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Bug 751251 - Show serial number in device information
Show serial number in device information
Product: gparted
Classification: Other
Component: application
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: gparted maintainers alias
gparted maintainers alias
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-06-20 10:06 UTC by Adrian Johnson
Modified: 2015-08-03 17:31 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Display device serial numbers (v1) (6.96 KB, patch)
2015-06-23 12:40 UTC, Mike Fleetwood
none Details | Review
Display device serial numbers (v2) (6.96 KB, patch)
2015-06-23 19:14 UTC, Mike Fleetwood
none Details | Review
Tarball of hdparm.out and hdparm.err (10.00 KB, application/x-compressed-tar)
2015-06-24 18:47 UTC, Curtis Gedak
Display device serial numbers (v3) (10.25 KB, patch)
2015-06-26 20:28 UTC, Mike Fleetwood
none Details | Review
Display device serial numbers (v4) (15.78 KB, patch)
2015-06-30 19:52 UTC, Mike Fleetwood
none Details | Review

Description Adrian Johnson 2015-06-20 10:06:51 UTC
It would be useful to display the device serial number in the device information. Without this I have to run a separate command to ensure I have selected the right device.
Comment 1 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-22 08:58:11 UTC
Hi Adrian,

This seems like a perfectly reasonable request.  I'll take a look at
implementing it.

Comment 2 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-22 09:03:17 UTC
Hi Curtis,

This isn't trivial because libparted doesn't report the serial number
GParted calls:
    Ped_Device * ped_device_get(const char * path)
to get information from libparted about the device but the Ped_Device
structure only contains a model string, but not a serial number.

Ways that I know of to display the model and serial number of a hard
    hdparm -I /dev/sda | egrep 'Model|Serial'
    smartctl -i /dev/sda | egrep 'Model|Serial'
    lshw -class disk | egrep 'product|serial|logical name'
    lsblk --nodeps -o name,model,serial
        (Serial column added in util-linux 2.24-rc1.
        Util-linux 2.24 released 2013-10-21.)

There is no kernel /proc or /sys file which contains the serial number.

# strace hdparm -I /dev/sda
open("/dev/sda", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)   = 3
ioctl(3, SG_IO, {'S', SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV, cmd[16]=[85, 08, 0e, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 40, ec, 00], mx_sb_len=32, iovec_count=0, dxfer_len=512, timeout=15000, flags=0, data[512]=["zB\377?7\310\20\0\0\0\0\0?\0\0\0\0\0\0\0    W -DCWYA"...], status=00, masked_status=00, sb[0]=[], host_status=0, driver_status=0, resid=0, duration=11, info=0}) = 0
close(3)                                = 0

ATA device, with non-removable media
        Model Number:       WDC WD2500AAKX-083CA0
        Serial Number:      WD-WCAYW0568459
        Firmware Revision:  15.01H15
        Transport:          Serial, SATA 1.0a, SATA

So either GParted will have to do an ioctl() and interpret the data
block or call one of the above commands and parse the output to get the
serial number.  As GParted already calls external commands and parses
output for many other items of data, this is the direction I will take.

Comment 3 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-22 13:01:00 UTC
Hi Curtis,

Can you run "hdparm -I /dev/RAIDARRAY" on your machine with a BIOS RAID
and paste the first 10 lines or so.

Also do you have any suggestions for what to display for the serial
number when it isn't available.  Cases I can think of:
1) Device doesn't have a serial number
   E.g. Linux software RAID arrays (mdadm) and Linux DM RAID (dmraid)
2) Error querying serial number
3) hdparm command is missing so can't query serial number
4) Other unknown device type which doesn't have serial numbers
I'm thinking of "none" if the device is known not to have serial numbers
and blank or "unknown" otherwise.

Example error output from Linux Software RAID Array:

    # hdparm -I /dev/md127

    HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

Comment 4 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-22 23:03:18 UTC
Hi Mike,

My BIOS RAID array is an Intel Software RAID on a ASUS P8H67-M PRO/CSM motherboard.

Output from requested command is:

$ sudo hdparm -i /dev/mapper/isw_efjbbijhh_Vol0 
 HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

The /dev/mapper/isw_efjbbijhh_Vol0 RAID mirror is also known as /dev/dm-0:

$ sudo hdparm -i /dev/dm-0

 HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

As far as I can tell the Motherboard BIOS RAID does not have a serial number.  Also when I run "gsmartcontrol", the RAID does not show up as a separate device.  The two member drives do show up though as regular drives (/dev/sdc and /dev/sdd in my case).

Comment 5 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-23 12:40:46 UTC
Created attachment 305916 [details] [review]
Display device serial numbers (v1)

Hi Curtis,

Here's the patch for this.

Chose to just use hdparm as it keeps the code simpler, it's to most well
known and popular tool for the task and included by default in some
distros, including GParted Live CD and System Rescue CD.  (Doesn't seem
to be included in recent Fedora's by default though).

Performance on my desktop with 4 hard drives, with 2 Linux Software RAID
Arrays on top (therefore running hdparm -I 6 times) adds 0.04 seconds to
the device refresh time.
    0.001663 + 0.003069 + 0.012383 + 0.003516 + 0.008544 + 0.009747
    = 0.38922

Fragment of timed logging for this.

 17.879664 +14.771361 STOPWATCH_RESET               
  0.000000 +0.000000 set_devices_thread()           (pdevices)
  0.000065 +0.000065 set_devices_thread()           Refreshing caches ...
  0.286195 +0.001540 set_devices_thread()           Scanning for devices (aka disks) ...
  0.292192 +0.005997 set_devices_thread()           Scanning devices (aka disks) for partitions and contents ...
/dev/md126: unrecognised disk label
  0.294930 +0.002738 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/md126
  0.294953 +0.000023 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/md126
  0.296615 +0.001663 execute_command()              exit status 0
  0.296668 +0.000052 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="none"
/dev/md127: unrecognised disk label
  0.299798 +0.003130 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/md127
  0.299816 +0.000018 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/md127
  0.302885 +0.003069 execute_command()              exit status 0
  0.302944 +0.000060 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="none"
  0.382538 +0.079594 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sda
  0.382572 +0.000034 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sda
  0.394955 +0.012383 execute_command()              exit status 0
  0.395073 +0.000118 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="S1WFJDSZ123732"
  1.464694 +0.032995 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdb
  1.464728 +0.000034 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdb
  1.468244 +0.003516 execute_command()              exit status 0
  1.468370 +0.000126 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="DCF4300940SE940B4507"
  2.719533 +0.000749 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdc
  2.719549 +0.000016 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdc
  2.728093 +0.008544 execute_command()              exit status 0
  2.728222 +0.000128 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="S2R8J9EC617288"
/dev/sdd: unrecognised disk label
  2.729791 +0.001570 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdd
  2.729811 +0.000020 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdd
  2.739557 +0.009747 execute_command()              exit status 0
  2.739666 +0.000108 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="S2TBJA0C137217"
  2.740099 +0.000433 set_devices_thread()           return

Comment 6 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-23 19:14:05 UTC
Created attachment 305954 [details] [review]
Display device serial numbers (v2)

Here's patch v2.  The only difference is changing the patch summary
    Display device serial number (#751251)
    Display device serial numbers (#751251)
Comment 7 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-24 17:09:45 UTC
Hi Mike,

I am testing with patch set v2 on my physical computer with kubuntu 12.04, and GParted gets stuck "Searching /dev/sdf partitions".

The output on the command line follows:

$ sudo src/gpartedbin 
libparted : 2.3

(gpartedbin:10261): glibmm-CRITICAL **: 
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: g_convert_error
code  : 1
what  : Invalid byte sequence in conversion input


Device /dev/sdf is my Kobo Touch eReader which I happened to have connected at the time and has no partitions.  Note that GParted 0.22.0 works fine with this device.

More information follows:

$ sudo blkid | grep sdf
/dev/sdf: LABEL="KOBOeReader" UUID="5091-AB25" TYPE="vfat"
$ sudo parted /dev/sdf unit s print
Model: Kobo eReader-2.5.2 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdf: 2874814s
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: loop

Number  Start  End       Size      File system  Flags
 1      0s     2874813s  2874814s  fat32

$ sudo hdparm -i /dev/sdf

SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]:  70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Invalid argument

On a more minor note (more of a personal preference), I think the last changed line of patch v2 would look better if the spacing matched the surrounding code.

E.g., in Win_GParted::File_Label_Device_info()

device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( devices[ current_device ] .model ) ;
device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( devices[current_device].serial_number ) ;
device_info[ t++ ] ->set_text( Utils::format_size( devices[ current_device ] .length, devices[ current_device ] .sector_size ) ) ;

If you need any more information just let me know.

Comment 8 Patrick Verner 2015-06-24 17:45:01 UTC
You can get the serial number by grepping /dev/disk/by-id

Every Linux distribution uses udev.

You can also use lsblk from util-linux which is also a standard.

lsblk /dev/sda -o SERIAL

Just tossing this out there as an option if hdparm doesn't work out.
Comment 9 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-24 18:15:08 UTC
Hi Curtis,

Can you run the following for me and send me the 2 files and report the
exit status.  From this I will be able to fake your hdparm result and
debug the error.

    sudo su -
    hdparm -I /dev/sdf 1> hdparm.out 2> hdparm.err
    echo $?

1) Becoming root first, then running hdparm I am not 100% sure sudo
   returns the command exit status unmodified.
2) Please use capital I option to hdparm for this one.  Lower case i
   does a slightly different hdparm action.  See the man page for

Comment 10 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-24 18:47:59 UTC
Created attachment 306037 [details]
Tarball of hdparm.out and hdparm.err

Hi Mike,

Following are the relevant commands I ran:

# hdparm -I /dev/sdf 1> hdparm.out 2> hdparm.err
root@octo:~# echo $?
# tar cvf hdparm.tar.gz ./hdparm.out ./hdparm.err

Comment 11 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-24 19:03:30 UTC
Thanks Patrick for the tips.  I found my Kobo Touch eReader in the file:


which appears to be a symbolic link to ../../sdf
Since this is /dev/sdf, grepping this file would in theory scan the entire device.

I also ran the lsblk command (on Kubuntu 12.04) and it appears that the SERIAL column is not supported in this older version.

# lsblk /dev/sdf -o SERIAL
lsblk: unknown column: SERIAL
# lsblk --help

 lsblk [options] [<device> ...]

 -a, --all            print all devices
 -b, --bytes          print SIZE in bytes rather than in human readable format
 -d, --nodeps         don't print slaves or holders
 -D, --discard        print discard capabilities
 -e, --exclude <list> exclude devices by major number (default: RAM disks)
 -f, --fs             output info about filesystems
 -h, --help           usage information (this)
 -i, --ascii          use ascii characters only
 -m, --perms          output info about permissions
 -l, --list           use list format ouput
 -n, --noheadings     don't print headings
 -o, --output <list>  output columns
 -P, --pairs          use key="value" output format
 -r, --raw            use raw output format
 -t, --topology       output info about topology

Available columns:
       NAME  device name
      KNAME  internal kernel device name
    MAJ:MIN  major:minor device number
     FSTYPE  filesystem type
 MOUNTPOINT  where the device is mounted
      LABEL  filesystem LABEL
       UUID  filesystem UUID
         RO  read-only device
         RM  removable device
      MODEL  device identifier
       SIZE  size of the device
      STATE  state of the device
      OWNER  user name
      GROUP  group name
       MODE  device node permissions
  ALIGNMENT  alignment offset
     MIN-IO  minimum I/O size
     OPT-IO  optimal I/O size
    PHY-SEC  physical sector size
    LOG-SEC  logical sector size
       ROTA  rotational device
      SCHED  I/O scheduler name
    RQ-SIZE  request queue size
       TYPE  device type
   DISC-ALN  discard alignment offset
  DISC-GRAN  discard granularity
   DISC-MAX  discard max bytes
  DISC-ZERO  discard zeroes data

For more information see lsblk(8).
Comment 12 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-24 19:15:19 UTC
Hi Patrick,

Thank your for the suggestions.  Unfortunately after initial
investigations there are limitations with using lsblk and
/dev/disk/by-id which makes them somewhat complicated to use.  So far I
think it best that we stick with using hdparm.  It works the same
everywhere it is available and it is easy to say that if the serial
number is not show, hdparm is not installed.


lsblk -o SERIAL

I had previously discounted lsblk as the SERIAL column was only recently
added and many of the distributions we want to support don't have it,
including Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.  It does have the advantage of always being
installed, where as I have found that hdparm may not be.  Just tried
lsblk -o KNAME,SERIAL on GParted Liave CD 0.21.0 and System Rescue CD
4.5.2 (the 2 live CDs I have to hand) and neither of them report a
serial number for the devices with serial numbers.

    root@debian:~# lsblk -V
    lsblk from util-linux 2.25.2
    root@debian:~# lsblk -o KNAME,SERIAL
    root@debian:~# hdparm -I /dev/sda | egrep 'Model|Serial'
            Model Number:       VBOX HARDDISK
            Serial Number:      VB6a6cf851-9acc0194


Using /dev/disk/by-id/ directory entries populated by uder appears to
work all the way back to the oldest distribution we attempt to support
(CentOS 5, first released in 2007).  It does use underscores to separate
contatenated fields though so if any serial numbers include underscores
we would extract the wrong value, whereas for hdparm the serial number
could contain underscores and spaces and we could still extract it
correctly.  Some distros also present multiple different names in
/dev/disk/by-id/ directory to select from.  Found in CentOS 6 and
System Rescue CD 4.5.2 so far.

# ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | fgrep -v -- -part | egrep 'sda|sdb|md127'
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Jun 21 10:28 ata-SAMSUNG_HM500JI_S1WFJDSZ123732 -> ../../sda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Jun 21 10:28 ata-SAMSUNG_SSD_UM410_Series_2.5__8GB_DCF4300940SE940B4507 -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 11 Jun 24 13:56 md-name-rockover:1 -> ../../md127
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 11 Jun 24 13:56 md-uuid-9807e405:7950c7b2:84876896:39bcd7f9 -> ../../md127
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Jun 21 10:28 scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_HM500JIS1WFJDSZ123732 -> ../../sda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Jun 21 10:28 scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_SSD_UM4DCF4300940SE940B4507 -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Jun 21 10:28 wwn-0x50000f0056414431 -> ../../sdb
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Jun 21 10:28 wwn-0x50024e9002d55699 -> ../../sda
Comment 13 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-24 19:59:04 UTC
Hi Curtis,

I've looked at the hdparm.out from comment #10.  The serial number
reported by "hdparm -I" is full of binary data.  So I am pretty certain
that copying it into a Glib::ustring type will be causing the error
because it isn't valid a UTF-8 string.

The question is how to handle this.

Comment 14 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-25 15:57:28 UTC
Hi Mike,

What do you think of setting the serial number to nothing (e.g. "") if "hdparm -I" returns binary data that is invalid for a UTF-8 string?

My thoughts are that valid serial numbers will not contain invalid UTF-8 characters.

Comment 15 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-25 19:23:07 UTC
I was thinking along similar lines, limiting the serial number to
printable ASCII characters using isprint().

I have reproduced the hang and and tracked it down to never returning
from this IOChannel::read() call when the unhandled invalid byte
sequence exception is thrown:

    49  bool PipeCapture::OnReadable( Glib::IOCondition condition )
    50  {
    58          Glib::ustring str;
>>  59          Glib::IOStatus status = channel->read( str, 512 );
    60          if (status == Glib::IO_STATUS_NORMAL)
    61          {
    62                  for( Glib::ustring::iterator s = str.begin(); s != str.end(); s++ )

This is when GParted is reading the output or error stream from the

Found this in the IOChannel class reference:

    Note that IOChannels implement an automatic implicit character set
    conversion to the data stream, and usually will not pass by default
    binary data unchanged. To set the encoding of the channel, use
    e.g. set_encoding("ISO-8859-15"). To set the channel to no encoding,
    use set_encoding() without any arguments.

I'll see where I get with setting the encoding to "" so it can accept
binary data.
Comment 16 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-25 20:32:19 UTC
I have also had a further look at the names populated by udev in
/dev/disk/by-id/.  Short summary is there is significant variation to
deal with between different versions of what I assume are udev rule sets
creating different entries on different distributions and device types.
I still think using hdparm is the best choice if we can make it work.

CentOS 5 only have a single "scsi-" prefix reference to hard drives.

# ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | cut -c40-
ata-VBOX_CD-ROM_VB2-01700376 -> ../../hdc
scsi-SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB4f3565dc-43b26a89 -> ../../sdc
scsi-SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB53d72be2-8ad094a4 -> ../../sda
scsi-SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB8ccb627f-f7c01cc1 -> ../../sdd
scsi-SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VBc0a3fb77-3a7e5117 -> ../../sdb

Most distributions use "ata-" prefix to hard drives and have partition
specific entry with "-partNN" suffixes to ignore.
E.g. From Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

# ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | cut -c40-
ata-VBOX_CD-ROM_VB2-01700376 -> ../../sr0
ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBae6db85f-575214d5 -> ../../sdb
ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBae6db85f-575214d5-part1 -> ../../sdb1
ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBfd6e48d1-b89a5170 -> ../../sda
ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBfd6e48d1-b89a5170-part1 -> ../../sda1
ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBfd6e48d1-b89a5170-part2 -> ../../sda2
ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBfd6e48d1-b89a5170-part5 -> ../../sda5

On my CentOS 6 desktop I have found that it contains entries for disks
starting with "ata-", "scsi-" and "wwn-".  Also the "scsi-" entry has
had the model truncated and not separated with an underscore from the
serial number, so it extracter serial number would be wrong.

# hdparm -I /dev/sdc | egrep 'Model Number|Serial Number'
        Model Number:       ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB
        Serial Number:      S2R8J9EC617288
# ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | fgrep sdc | cut -d' ' -f10-
ata-ST1000LM024_HN-M101MBB_S2R8J9EC617288 -> ../../sdc
scsi-SATA_ST1000LM024_HN-S2R8J9EC617288 -> ../../sdc
wwn-0x50004cf207c5ea67 -> ../../sdc

Again on my CentOS 6 desktop, USB attached hard drives report the serial
number of the embedded USB controller in the device, which is different
to the serial number of the hard drive itself.  The serial number has
"-0:0" appended which is probably part of the location of the device
within the USB bus.

# hdparm -I /dev/sdg | egrep 'Model Number|Serial Number'
        Model Number:       WDC WD2500BEVT-22ZCT0                   
        Serial Number:      WD-WXE409R30341
# ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | fgrep sdg | cut -c41-
usb-BUFFALO_HD-PEU2_57442D575845343039523330-0:0 -> ../../sdg
usb-BUFFALO_HD-PEU2_57442D575845343039523330-0:0-part1 -> ../../sdg1
# lshw
                   description: Mass storage device
                   product: HD-PEU2
                   vendor: BUFFALO
                   serial: 57442D575845343039523330
                      description: SCSI Disk
                      product: HD-PEU2
                      vendor: BUFFALO
                      physical id: 0.0.0
                      bus info: scsi@13:0.0.0
                      logical name: /dev/sdg
                      version: 1.03
                      serial: WD-WXE409R30341

So what we would need to do would be approximately:
1) Ignore -partN names
2) Match link target with device names
3) Use ata- names if available
4) Use scsi- names as fallback
5) Optionally use usb- names as second fallback
   Drop trailing -N:N (USB bus location reference)
6) Take serial number from last underscore to the end

Hope this gets the serial number.

If using usb- name it won't get the serial number of the hard drive, but
instead the serial number of the embedded USB controller.
Comment 17 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-26 20:28:34 UTC
Created attachment 306190 [details] [review]
Display device serial numbers (v3)

Hi Curtis,

Here's patchset v3.  Changes from v2 in comment #6:

P1 - Slightly adjusts the logic of parsing the hdparm output to get the
     serial number.
   - Changes white space in line added to ::File_Label_Device_info() as
   - Now testing timing with even more devices.  See below.

P2 - New patch which calls IOChannel::set_encoding("") to disable
     character set conversion prevent binary data causing GParted to
     never complete the scanning phase.

Now I'm testing with even more devices attached.  4 internal hard
drives, 2 Linux software RAID arrays on those hard drives, 2 USB flash
drives and 1 USB hard drive.  Running hdparm 9 times to try to get all
those serial numbers adds 0.07 seconds to the device refresh time.
    0.005993 + 0.002872 + 0.012937 + 0.004319 + 0.009536 + 0.010463 +
               0.005259 + 0.006374 + 0.015846
    = 0.073599

Fragment of timed logging for this:

 67.160988 +60.923983 STOPWATCH_RESET               
  0.000000 +0.000000 set_devices_thread()           (pdevices)
  0.000068 +0.000068 set_devices_thread()           Refreshing caches ...
  0.279787 +0.001751 set_devices_thread()           Scanning for devices (aka disks) ...
  0.298233 +0.018446 set_devices_thread()           Scanning devices (aka disks) for partitions and contents ...
/dev/md126: unrecognised disk label
  0.303283 +0.005050 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/md126
  0.303329 +0.000046 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/md126
  0.309322 +0.005993 execute_command()              exit status 0
  0.309356 +0.000034 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="none"
/dev/md127: unrecognised disk label
  0.321883 +0.012527 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/md127
  0.321914 +0.000031 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/md127
  0.324786 +0.002872 execute_command()              exit status 0
  0.324813 +0.000027 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="none"
  0.546797 +0.221984 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sda
  0.546832 +0.000035 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sda
  0.559769 +0.012937 execute_command()              exit status 0
  0.559896 +0.000128 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="S1WFJDSZ123732"
  1.632723 +0.038783 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdb
  1.632779 +0.000055 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdb
  1.637097 +0.004319 execute_command()              exit status 0
  1.637131 +0.000033 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="DCF4300940SE940B4507"
  2.889022 +0.000832 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdc
  2.889044 +0.000022 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdc
  2.898580 +0.009536 execute_command()              exit status 0
  2.898721 +0.000141 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="S2R8J9EC617288"
/dev/sdd: unrecognised disk label
  2.900320 +0.001598 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdd
  2.900337 +0.000018 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdd
  2.910800 +0.010463 execute_command()              exit status 0
  2.910937 +0.000136 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="S2TBJA0C137217"
  2.930277 +0.019340 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sde
  2.930308 +0.000032 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sde
  2.935567 +0.005259 execute_command()              exit status 0
  2.935610 +0.000043 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="none"
  3.980598 +0.025127 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdf
  3.980648 +0.000050 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdf
  3.987022 +0.006374 execute_command()              exit status 0
  3.987057 +0.000035 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="none"
  5.031146 +0.005163 set_device_serial_number()     /dev/sdg
  5.031179 +0.000033 execute_command()              execute: hdparm -I /dev/sdg
  5.047025 +0.015846 execute_command()              exit status 0
  5.047149 +0.000124 set_device_serial_number()     serial_number="WD-WXE409R30341"
  6.066192 +0.000055 set_devices_thread()           return

Comment 18 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-27 15:24:21 UTC
Hi Mike,

Patch set v3 from comment #17 now works with my Kobo Touch eReader.  :-)

Thank you for triaging and fixing this problem.

Since the change to IOChannel::set_encoding("") to disable character set conversion might have more global consequences, I plan to do more testing.  In particular I am curious as to what effect this change might have on non-English file system labels.

Comment 19 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-28 16:45:10 UTC
Hi Mike,

When testing on a system with no hdparm command (e.g., mv /sbin/hdparm /sbin/hdparm.orig), patch set v3 tries to run the hdparm command for each device and an error message is reported on stderr (as you pointed out in the commit message).

What do you think of testing for hdparm first before running the command which generates multiple stderr messages?

We have implemented such "test command exists before running" logic in FS_Info and LVM_PV_Info.  Perhaps we could implement a Device_Info?

What are your thoughts?

Comment 20 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-29 10:56:30 UTC
Hi Curtis,

I just executed hdparm, without checking first, because it seemed
wasteful to run Glib::find_program_in_path("hdparm") multiple times for
every refresh.  And failure to execute the command case is implicitly
handled in the parsing code.

You're correct that having avoidable errors written to stderr is bad

I intend to change the code to check if hdparm exists once and remember
the result.  Then also make dialog View > File System Support, button
[Rescan For Supported Actions] re-check, just as it does for file system
specific commands.


Stracing GParted finds that calling Glib::find_program_in_path("hdparm")
does the following OS calls.  The Linux VFS is very fast, but it would
be better to remember the result than repeatedly check for the same
  access("/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin/hdparm", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  access("/usr/local/sbin/hdparm", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  access("/usr/local/bin/hdparm", X_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  access("/sbin/hdparm", X_OK) = 0
  getuid()                    = 0
  stat("/sbin/hdparm", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=137, ...}) = 0
  stat("/sbin/hdparm", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=137, ...}) = 0
Comment 21 Curtis Gedak 2015-06-29 15:53:22 UTC
Your plan sounds like a good improvement.  I agree that checking once on gparted startup is all that is needed.  Your suggestion to also check on [Rescan For Supported Actions] is one I like too.  :-)

My main concern with the "missing hdparm" error message was to reduce the support requests that might be raised as a result of users seeing this message.  Ideally we want to make our users as self-sufficient as reasonably possible, and to reduce future support requests.
Comment 22 Mike Fleetwood 2015-06-30 19:52:51 UTC
Created attachment 306431 [details] [review]
Display device serial numbers (v4)

Hi Curtis,

Here's patchset v4.  Makes the agreed changes.  Details of those

P1 "Display device serial numbers"
- Searches the path each time before executing hdparm to avoid reporting
  command not found errors.

P2 "Don't hang reading binary data from command output"
(no changes)

P3 "Remember result of searching the PATH for the hdparm command"
- New patch to avoid repeated checking.

P4 "Remember result of searching the PATH for udevadm and udevsettle cmds"
- New patch extending to the udevadm and udevsettle commands too.

Comment 23 Curtis Gedak 2015-07-01 20:38:33 UTC
Thank you Mike for all your improvements to the patch set for this report.  This latest patch set works great for me.  I tested on kubuntu 12.04 and also the most recent debian 9 stretch testing.

I hope you don't mind, but I noticed the word "the" doubled in the first patch commit comment, so I took the liberty of removing the extra word.

Patch set v4 in comment #22 has been committed to the git repository for inclusion in the next release of GParted.

The relevant git commits can be viewed at the following links:

Display device serial numbers (#751251)

Don't hang reading binary data from command output (#751251)

Remember result of searching the PATH for the hdparm command (#751251)

Remember result of searching the PATH for udevadm and udevsettle cmds
Comment 24 Curtis Gedak 2015-08-03 17:31:37 UTC
This enhancement was included in the GParted 0.23.0 release on August 3, 2015.