GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 772360
vala autocompletion lacks included libraries with meson build system
Last modified: 2017-03-08 19:00:10 UTC
Created attachment 336801 [details] example1.png -- Software: Fedora 25 Alpha Builder 3.22 - Non flatpak version -- How to reproduce: - Type "GLib." -- What should happen? - A popup appears with complete-suggestions (attachment example1.png") -- What happen? - Nothing Vala plugin is enabled. ### Builder log ### [] hostname = "HP" username = "haecker-felix" codeset = "UTF-8" cpus = 2 cache_dir = "/home/haecker-felix/.cache" data_dir = "/home/haecker-felix/.local/share" config_dir = "/home/haecker-felix/.config" runtime_dir = "/run/user/1000" home_dir = "/home/haecker-felix" tmp_dir = "/tmp" current_dir = "/home/haecker-felix" started-at = "2016-10-03T11:41:28Z" generated-at = "2016-10-03T11:44:22Z" [runtime.libraries] glib = "2.50.0" gtk = "3.22.0" [runtime.display] name = "wayland-0" n_monitors = 1 geometry[0] = [1920,1080] [runtime.environ] XDG_VTNR = "XDG_VTNR=2" XDG_SESSION_ID = "XDG_SESSION_ID=2" WAYLAND_DISPLAY = "WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0" SHELL = "SHELL=/bin/bash" TERM = "TERM=xterm-256color" XDG_MENU_PREFIX = "XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-" VTE_VERSION = "VTE_VERSION=4600" GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT = "GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT=stderr" GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS = "GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS=JS ERROR;JS LOG" USER = "USER=haecker-felix" LS_COLORS = "LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=38;5;33:ln=38;5;51:mh=00:pi=40;38;5;11:so=38;5;13:do=38;5;5:bd=48;5;232;38;5;11:cd=48;5;232;38;5;3:or=48;5;232;38;5;9:mi=01;05;37;41:su=48;5;196;38;5;15:sg=48;5;11;38;5;16:ca=48;5;196;38;5;226:tw=48;5;10;38;5;16:ow=48;5;10;38;5;21:st=48;5;21;38;5;15:ex=38;5;40:*.tar=38;5;9:*.tgz=38;5;9:*.arc=38;5;9:*.arj=38;5;9:*.taz=38;5;9:*.lha=38;5;9:*.lz4=38;5;9:*.lzh=38;5;9:*.lzma=38;5;9:*.tlz=38;5;9:*.txz=38;5;9:*.tzo=38;5;9:*.t7z=38;5;9:*.zip=38;5;9:*.z=38;5;9:*.Z=38;5;9:*.dz=38;5;9:*.gz=38;5;9:*.lrz=38;5;9:*.lz=38;5;9:*.lzo=38;5;9:*.xz=38;5;9:*.bz2=38;5;9:*.bz=38;5;9:*.tbz=38;5;9:*.tbz2=38;5;9:*.tz=38;5;9:*.deb=38;5;9:*.rpm=38;5;9:*.jar=38;5;9:*.war=38;5;9:*.ear=38;5;9:*.sar=38;5;9:*.rar=38;5;9:*.alz=38;5;9:*.ace=38;5;9:*.zoo=38;5;9:*.cpio=38;5;9:*.7z=38;5;9:*.rz=38;5;9:*.cab=38;5;9:*.jpg=38;5;13:*.jpeg=38;5;13:*.gif=38;5;13:*.bmp=38;5;13:*.pbm=38;5;13:*.pgm=38;5;13:*.ppm=38;5;13:*.tga=38;5;13:*.xbm=38;5;13:*.xpm=38;5;13:*.tif=38;5;13:*.tiff=38;5;13:*.png=38;5;13:*.svg=38;5;13:*.svgz=38;5;13:*.mng=38;5;13:*.pcx=38;5;13:*.mov=38;5;13:*.mpg=38;5;13:*.mpeg=38;5;13:*.m2v=38;5;13:*.mkv=38;5;13:*.webm=38;5;13:*.ogm=38;5;13:*.mp4=38;5;13:*.m4v=38;5;13:*.mp4v=38;5;13:*.vob=38;5;13:*.qt=38;5;13:*.nuv=38;5;13:*.wmv=38;5;13:*.asf=38;5;13:*.rm=38;5;13:*.rmvb=38;5;13:*.flc=38;5;13:*.avi=38;5;13:*.fli=38;5;13:*.flv=38;5;13:*.gl=38;5;13:*.dl=38;5;13:*.xcf=38;5;13:*.xwd=38;5;13:*.yuv=38;5;13:*.cgm=38;5;13:*.emf=38;5;13:*.ogv=38;5;13:*.ogx=38;5;13:*.aac=38;5;45:*.au=38;5;45:*.flac=38;5;45:*.m4a=38;5;45:*.mid=38;5;45:*.midi=38;5;45:*.mka=38;5;45:*.mp3=38;5;45:*.mpc=38;5;45:*.ogg=38;5;45:*.ra=38;5;45:*.wav=38;5;45:*.oga=38;5;45:*.opus=38;5;45:*.spx=38;5;45:*.xspf=38;5;45:" SSH_AUTH_SOCK = "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/keyring/ssh" SESSION_MANAGER = "SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1345,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1345" USERNAME = "USERNAME=haecker-felix" CCACHE_CPP2 = "CCACHE_CPP2=" PATH = "PATH=/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" DESKTOP_SESSION = "DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome" QT_IM_MODULE = "QT_IM_MODULE=ibus" QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qgnomeplatform" XDG_SESSION_TYPE = "XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland" PWD = "PWD=/home/haecker-felix" XMODIFIERS = "XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus" LANG = "LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" MODULEPATH = "MODULEPATH=/etc/scl/modulefiles:/usr/share/Modules/modulefiles:/etc/modulefiles:/usr/share/modulefiles" GDM_LANG = "GDM_LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" LOADEDMODULES = "LOADEDMODULES=" GDMSESSION = "GDMSESSION=gnome" HOME = "HOME=/home/haecker-felix" XDG_SEAT = "XDG_SEAT=seat0" SHLVL = "SHLVL=1" GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID = "GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated" XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP = "XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=gnome" LOGNAME = "LOGNAME=haecker-felix" XDG_DATA_DIRS = "XDG_DATA_DIRS=/home/haecker-felix/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/" DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS = "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus" MODULESHOME = "MODULESHOME=/usr/share/Modules" LESSOPEN = "LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s" JOURNAL_STREAM = "JOURNAL_STREAM=8:25578" XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000" DISPLAY = "DISPLAY=:0" XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME" CCACHE_HASHDIR = "CCACHE_HASHDIR=" COLORTERM = "COLORTERM=truecolor" BASH_FUNC_module() = "BASH_FUNC_module()=() { eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`\n}" BASH_FUNC_scl() = "BASH_FUNC_scl()=() { local CMD=$1;\n if [ \"$CMD\" = \"load\" -o \"$CMD\" = \"unload\" ]; then\n eval \"module $@\";\n else\n /usr/bin/scl \"$@\";\n fi\n}" _ = "_=/usr/bin/gnome-builder" [runtime.counters] EggTaskCache.Instances = 7 EggTaskCache.In_Flight = 0 EggTaskCache.Queued = 0 EggTaskCache.Cache_Size = 3 EggTaskCache.Cache_Hits = 96 EggTaskCache.Cache_Miss = 38 IdeBufferManager.Registered_Buffers = 1 IdeBuffer.Instances = 1 IdeDiagnostic.Instances = 17 IdeDiagnostics.Instances = 1 IdeFixit.Instances = 0 IdeSourceLocation.Instances = 34 IdeSourceRange.Instances = 17 IdeFileSettings.Instances = 4 IdeFile.Instances = 31 IdeHighlightIndex.Instances = 0 IdePatternSpec.Instances = 0 IdeCompletionResults.Instances = 1 IdeSourceView.Instances = 1 IdeSymbol.Instances = 0 ThreadPool.Total_Tasks = 80 ThreadPool.Queued_Tasks = 0 IdeTreeNode.Instances = 110 Subprocess.HostCommand_Instances = 0 IdeRefPtr.Instances = 0 IdeWorkerManager.Instances = 0 IdeWorkerProcess.Instances = 0 Clang.Total_Parse_Attempts = 0 Clang.Translation_Units = 0 Autotools.Flags_Requests = 32 IdeMakecache.Instances = 1 IdeMakecacheTarget.Instances = 1 IdeCtagsBuilder.Instances = 1 IdeCtagsBuilder.Build_Count = 0 IdeCtagsCompletionItem.Instances = 0 IdeCtagsIndex.Instances = 0 IdeCtagsIndex.N_Entries = 0 IdeCtagsIndex.Heap_Size = 0 IdeGitBufferChangeMonitor.Instances = 1 2c3f42f666112c5950dbd2e0e32055a3ebd8fec8d13558174a01b702da961a7e
I think the problem right now with 3.22 is a bug in gtksourceview causing the completion window to not be displayed. On X11, I can actually activate the completion items even though they are not visible. On Wayland, I can't even do that.
Ok but even on x11 it only show these "often used words" and not real autocompletion like in the example pic.
I can't find a corresponding bug report for gtksourceview. Do you have a link?
(In reply to Tony Houghton from comment #3) > I can't find a corresponding bug report for gtksourceview. Do you have a > link? See the Depends On bugs in the info section of the bug. They may have been moved to other projects after creation if for some reason they are not in the gtksourceview target.
GNOME Builder version 3.23.90 here: [not flatpak] Autocomplete does works sometimes. For example you type: "GLib." -> You will get a popup with glib string, Dir etc. This works fine. But for gtk libs there is no autocomplete. If i use gtk things in my project, builder marks them red. (error: the type name '<GTK>' could not be found) The project is building fine anyway.
Which build system, autotools?
Meson. For more details: But why is the build system relevant for auto complete? Im just curios.
The(In reply to Felix Häcker from comment #7) > Meson. That explains it. > But why is the build system relevant for auto complete? Im just curios. Because there is not a consistent way to determine which "--pkg foo" commands to prime the compiler with. So we have to extract those flags from the build system. We have some crazy autotools hacks to do this. The Meson plugin in Builder currently lacks that feature. I think the reason for that is that mesonintrospect does not tell us about the valac compiler flags, only the flags which are ultimately passed to GCC/Clang (and are not useful to us here). I've filed with meson upstream.
Ah make sense. Thanks for fast reply.
Couldn't you just have a dialog or something to enter build flags manually for people who want to use a build system that isn't fully supported? All other IDEs I've used let you enter the flags manually.
(In reply to Tony Houghton from comment #10) > Couldn't you just have a dialog or something to enter build flags manually > for people who want to use a build system that isn't fully supported? All > other IDEs I've used let you enter the flags manually. It's certainly possible if someone wants to implement this in plugins/vala-pack/ide-vala-{index,service}.vala. It's newcomer difficulty. You'll need to handle the IdeConfigurationManager::invalidate signal and clear/reset the index when that happens using config.get_env("VALAFLAGS") for the appropriate build flags. (Then you can just set VALAFLAGS environment variable in you the Build Preferences UI). You get access to the configuration manager from the service like: "this.get_context().get_configuration_manager()".
Created attachment 347034 [details] [review] meson: fallback to ninja to discover vala commands This uses the "ninja -t compdb vala_COMPILER" command to get possible vala commands. This isn't exactly ideal, but it's likely to get us closer than we would otherwise.
This problem has been fixed in the unstable development version. The fix will be available in the next major software release. You may need to upgrade your Linux distribution to obtain that newer version. Attachment 347034 [details] pushed as 8602367 - meson: fallback to ninja to discover vala commands
Doesn't work. I'm using the latest git version. (commit 2627fee5f009189c87f3a8d14f0b54b70df6b5c2) Other libs are marked as invalid. See screenshot: (please ignore the ugly colours, it is a bug in gnome 3.23 :) ) Here you see for example, the line "using Gtk;" and "using Gst;" are underlined blue (red). The projects builds fine anyway.
(In reply to Christian Hergert from comment #12) > Created attachment 347034 [details] [review] [review] > meson: fallback to ninja to discover vala commands > > This uses the "ninja -t compdb vala_COMPILER" command to get possible > vala commands. This isn't exactly ideal, but it's likely to get us > closer than we would otherwise. This is perhaps fixed in the next version of Meson already:
Our workaround is just a fallback, so it should be fine when upstream gets out to users.
Created attachment 347367 [details] gtk/gst namespace (In reply to Felix Häcker from comment #14) > Doesn't work. I'm using the latest git version. (commit > 2627fee5f009189c87f3a8d14f0b54b70df6b5c2) Hrmm, it does seem to work here after making a couple of edits. We might also need to fix some things with ensuring we are staying up to date with buffer changes.
Builder 3.23.91+74-g2627fee5 (devel) Now the vala autocomplete is working flawless. Even with external libs. Awsome! GNOME Builder is getting a perfect Vala IDE.
Ah. The meson package got updated to 0.39.0-1. (2017-03-07). Make sense :)