GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 735408
Attachment to bills/invoices
Last modified: 2018-06-29 23:33:10 UTC
When i try to associate a file to an transaction that are generated by a bill/invoice i get a message stating that the transaction is locked and that i can try unpost the bill/invoice. If i unpost the bill there is no transaction to associate the file with.Is it possible to expand this feature to include transactions generated by bills/invoices from the business feature.
Do you want to associate the invoice/bill to a document or the transaction created by the invoice/bill?
The best approach i believe would be to attach the file directly to the invoice/bill itselves if possible.If you unpost and post an invoice or bill the association would be lost if it was attached to the transaction generated by the invoice/bill.
I agree - this would be very valuable as many of my customers require proof of purchase for reimbursement of travel expenses.
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