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Bug 781334 - Untie game resource detection and game object creation
Untie game resource detection and game object creation
Product: gnome-games
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME Games maintainers
GNOME Games maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-04-15 06:12 UTC by Adrien Plazas
Modified: 2017-05-07 12:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

core: Make Plugin.get_game_source() nullable (19.57 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:10 UTC, Adrien Plazas
none Details | Review
core: Make Plugin.get_game_source() nullable (19.57 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:11 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add UriSource (1.59 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:11 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
tracker: Add TrackerUriSource (5.46 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Add GenericUriGameFacory.get_mime_types () (1.28 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
playstation: Add PlayStationGameFacory.get_mime_types () (949 bytes, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add UriGameFacory.get_mime_types () (816 bytes, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add Plugin.get_mime_types () (783 bytes, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add Plugin.get_uri_sources () (721 bytes, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add Plugin.get_uri_game_factories () (769 bytes, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Add GenericUriGameSource (3.16 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
ui: Use MIME types and factories froom plugins (2.32 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
amiga: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (1.99 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:12 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
atari-2600: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.10 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
atari-7800: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.10 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
desktop: Provide MIME types, URI sources and URI game factories (12.13 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
doom: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (1.96 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
dreamcast: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.07 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
game-boy: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.54 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
game-boy-advance: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.24 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
game-cube: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.08 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
love: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (1.90 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
mame: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (1.96 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:13 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
master-system: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (3.09 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
mega-drive: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (3.92 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
neo-geo-pocket: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.20 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
nes: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.43 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
nintendo-64: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.12 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
nintendo-ds: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.13 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
pc-engine: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (3.54 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
playstation: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (1.49 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
sega-saturn: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (4.52 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
snes: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.00 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:15 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
wii: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (1.94 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:15 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
wii-ware: Provide MIME types and URI game factories (2.05 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:15 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
tracker: Remove unused Tracker types (5.00 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:15 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
libretro: Drop tracker-sparql-1.0 requirement (900 bytes, patch)
2017-05-04 19:15 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
playstation: Remove PlayStationGameFactory.is_cursor_valid() (1.06 KB, patch)
2017-05-04 19:15 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add PluginRegisterIterator (2.77 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 06:49 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Replace old plugin register iteration (3.11 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 06:50 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Remove unused UriGameFactory.is_uri_valid() (3.31 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 06:50 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Rename GenericSyncGameUriAdapter into GenericGameUriAdapter (17.30 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 06:50 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
mame: Yield on MameGameUriAdapter.game_for_uri() (1.07 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 07:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Yield on GenericGameUriAdapter.game_for_uri() (1009 bytes, patch)
2017-05-05 07:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
tracker: Move TrackerError to its own file (1.11 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 07:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Make UriGameFactory.add_uri() async (2.67 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 10:39 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add UriGameFactory.game_added() signal (897 bytes, patch)
2017-05-05 10:39 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Refactor GenericUriGameFactory game creation (2.76 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 10:39 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Add GenericUriGameSource.get_factories_for_uri() (2.34 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 10:39 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Add GenericUriGameSource.game_added() (1.28 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 20:10 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
ui: Add games when found by the GenericUriGameSource (1.73 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 20:10 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Allow a media to have any number of URIs (3.66 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 20:10 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
playstation: Build PlayStationUid from disc ID (2.10 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 20:11 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
gameinfo: Add GameinfoDoc.get_disc_set_ids_for_disc_id() (912 bytes, patch)
2017-05-05 20:11 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
playstation: Make game creation more flexible (9.01 KB, patch)
2017-05-05 20:11 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
utils: Add the Uri class (2.22 KB, patch)
2017-05-06 07:36 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Use the new Uri type (38.89 KB, patch)
2017-05-06 07:36 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
desktop: Catch error in DesktopPlugin.get_uri_sources() (1.28 KB, patch)
2017-05-06 07:36 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Add UriGameFactory.get_schemes() (1.08 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 04:59 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Make GenericUriGameFactory handle schemes (1.53 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
generic: Make GenericUriGameSource handle schemes (1.91 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
utils: Add Uri.from_uri_and_scheme() (812 bytes, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
steam: Add SteamUriIterator (2.59 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
steam: Add SteamUriSource (3.13 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
steam: Use SteamUriSource and a generic game factory (2.67 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
steam: Remove now unused SteamGameSource (4.91 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 05:00 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
libretro: Add LibretroUriIterator (1.93 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:04 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
libretro: Add LibretroUriSource (1.36 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:04 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
libretro: Add LibretroError (1.29 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
libretro: Use LibretroUriSource and a generic game factory (2.28 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
libretro: Remove now unused LibretroGameSource (2.28 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
ui: Stop using game sources from the plugins (2.41 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
Rename GenericUriGameSource to GameCollection (4.02 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
dummy: Remove DummyGameSource (1.22 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Remove Plugin.get_game_source() (784 bytes, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Move GameCallback to its own file (1.45 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:05 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
core: Remove unused GameSource (1.21 KB, patch)
2017-05-07 12:06 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review
utils: Make Uri.from_uri_and_scheme() throw errors (833 bytes, patch)
2017-05-07 12:14 UTC, Adrien Plazas
committed Details | Review

Description Adrien Plazas 2017-04-15 06:12:35 UTC
Currently, Games has GameSource classes whose job is to look for game resources (ROM files…) and build Game objects from them. It works well but it's a bit rigid: we can't create games from resources coming from outside of this game source object.

For that to work, the game object factories need to accept a unique type of resource, using URIs should work well enough.
Comment 1 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:10:55 UTC
Created attachment 351074 [details] [review]
core: Make Plugin.get_game_source() nullable

This allow plugins to return no GameSource and will be used in a next
commit to allow them to directly expose URI sources and game factories.
Comment 2 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:11:47 UTC
Created attachment 351075 [details] [review]
core: Make Plugin.get_game_source() nullable

This allow plugins to return no GameSource and will be used in a next
commit to allow them to directly expose URI sources and game factories.
Comment 3 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:11:53 UTC
Created attachment 351076 [details] [review]
core: Add UriSource

This will be used in some next commit to split the concern of
discovering potential game resources and turning them into usable game
Comment 4 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:00 UTC
Created attachment 351077 [details] [review]
tracker: Add TrackerUriSource

This will be used in some next commit to split the concern of
discovering potential game resources and turning them into usable game
Comment 5 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:05 UTC
Created attachment 351078 [details] [review]
generic: Add GenericUriGameFacory.get_mime_types ()
Comment 6 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:11 UTC
Created attachment 351079 [details] [review]
playstation: Add PlayStationGameFacory.get_mime_types ()
Comment 7 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:17 UTC
Created attachment 351080 [details] [review]
core: Add UriGameFacory.get_mime_types ()
Comment 8 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:22 UTC
Created attachment 351081 [details] [review]
core: Add Plugin.get_mime_types ()

This will allow plugins to describe MIME types which should be
registered for file URI search.
Comment 9 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:29 UTC
Created attachment 351082 [details] [review]
core: Add Plugin.get_uri_sources ()

This will allow plugins to expose URI sources.
Comment 10 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:34 UTC
Created attachment 351083 [details] [review]
core: Add Plugin.get_uri_game_factories ()

This will allow plugins to expose factories to build games from URIs.
Comment 11 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:41 UTC
Created attachment 351084 [details] [review]
generic: Add GenericUriGameSource

This will be used in the next commit as a temporary transition helper
between the game source model and the uri source and game factory model.
Comment 12 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:47 UTC
Created attachment 351085 [details] [review]
ui: Use MIME types and factories froom plugins

Use the MIME types and URI game factories provided by plugins in the
application to search for game resources and to build games.

This will be used in the next commits to allow plugins to stop providing
game sources, helping to split the conerns of looking for game resources
and building games from them.
Comment 13 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:12:53 UTC
Created attachment 351086 [details] [review]
amiga: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 14 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:00 UTC
Created attachment 351087 [details] [review]
atari-2600: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 15 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:05 UTC
Created attachment 351088 [details] [review]
atari-7800: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 16 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:12 UTC
Created attachment 351089 [details] [review]
desktop: Provide MIME types, URI sources and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 17 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:17 UTC
Created attachment 351090 [details] [review]
doom: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 18 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:24 UTC
Created attachment 351091 [details] [review]
dreamcast: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 19 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:30 UTC
Created attachment 351092 [details] [review]
game-boy: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 20 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:37 UTC
Created attachment 351093 [details] [review]
game-boy-advance: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 21 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:43 UTC
Created attachment 351094 [details] [review]
game-cube: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 22 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:50 UTC
Created attachment 351095 [details] [review]
love: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 23 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:13:56 UTC
Created attachment 351096 [details] [review]
mame: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 24 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:03 UTC
Created attachment 351097 [details] [review]
master-system: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 25 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:09 UTC
Created attachment 351098 [details] [review]
mega-drive: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 26 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:16 UTC
Created attachment 351099 [details] [review]
neo-geo-pocket: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 27 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:23 UTC
Created attachment 351100 [details] [review]
nes: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 28 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:31 UTC
Created attachment 351101 [details] [review]
nintendo-64: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 29 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:38 UTC
Created attachment 351102 [details] [review]
nintendo-ds: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 30 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:45 UTC
Created attachment 351103 [details] [review]
pc-engine: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 31 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:52 UTC
Created attachment 351104 [details] [review]
playstation: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 32 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:14:59 UTC
Created attachment 351105 [details] [review]
sega-saturn: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 33 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:15:07 UTC
Created attachment 351106 [details] [review]
snes: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 34 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:15:14 UTC
Created attachment 351107 [details] [review]
wii: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 35 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:15:23 UTC
Created attachment 351108 [details] [review]
wii-ware: Provide MIME types and URI game factories

Also stop providing a GameSource.

This helps splitting the conerns of looking for game resources and
building games from them.
Comment 36 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:15:30 UTC
Created attachment 351109 [details] [review]
tracker: Remove unused Tracker types

Remove unused TrackerGameSource, TrackerQuery, MimeTypeTrackerQuery and
Comment 37 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:15:37 UTC
Created attachment 351110 [details] [review]
libretro: Drop tracker-sparql-1.0 requirement

Remove the useless tracker-sparql-1.0 requirement which probably ended
up there by accident.
Comment 38 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:15:44 UTC
Created attachment 351111 [details] [review]
playstation: Remove PlayStationGameFactory.is_cursor_valid()

Remove it as it wasn't used anymore.
Comment 39 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-04 19:19:10 UTC
Attachment 351075 [details] pushed as ea07c74 - core: Make Plugin.get_game_source() nullable
Attachment 351076 [details] pushed as 9a25c7d - core: Add UriSource
Attachment 351077 [details] pushed as 7074f2e - tracker: Add TrackerUriSource
Attachment 351078 [details] pushed as 95e02a7 - generic: Add GenericUriGameFacory.get_mime_types ()
Attachment 351079 [details] pushed as 2abb88a - playstation: Add PlayStationGameFacory.get_mime_types ()
Attachment 351080 [details] pushed as 1191ca3 - core: Add UriGameFacory.get_mime_types ()
Attachment 351081 [details] pushed as 2c07a42 - core: Add Plugin.get_mime_types ()
Attachment 351082 [details] pushed as 0dafc65 - core: Add Plugin.get_uri_sources ()
Attachment 351083 [details] pushed as f6269d9 - core: Add Plugin.get_uri_game_factories ()
Attachment 351084 [details] pushed as 4efeb39 - generic: Add GenericUriGameSource
Attachment 351085 [details] pushed as 4a7eeca - ui: Use MIME types and factories froom plugins
Attachment 351086 [details] pushed as 8a70dec - amiga: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351087 [details] pushed as aaec14a - atari-2600: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351088 [details] pushed as e306d0d - atari-7800: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351089 [details] pushed as c9a90eb - desktop: Provide MIME types, URI sources and URI game factories
Attachment 351090 [details] pushed as c956a7d - doom: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351091 [details] pushed as 6af17c9 - dreamcast: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351092 [details] pushed as 9248460 - game-boy: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351093 [details] pushed as b04c1a2 - game-boy-advance: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351094 [details] pushed as b82fcc9 - game-cube: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351095 [details] pushed as a98ffc4 - love: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351096 [details] pushed as c5679d4 - mame: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351097 [details] pushed as a48ac8c - master-system: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351098 [details] pushed as 76f67af - mega-drive: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351099 [details] pushed as a6e184e - neo-geo-pocket: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351100 [details] pushed as 0ebaf7e - nes: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351101 [details] pushed as c1c149f - nintendo-64: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351102 [details] pushed as 9e61383 - nintendo-ds: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351103 [details] pushed as a77bc4d - pc-engine: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351104 [details] pushed as 8b3b87f - playstation: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351105 [details] pushed as bbe92ce - sega-saturn: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351106 [details] pushed as fc5879e - snes: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351107 [details] pushed as 7beb9eb - wii: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351108 [details] pushed as 78867e7 - wii-ware: Provide MIME types and URI game factories
Attachment 351109 [details] pushed as 94e5d39 - tracker: Remove unused Tracker types
Attachment 351110 [details] pushed as 91fc84a - libretro: Drop tracker-sparql-1.0 requirement
Attachment 351111 [details] pushed as 6ad6b20 - playstation: Remove PlayStationGameFactory.is_cursor_valid()
Comment 40 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 06:38:36 UTC
Reopening as the GameSource model is still there.
Comment 41 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 06:49:54 UTC
Created attachment 351152 [details] [review]
core: Add PluginRegisterIterator

Allow to loop through the content of PluginRegister in a synchronous or
asynchronous way.
Comment 42 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 06:50:03 UTC
Created attachment 351153 [details] [review]
Replace old plugin register iteration

Drop PluginRegister.foreach_plugin_registrar() and replace it with

This will allow to use asynchronous calls while looping through the
plugin registrars.
Comment 43 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 06:50:10 UTC
Created attachment 351154 [details] [review]
Remove unused UriGameFactory.is_uri_valid()
Comment 44 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 06:50:17 UTC
Created attachment 351155 [details] [review]
Rename GenericSyncGameUriAdapter into GenericGameUriAdapter

Because characters are expensive.
Comment 45 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 06:51:58 UTC
Attachment 351152 [details] pushed as bd88258 - core: Add PluginRegisterIterator
Attachment 351153 [details] pushed as 99b5de7 - Replace old plugin register iteration
Attachment 351154 [details] pushed as 1c9af10 - Remove unused UriGameFactory.is_uri_valid()
Attachment 351155 [details] pushed as 34c413e - Rename GenericSyncGameUriAdapter into GenericGameUriAdapter
Comment 46 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 07:05:08 UTC
Created attachment 351156 [details] [review]
mame: Yield on MameGameUriAdapter.game_for_uri()

Yields before returning a new game. This is a safe default as the method
is async and hence is expected to yield at some point.
Comment 47 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 07:05:16 UTC
Created attachment 351157 [details] [review]
generic: Yield on GenericGameUriAdapter.game_for_uri()

Yields before making the game from the URI. This is a safe default as
the callback can't do it and the method is async and hence is expected
to yield at some point.
Comment 48 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 07:05:24 UTC
Created attachment 351158 [details] [review]
tracker: Move TrackerError to its own file
Comment 49 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 07:10:17 UTC
Attachment 351156 [details] pushed as bafa1b7 - mame: Yield on MameGameUriAdapter.game_for_uri()
Attachment 351157 [details] pushed as a8cc2ab - generic: Yield on GenericGameUriAdapter.game_for_uri()
Attachment 351158 [details] pushed as 47b6282 - tracker: Move TrackerError to its own file
Comment 50 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 07:11:59 UTC
Closed by accident: reopening.
Comment 51 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 10:39:05 UTC
Created attachment 351173 [details] [review]
Make UriGameFactory.add_uri() async

This will be used in the next commits to help doing complex operations
in this method.
Comment 52 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 10:39:13 UTC
Created attachment 351174 [details] [review]
core: Add UriGameFactory.game_added() signal

This will allow URI game factories to notify of the creation of a game.
Comment 53 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 10:39:21 UTC
Created attachment 351175 [details] [review]
generic: Refactor GenericUriGameFactory game creation

Make GenericUriGameFactory directly try to build games directly when a
URI is added.

This will be used to add URIs to the factory and to ask fo the games
just after.
Comment 54 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 10:39:29 UTC
Created attachment 351176 [details] [review]
generic: Add GenericUriGameSource.get_factories_for_uri()

This will be useful to avoid code duplication in future commits.
Comment 55 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 10:55:05 UTC
Attachment 351173 [details] pushed as 06f818f - Make UriGameFactory.add_uri() async
Attachment 351174 [details] pushed as 6ee0b73 - core: Add UriGameFactory.game_added() signal
Attachment 351175 [details] pushed as b43c5d0 - generic: Refactor GenericUriGameFactory game creation
Attachment 351176 [details] pushed as f72dcbc - generic: Add GenericUriGameSource.get_factories_for_uri()
Comment 56 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:10:42 UTC
Created attachment 351230 [details] [review]
generic: Add GenericUriGameSource.game_added()

This will be used in the next commit to add games to the collection
directly when they are found by a generic URI game source.
Comment 57 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:10:48 UTC
Created attachment 351231 [details] [review]
ui: Add games when found by the GenericUriGameSource

Connect to the GenericUriGameSource.game_added() signal to add games to
the collection directly when they are found by the generic URI game
Comment 58 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:10:55 UTC
Created attachment 351232 [details] [review]
Allow a media to have any number of URIs

This will be used to make MediaSet more flexible.
Comment 59 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:11:02 UTC
Created attachment 351233 [details] [review]
playstation: Build PlayStationUid from disc ID

Give more plexibility when building a PlayStationUid as the disc ID
doesn't have to come from a disc header.

This is needed to build UIDs from disc set IDs coming from the
PlayStation game database.
Comment 60 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:11:09 UTC
Created attachment 351234 [details] [review]
gameinfo: Add GameinfoDoc.get_disc_set_ids_for_disc_id()

This will be used in the next commit.
Comment 61 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:11:17 UTC
Created attachment 351235 [details] [review]
playstation: Make game creation more flexible
Comment 62 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-05 20:19:11 UTC
Attachment 351230 [details] pushed as f711e94 - generic: Add GenericUriGameSource.game_added()
Attachment 351231 [details] pushed as 05c3ff6 - ui: Add games when found by the GenericUriGameSource
Attachment 351232 [details] pushed as 75e1fa7 - Allow a media to have any number of URIs
Attachment 351233 [details] pushed as 94b5dc6 - playstation: Build PlayStationUid from disc ID
Attachment 351234 [details] pushed as c1b1d4c - gameinfo: Add GameinfoDoc.get_disc_set_ids_for_disc_id()
Attachment 351235 [details] pushed as e0d89ec - playstation: Make game creation more flexible
Comment 63 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-06 07:36:03 UTC
Created attachment 351247 [details] [review]
utils: Add the Uri class

This allows to handle URIs more easily, avoids some useless string
copies and makes the type checking stronger.
Comment 64 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-06 07:36:12 UTC
Created attachment 351248 [details] [review]
Use the new Uri type

Replace usage of string in favor of the new Uri type to represent URIs
wherever possible.
Comment 65 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-06 07:36:18 UTC
Created attachment 351249 [details] [review]
desktop: Catch error in DesktopPlugin.get_uri_sources()

This fixes a compile time error.
Comment 66 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-06 07:58:22 UTC
Attachment 351247 [details] pushed as 1dee7c3 - utils: Add the Uri class
Attachment 351248 [details] pushed as 1b85607 - Use the new Uri type
Attachment 351249 [details] pushed as 4d68c98 - desktop: Catch error in DesktopPlugin.get_uri_sources()
Comment 67 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 04:59:59 UTC
Created attachment 351274 [details] [review]
core: Add UriGameFactory.get_schemes()

This will allow game factories to declare the kind of URI schemes they
Comment 68 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:08 UTC
Created attachment 351275 [details] [review]
generic: Make GenericUriGameFactory handle schemes

Add get_schemes() and add_scheme() to GenericUriGameFactory to allow its
users to declare the kind of URI schemes they accept.
Comment 69 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:16 UTC
Created attachment 351276 [details] [review]
generic: Make GenericUriGameSource handle schemes
Comment 70 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:23 UTC
Created attachment 351277 [details] [review]
utils: Add Uri.from_uri_and_scheme()

This will be used by game factories to adapt a URI scheme to their
Comment 71 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:32 UTC
Created attachment 351278 [details] [review]
steam: Add SteamUriIterator

This will be used to iterate through the available Steam game resources.
Comment 72 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:41 UTC
Created attachment 351279 [details] [review]
steam: Add SteamUriSource
Comment 73 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:50 UTC
Created attachment 351280 [details] [review]
steam: Use SteamUriSource and a generic game factory

Replace usage of SteamGameSource by a SteamUriSource and a
GenericUriGameFactory accepting the steam+file URI scheme.
Comment 74 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:00:58 UTC
Created attachment 351281 [details] [review]
steam: Remove now unused SteamGameSource
Comment 75 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 05:02:21 UTC
Attachment 351274 [details] pushed as e71c56d - core: Add UriGameFactory.get_schemes()
Attachment 351275 [details] pushed as b12d611 - generic: Make GenericUriGameFactory handle schemes
Attachment 351276 [details] pushed as 2c3df36 - generic: Make GenericUriGameSource handle schemes
Attachment 351277 [details] pushed as 5843eb3 - utils: Add Uri.from_uri_and_scheme()
Attachment 351278 [details] pushed as 20c5448 - steam: Add SteamUriIterator
Attachment 351279 [details] pushed as c4e8dd9 - steam: Add SteamUriSource
Attachment 351280 [details] pushed as 6ec89ca - steam: Use SteamUriSource and a generic game factory
Attachment 351281 [details] pushed as 4ec9259 - steam: Remove now unused SteamGameSource
Comment 76 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:04:48 UTC
Created attachment 351285 [details] [review]
libretro: Add LibretroUriIterator

This will be used to iterate through the available Libretro games.
Comment 77 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:04:55 UTC
Created attachment 351286 [details] [review]
libretro: Add LibretroUriSource

This will be used to iterate through the available Libretro games.
Comment 78 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:03 UTC
Created attachment 351287 [details] [review]
libretro: Add LibretroError

This will be used in the next commit to express failure when building a
Libretro game.
Comment 79 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:10 UTC
Created attachment 351288 [details] [review]
libretro: Use LibretroUriSource and a generic game factory

Replace usage of LibretroGameSource by a LibretroUriSource and a
GenericUriGameFactory accepting the libretro+file URI scheme.
Comment 80 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:18 UTC
Created attachment 351289 [details] [review]
libretro: Remove now unused LibretroGameSource
Comment 81 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:25 UTC
Created attachment 351290 [details] [review]
ui: Stop using game sources from the plugins
Comment 82 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:32 UTC
Created attachment 351291 [details] [review]
Rename GenericUriGameSource to GameCollection

Also don't make it implement GameSource.

This makes this class' curent role in the application more clear.
Comment 83 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:39 UTC
Created attachment 351292 [details] [review]
dummy: Remove DummyGameSource

This is needed to remove GameSource.
Comment 84 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:48 UTC
Created attachment 351293 [details] [review]
core: Remove Plugin.get_game_source()

This is needed to remove GameSource.
Comment 85 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:05:56 UTC
Created attachment 351294 [details] [review]
core: Move GameCallback to its own file

This is needed to remove GameSource.
Comment 86 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:06:04 UTC
Created attachment 351295 [details] [review]
core: Remove unused GameSource

This completes the move from the GameSource game discovery model to the
UriSource, UriGameFactory and GameCollection one.
Comment 87 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:14:53 UTC
Created attachment 351296 [details] [review]
utils: Make Uri.from_uri_and_scheme() throw errors

This avoids a compile time warning and potential runtime errors.
Comment 88 Adrien Plazas 2017-05-07 12:18:22 UTC
Attachment 351285 [details] pushed as a2fc3be - libretro: Add LibretroUriIterator
Attachment 351286 [details] pushed as a74e97f - libretro: Add LibretroUriSource
Attachment 351287 [details] pushed as e289b89 - libretro: Add LibretroError
Attachment 351288 [details] pushed as 05e110c - libretro: Use LibretroUriSource and a generic game factory
Attachment 351289 [details] pushed as b257d7d - libretro: Remove now unused LibretroGameSource
Attachment 351290 [details] pushed as 7d1d221 - ui: Stop using game sources from the plugins
Attachment 351291 [details] pushed as 481cacf - Rename GenericUriGameSource to GameCollection
Attachment 351292 [details] pushed as 00a3e68 - dummy: Remove DummyGameSource
Attachment 351293 [details] pushed as b019050 - core: Remove Plugin.get_game_source()
Attachment 351294 [details] pushed as ee394fe - core: Move GameCallback to its own file
Attachment 351295 [details] pushed as 66d89c7 - core: Remove unused GameSource
Attachment 351296 [details] pushed as b3dc557 - utils: Make Uri.from_uri_and_scheme() throw errors