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Bug 670729 - Support Stylus+Touch devices
Support Stylus+Touch devices
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Wacom
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Joaquim Rocha
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on: 704480
Reported: 2012-02-24 10:14 UTC by Bastien Nocera
Modified: 2013-07-19 10:58 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

pen desc (775 bytes, text/plain)
2012-02-28 10:16 UTC, Bastien Nocera
finger desc (823 bytes, text/plain)
2012-02-28 10:17 UTC, Bastien Nocera
wacom: Add support for touch devices (10.33 KB, patch)
2013-04-23 12:09 UTC, Joaquim Rocha
reviewed Details | Review
Possible design for the touch settings (41.88 KB, image/png)
2013-05-24 14:20 UTC, Joaquim Rocha
Screenshot (43.21 KB, image/png)
2013-07-18 15:34 UTC, Joaquim Rocha
wacom: Add support for touch devices (10.31 KB, patch)
2013-07-18 16:20 UTC, Joaquim Rocha
none Details | Review

Description Bastien Nocera 2012-02-24 10:14:01 UTC
Bamboo Touch tablets should show up as 2 devices, one for touch, one for stylus use. The tracking mode should be removed for the touch device, but available for stylus.
Comment 1 Bastien Nocera 2012-02-28 10:16:23 UTC
From Peter:
see attached evemu descriptions. yum install utouch-evemu, then
sudo evemu-device <file> for both and everyone but the kernel will think
you've got a bamboo plugged in.
Comment 2 Bastien Nocera 2012-02-28 10:16:49 UTC
Created attachment 208560 [details]
pen desc
Comment 3 Bastien Nocera 2012-02-28 10:17:04 UTC
Created attachment 208561 [details]
finger desc
Comment 4 Olivier Fourdan 2012-06-04 13:54:21 UTC
Not sure I understand the feature here.

If we have 2 devices, one for touch, one for stylus, most of the controls for stylus wouldn't be needed for touch device (tracking mode would be always relative for the touch device, left-handed orientation is for the entire tablet and thus would be the same as the stylus, pad buttons mapping ditto, map to monitor ditto, and pen settings wouldn't be needed for the touch device).

So what control would be available for a the touch device?
Comment 5 Olivier Fourdan 2012-09-12 12:42:38 UTC
Ping suggested the following controls we would need for the touch device:

 - Enable/disable touch on the device
 - Enable/disable gesture (can this be done on a per-gesture basis, ie turn some of the gestures off?)
 - Calibrate, if the touch device is a touch screen

We may also add:

 - Taptime, minimum time between taps for a right click

Which is part of the Wacom driver settings.

Should this be in a separate tab or additional controls on the exiting tab for the device? Using the same tab may clutter the UI, and we would end up with two calibrate buttons in the case of a touch screen and touch tablet combined. does not seem to show any mock-up for those.
Comment 6 nicolas 2012-10-18 08:47:03 UTC
I've got a 'Bamboo Fun Pen & Touch' and I think it's a needed feature too.

The only feature really needed at first would be to have the ability to disable touch on the tablet. Currently, when you use the pen, and touch the surface with a finger at the same time, there's a conflict between the two sources (like when you move two mouses). This happens all the time.

On the OS X driver, you can allocate to a button on the tablet the ability to enable|disable the touch feature. This is good, but in a first time, a simple checkbox in gnome-control-center would be super fine.

Do you need a “fingerprint” (or whatever is equivalent for devices) of this tablet model?
Comment 7 Pander 2013-01-24 08:22:17 UTC
I also would like to see supported:
- Enable/disable touch
- Enable/disable gesture
Comment 8 Bastien Nocera 2013-04-04 12:37:27 UTC
Maintainer change
Comment 9 Joaquim Rocha 2013-04-22 12:35:43 UTC
Sorry for the noob question in advance but, since the Intuos tablet also supports touch and stylus, shouldn't we also add the enable/disable touch to it?
Comment 10 Bastien Nocera 2013-04-22 15:39:27 UTC
Same problem for Intuos5 tablets that have touch support. They just didn't exist when the bug was originally filed.
Comment 11 Joaquim Rocha 2013-04-22 19:28:48 UTC
I wonder if showing two different devices is the best solution here. Isn't it confusing for the user to show two devices when we're referring to the same one (at least physically)?

If the touch settings shouldn't be shown among the current ones, why not have them on a separate dialog, triggered by a "Configure Touch..." button? Or maybe we could have radio buttons (without the indicator) on top of the current controls to switch between touch and stylus settings for the same device.

This is a design problem but IMO we should keep showing the tablet as one single device.
Comment 12 Joaquim Rocha 2013-04-23 12:09:22 UTC
Created attachment 242210 [details] [review]
wacom: Add support for touch devices

This adds a switch to control whether the touch capability is on or off.
Comment 13 Joaquim Rocha 2013-04-23 12:10:25 UTC
Please check my patch, it simply adds the enable/disable touch to tablets that support that. I am not adding the gestures switch since we don't support them yet.
Comment 14 Joaquim Rocha 2013-04-30 14:18:27 UTC
Maybe it'd be nice to be able to map this function to a tablet button. I can see how that might be useful..
Comment 15 Jakub Steiner 2013-05-02 14:28:16 UTC
Not only does touch and pen seem like two devices, I would actually say they are way too different things to configure. I doubt finger control allows for controlling the pressure curve :) I can't really see what the patch does, but my take is it should mostly be about gesture control. We currently don't have a panel for customizing gestures, but that is exactly what you'd control for finger. For now I would not expose finger as a device at all. Once we have touchscreen/trackpad controls for gesture definitions, we might think of adding a link there.
Comment 16 Ping Cheng 2013-05-02 16:03:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> Maybe it'd be nice to be able to map this function to a tablet button.

We can add this function as one of the configurable options for all tablet buttons so users can map a button to this function. But I don't think we want to assign it as default. Depends on how we implement this function in g-c-c/g-s-d, this function could have already been supported by another option, such as Open/Run...
Comment 17 Joaquim Rocha 2013-05-02 16:46:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
> controlling the pressure curve :) I can't really see what the patch does, but
> my take is it should mostly be about gesture control. (...)

The patch adds a switch to turn off/on the touch support meaning it will control whether you will be able to move the pointer with your fingers or only with a stylus.
Currently we're not adding a switch for the gestures because we don't support any AFAIK.
Comment 18 Joaquim Rocha 2013-05-14 10:31:05 UTC
Jakub said he was okay with the switch so I'm removing the ui-review.
Comment 19 Joaquim Rocha 2013-05-24 14:20:44 UTC
Created attachment 245244 [details]
Possible design for the touch settings

BTW, another reason I think we should have the touch settings under the same device page is that e.g. my Intuos tablet's name on the Wacom panel is "Wacom Intuos5 touch M"; having the touch settings under a different device in the panel would likely be confusing for users because they'd see this "touch" word in some devices but they would have to go to a different page in order to configure the touch settings.

Please take a look at this mockup I quickly put together (imagine the "stylus" labeled button is active).
Comment 20 Jakub Steiner 2013-05-24 14:41:38 UTC
Just adding a summary of our discussion on IRC here. I dislike the added complexity of a pager control for little benefit. Currently the only useful setting we can expose is to enable or disable the touch capabilities of the device. The best way to do that is with a lightswitch control in the same manner we have the left hand orientation toggle.

Once we actually provide a touch settings panel where we can define and remap gestures and the like, this control will be dropped from here and a link to the touch panel will be put in place instead.
Comment 21 Bastien Nocera 2013-07-16 15:38:37 UTC
Review of attachment 242210 [details] [review]:

Could you please provide a screenshot of this patch for Jakub to check over?
It seems that it's what he requested in the last comment, but I'm not sure about the label for it.

::: panels/wacom/cc-wacom-page.c
@@ +1466,3 @@
+	/* Touch device */
+	if (touch != NULL) {
+		g_return_val_if_fail (

One line please.
Comment 22 Joaquim Rocha 2013-07-18 15:34:01 UTC
Created attachment 249532 [details]

Here is the screenshot.
Comment 23 Jakub Steiner 2013-07-18 16:07:15 UTC
What about "Touch sensitive" instead of "Touch enabled"?
Comment 24 Joaquim Rocha 2013-07-18 16:20:26 UTC
Created attachment 249543 [details] [review]
wacom: Add support for touch devices

This new version addresses Bastien's comments and uses "Touch Sensitive" as a label instead of "Touch Enabled", as Jakub wanted.
Comment 25 Joaquim Rocha 2013-07-19 10:58:35 UTC
commit 439fed31a7709b3a92ade6507480741f4baa009a

Pushed with "Touch" as the label for the touch switch after discussion on IRC.