GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 774658
Lots in Account - incorrect cap gain trans created if you delete cap gains transactions before lots
Last modified: 2018-06-29 23:52:07 UTC
Created attachment 340209 [details] screendump1 This happens in 2.6.14 in Windows 10 and 2.6.9 in Debian 8.5. If after scrubbing a security account you decide it is not what you want (say you have incorrectly linked splits to a lot), then you delete the capital gains transactions created by scrubbing (without first cleaning up the lots), then go into the Lots in Account window and click on a lot, it seems to try to recreate the cap gain transactions again but they are incorrect. For example: 1) create following transactions: 1/1/2015 Buy 100 @ $10.00 ea = $1000.00 Lot 0 1/2/2015 Sell 10 @ $11.00 ea = $110.00- 1/3/2015 Buy 100 @ $12.00 ea = $1200.00 Lot 1 1/4/2015 Sell 150 @ $13.00 ea = $1950.00- See attached screendump: 1BeforeInitialScrubAccount.png 2) Scrub Account correctly creates 3 cap gains transactions: 1/2/2015 Lot 0 gain = sell 10 x 11.00 - buy 10 x 10.00 = 110.00 - 100.00 = 10.00 1/4/2015 Lot 0 gain = sell 90 x 13.00 - buy 90 x 10.00 = 1170.00 - 900.00 = 270.00 1/4/2015 Lot 1 gain = sell 60 x 13.00 - buy 60 x 12.00 = 780.00 - 720.00 = 60.00 See attached screendump: 2AfterInitalScrubAcct.png 3) Delete the 3 capital gains transactions. See attached screendump: 3AfterDeletingCapGainTrans.png 4) Go into the Lots in Account window and click on lot 0. This creates: 2 capital gain transactions for 1/2/2015 each with value $10.00 1 capital gain transaction for 1/4/2015 with value $260.00 See attached screendump: 4AfterClickOnLot0.png 5) If you reset the lots and transactions to how they were just before point 4, then click on lot 1, this creates: 2 capital gain transactions for 1/4/2015 each with value $60.00 See attached screendump: 5AfterClickOnLot1.png The correct procedure would seem be to delete the lots first (or at least unlink the sell splits from the lots), before deleting the capital gain transactions. I have found no problem when doing this. I suspect this will be difficult to fix and there will not be much motivation for it to be fixed given the easy work-around, but I wanted to document it anyway. I intend to update my recent documentation to specify that lots should be deleted or at least sell splits unlinked from the lots before deleting the capital gains transactions.
Created attachment 340210 [details] screendump2
Created attachment 340211 [details] screendump3
Created attachment 340212 [details] screendump4
Created attachment 340213 [details] screendump5
Confirm this on 2.6.12 on Ubuntu as well. In my case with Trading accounts enabled: One of the scrub transactions (created in step 4 of above description) is not even self-balanced (regarding trading account splits). This leaves the user trapped in transaction edit mode, which cannot be left until the user balances the splits manually.
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