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Bug 76266 - no tooltip notification for magnifiers available
no tooltip notification for magnifiers available
Product: atk
Classification: Platform
Component: gail
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: padraig.obriain
Depends on: 114851
Reported: 2002-03-25 15:34 UTC by Michael Meeks
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Proposed patch (1.81 KB, patch)
2003-06-10 11:02 UTC, padraig.obriain
none Details | Review
Updated patch (4.36 KB, patch)
2004-02-16 17:03 UTC, padraig.obriain
none Details | Review

Description Michael Meeks 2002-03-25 15:34:14 UTC
When you have popped up a tooltip on an app you get a frame entitled
'gtk-tooltips'. It seems to leak - ie. there remains a 'frame' for it even
when the tooltip is no longer visible.

Furthermore, it would appear a non-useful thing since this frame can't be
selected or switched to etc. the fact that it's a separate window is really
an implementation detail of the toolkit IMHO. and it should have no
separate accessible.
Comment 1 padraig.obriain 2002-03-25 17:27:23 UTC
I have committed a change to gailtoplevel.c to ignore a window whose
name is 'gtk-tooltips'.
Comment 2 padraig.obriain 2002-03-27 11:37:52 UTC
One of the consequences of the change is that a magnifier will not be
able to get at a tooltip
Comment 3 Luis Villa 2002-04-16 04:47:54 UTC
Should this be retitled to reflect the current problem?
Comment 4 bill.haneman 2003-03-04 16:06:47 UTC
seems to me that some kind of state change should be fired on the
object whose tooltip has been posted (in ATK).  What do you think,
Comment 5 padraig.obriain 2003-03-04 16:35:37 UTC
What state did you have in mind? There does not seem to be an obvious
Comment 6 bill.haneman 2003-03-04 16:46:37 UTC
I don't see a good candidate either.  I wonder, should we defer doing
anything about this?
The one use case where ATs really need tooltip info is for onscreen
magnifiers; presumably a magnifier should track popped-up tooltips.

We could use AtkRelation for this, inventing a TOOLTIP_FOR relation or
some such, and create a (transient) AtkObject for the tooltip, which
might be fired in an object:tooltip-post event (with a corresponding
object:tooltip-unpost or just object:state-changed to DEFUNCT on the
tooltip object.
Comment 7 korn 2003-03-04 17:06:33 UTC
We have a SUBWINDOW_FOR relation (or are supposed to).  Maybe 
TOOLTIP_FOR is appropriate, but we should consider re-using 
Comment 8 bill.haneman 2003-03-04 17:09:23 UTC
I think TOOLTIP_FOR, if we use it at all, needs to be a one-off. 
SUBWINDOW_FOR has too many other uses, and trying to be general with
something like this is IMO too dangerous.
Comment 9 Calum Benson 2003-04-03 15:08:45 UTC
Updating status_whiteboard field to reflect A11Y team's assessment 
of accessibility impact.
Comment 10 padraig.obriain 2003-06-10 11:02:15 UTC
I have revisited the original issue raied by Michael, i.e. that when a
tooltip is displayed we do not receive notification of when it is
hidden. This seems to be fixed so we can patch gail to allow
notification of when the tooltip window is displayed.

The other issue is how does the user know for what widget the tooltip
is displayed.
Comment 11 padraig.obriain 2003-06-10 11:02:51 UTC
Created attachment 17381 [details] [review]
Proposed patch
Comment 12 bill.haneman 2003-06-10 11:16:52 UTC
I believe I recently suggested we needed a POPUP_FOR relation.  Also a
TOOLTIP_FOR relation makes sense to me.  SUBWINDOW_OF doesn't seem
like a natural fit.
Comment 13 padraig.obriain 2003-06-10 14:59:40 UTC
It is not currently possible to determine from a tooltip window the
widget for which the tooltip is displayed.
Comment 14 Calum Benson 2003-08-07 16:06:49 UTC
Apologies for spam... marking as GNOMEVER2.3 so it appears on the official GNOME
bug list :)
Comment 15 padraig.obriain 2004-02-16 17:03:42 UTC
Created attachment 24454 [details] [review]
Updated patch
Comment 16 padraig.obriain 2004-02-16 17:05:52 UTC
The updated patch causes a notification to be emitted when a tooltip
is displayed. The tooltip has a relation ATK_RELATION_POPUP_FOR which
identifies the widget the tooltip is for.
Comment 17 padraig.obriain 2004-02-16 17:18:49 UTC
Patch committed to CVS HEAD.