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Bug 713784 - Display replied-to (answered) / forwarded icon in conversation list
Display replied-to (answered) / forwarded icon in conversation list
Product: geary
Classification: Other
Component: client
Other All
: High normal
: ---
Assigned To: Geary Maintainers
Geary Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-11-17 02:14 UTC by Jim Nelson
Modified: 2020-09-15 23:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Charles Lindsay 2013-11-21 20:22:27 UTC

---- Reported by 2011-11-16 18:14:00 -0800 ----

Original Redmine bug id: 4391
Original URL:
Searchable id: yorba-bug-4391
Original author: Jim Nelson
Original description:

iPhone's email client displays a replied-to icon next to the conversation
after I've replied to it. (It's the same icon on the toolbar for replying to a
message). It's displayed in the same location as the unread mail icon, which
seems a logical place to put it.

Related issues:
related to geary - Feature #4293: Display messages not in folder as part of
conversation ("... (Fixed)
related to geary - Feature #4579: display multiple authors in conversation
list (Fixed)
related to geary - 5298: Mark message as answered (Open)
blocked by geary - Feature #4278: Reply to message (Fixed)

---- Additional Comments From geary-maint@gnome.bugs 2012-06-15 12:06:00 -0700 ----

### History



Updated by Adam Dingle almost 2 years ago

  * **Target version** set to _0.1_

Would be nice to have this for 0.1.



Updated by Christian Dywan over 1 year ago

Personally I feel the preview text itself is most important here, and by
seeing my own name it's already obvious that I replied. See also issue #4963
on emphasizing the font.



Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago

  * **Tracker** changed from _Bug_ to _Feature_
  * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.1_</strike>)



Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago

  * **Priority** changed from _Normal_ to _High_



Updated by Jim Nelson over 1 year ago

  * **Category** set to _client_

Christian Dywan wrote:

> Personally I feel the preview text itself is most important here, and by
seeing my own name it's already obvious that I replied. See also issue #4963
on emphasizing the font.

True. That requires #4293, however. Also, that only indicates that you've
responded at some point in the conversation. I guess I was thinking the
indicator would display when you've responded to the most recent email (i.e.,
with #4293, your message was the newest one in the conversation).

--- Bug imported by 2013-11-21 20:22 UTC  ---

This bug was previously known as _bug_ 4391 at

Unknown version " in product geary. 
   Setting version to "!unspecified".
Unknown milestone "unknown in product geary. 
   Setting to default milestone for this product, "---".
Setting qa contact to the default for this product.
   This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one.
Resolution set on an open status.
   Dropping resolution 

Comment 1 Jim Nelson 2015-01-26 20:23:59 UTC
It was pointed out on the mailing list that marking a message as forwarded is also useful.

Following the train of thought in earlier comments, the flag could be shown in the email itself, but as far as the conversation list, we barely have room for the icons we're displaying already, so it probably makes sense only to show one flag for the most recent message, giving precedence to answered over forwarded (unless someone can give a reason otherwise).
Comment 2 Michael Gratton 2020-09-15 23:04:14 UTC
IMAP doesn't actually support a flag for forwarded messages, but there might be a common extension flag out there for it? Would need some research.

In any case, work like this is now covered by, so closing this in favour of that.