GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 735687
what happens when you delete current snapshot?
Last modified: 2016-03-31 13:22:07 UTC
I deleted current snapshot successfully and another snapshot got chosen as current after wards. Is this whats supposed to happen? Maybe jimmac can give some input here.
The one that was chosen was the one you've taken before the current one, i.e. the "most current" one (after deleting the current one... if that's clear). There's nothing we do here btw, it's just the behavior from libvirt and there isn't even code in Boxes to manually update that or anything, the draw function of SnapshotListRow simply uses is_current() to find out if it is the current snapshot and since we redraw the list when deleting a snapshot, one of them gets updated immediately and now indicates that it's the current one.
And IMO this behaviour makes totally sense. The current state is in every case a derivate of the most recent one (and not equal to the most recent one itself!) so the "current" snapshot is the parent of the current state. Maybe we could visualize that to make it more clear: [ ] Snapshot 0001 | [ ] Snapshot 0002 | [+] Current state In this example is_current would tell us true for Snapshot 0002 while we would show the user that the current state is the _derivative_ from this. This is more intuitive for me I think. (If we make visually clear that the current state is not a snapshot but you can click on the plus or so to make it one.) jimmac?