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Bug 657506 - Failure to save and/or load current selection from ODF file.
Failure to save and/or load current selection from ODF file.
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: import/export OOo / OASIS
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Andreas J. Guelzow
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-08-27 14:02 UTC by Andreas J. Guelzow
Modified: 2011-08-30 00:14 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-08-27 14:02:22 UTC
<Yirme> question
<jean> Yirme, just ask
<Yirme> when I open my spreadsheet can I get it to return to the last cell used?
<jean> hmm, it should return to the cell which was selected when last saved, I think
 not the one which was selected when you close it if selections are different
<Yirme> it usually returns to the top of the sheet
<jean> not here at least
<Yirme> i thought that it was strange
 oo calc doesn't do it
<jean> the selection is saved in the file
 at least if you use gnumeric format
 LibreOffice calc also saves the selection
<Yirme> oh - I'm using an ods file
<jean> ah, testing
 oops, we dont load the selection from .ods files, please file a bug report
<Yirme> yes works in gnumeric format
 how do i file a bug report?
<Yirme> Jean - Thank you for your help, much appreciated
<jean> you are welcome
<Yirme> I'll pass on filing a report - registration required
 thanks, bye

In fact I believe that there is no "standard" way of saving this in an ODF file but we may want to investigate how LO/OOo are saving that info.
Comment 1 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-08-28 13:14:33 UTC
ODF in fact does not provide a (standard) mechanism to save the selection or the location of the current editing cell.

LibreOffice 3.3.3 does not retain the current selection through a save->open cycle; it does retain the location of the current editing cell. (If you select 3 cells, save, open only one cell is selected, the current editing cell.)

LibreOffice 3.3.3 uses its implementation dependent conf structure in settings.xml to store that info:

<config:config-item-map-entry config:name="Sheet2"><config:config-item config:name="CursorPositionX" config:type="int">1</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="CursorPositionY" config:type="int">1</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="HorizontalSplitMode" config:type="short">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="VerticalSplitMode" config:type="short">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="HorizontalSplitPosition" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="VerticalSplitPosition" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ActiveSplitRange" config:type="short">2</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionLeft" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionRight" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionTop" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionBottom" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ZoomType" config:type="short">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ZoomValue" config:type="int">100</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PageViewZoomValue" config:type="int">60</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ShowGrid" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item></config:config-item-map-entry><config:config-item-map-entry config:name="Sheet3"><config:config-item config:name="CursorPositionX" config:type="int">3</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="CursorPositionY" config:type="int">2</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="HorizontalSplitMode" config:type="short">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="VerticalSplitMode" config:type="short">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="HorizontalSplitPosition" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="VerticalSplitPosition" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ActiveSplitRange" config:type="short">2</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionLeft" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionRight" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionTop" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PositionBottom" config:type="int">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ZoomType" config:type="short">0</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ZoomValue" config:type="int">100</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="PageViewZoomValue" config:type="int">60</config:config-item><config:config-item config:name="ShowGrid" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item></config:config-item-map-entry></config:config-item-map-named><config:config-item config:name="ActiveTable" config:type="string">Sheet2</config:config-item>
Comment 2 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-08-29 21:11:35 UTC
We are now loading edit position and active table from LibreOffice generated files.
Comment 3 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-08-29 22:15:38 UTC
We are now also saving edit position and active table to the libreoffice confs in ODF files.

Note that we do not read those confs from files with gnumeric foreign elements. So this bug remains open.
Comment 4 Andreas J. Guelzow 2011-08-30 00:14:39 UTC
This problem has been fixed in the development version. The fix will be available in the next major software release. Thank you for your bug report.