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Bug 714006 - Attachment should be picked from Clipboard
Attachment should be picked from Clipboard
Product: geary
Classification: Other
Component: attachments
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Geary Maintainers
Geary Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 772177
Reported: 2013-09-11 06:36 UTC by Geary Maintainers
Modified: 2019-01-15 03:50 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Charles Lindsay 2013-11-21 20:23:55 UTC

---- Reported by geary-maint@gnome.bugs 2013-09-10 23:36:00 -0700 ----

Original Redmine bug id: 7470
Original URL:
Searchable id: yorba-bug-7470
Original author: Udit Mahajan
Original description:

One of the best features of Evolution mail is that one can simply copy
attachments and paste them into the composer windows.

Geary should automatically detect the clipboard to contain file types and
should add them as attachment when user triggers the paste action.

As a counterpart, while reading mails it would be a great feature to be able
to select attachments (like icon view) using mouse/keyboard and copy paste it

--- Bug imported by 2013-11-21 20:24 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 7470 at

Unknown version " in product geary. 
   Setting version to "!unspecified".
Unknown milestone "unknown in product geary. 
   Setting to default milestone for this product, "---".
Setting qa contact to the default for this product.
   This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one.
Resolution set on an open status.
   Dropping resolution 

Comment 1 ponyesteves 2016-10-28 13:09:32 UTC
When the file is an image, like a printScreen selection it should attached inline.
Comment 2 Michael Gratton 2019-01-15 03:50:51 UTC
Hi all, thanks for your interest in this feature. This is a low priority for the Geary developers, and hence an implementation of it would need to come from the community.

If you are interested developing an implementation, please jump in and lodge a merge request for it over at