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Bug 67801 - Scrolling in directed to new tabs even when not active
Scrolling in directed to new tabs even when not active
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 72125
Product: galeon
Classification: Deprecated
Component: User interface
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Marco Pesenti Gritti
Yanko Kaneti
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-01 16:45 UTC by Nir Perry
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

settings (4.27 KB, text/plain)
2002-01-07 09:59 UTC, Nir Perry

Description Nir Perry 2002-01-01 16:45:23 UTC
When a new tab is opened, and the settings is set so the active tab remains
the same (don't jump to new tab), if you press the arrows keys, the
scrolling is done in the invisible new tab, and not in the currently active

Easiest way to recreate:
Change the setting in "User Interface"/"Tabs"/"Jump to new tabs
automatically" to OFF.
Make sure "Open in tabs by default" in the same place is turned ON.

In any long enough web page play with the arrows (so the page would
scroll), then right-click any link (to open in a new tab) while still
playing with the arrows -
You will notice the scrolling stops as soon as the new tab is opened. When
you move to that tab, you will see it has scrolled!

Nir Perry <>

P.S. Other than that - a great web browser - made me leave IE, netscape 3,
4 & 6, and even Opera 5...
Comment 1 Nir Perry 2002-01-01 16:48:29 UTC
nirp: sorry, a type... I meant "Scrolling iS directed to new tabs even
when not active" in the short summary (in<=>is).
Comment 2 Marco Pesenti Gritti 2002-01-03 20:55:23 UTC
I cannot reproduce, could you attach your prefs.js file please ?
it's in .galeon/mozilla/galeon
Comment 3 Nir Perry 2002-01-07 09:59:39 UTC
Created attachment 6346 [details]
Comment 4 Marco Pesenti Gritti 2002-03-01 14:06:18 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 72125 ***