:765:gst_vtdec_session_output_callback:<vtdec0> Error decoding frame -12348
^Chandling interrupt.
Interrupt: Stopping pipeline ...
Execution ended after 0:00:13.542908000
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Setting pipeline to READY ...
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...

I've also attached a wireshark pcap.
Comment 1 Allan Matthew 2017-08-31 00:47:47 UTC
Created attachment 358803 [details]
wireshark pcap
Comment 2 Edward Hervey 2018-01-15 11:17:12 UTC
We're up to a bad start considering even Wireshark complains that the SDP is malformed ...

Does that camera work with any rtsp player out there ?
Comment 3 GStreamer system administrator 2018-11-03 11:59:30 UTC
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