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Bug 634582 - Localized menus when playing DVD
Localized menus when playing DVD
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: gst-plugins-bad
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 0.10.23
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-11-11 12:10 UTC by David HENRY
Modified: 2011-06-05 12:37 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description David HENRY 2010-11-11 12:10:43 UTC
When playing a DVD, totem always load the English menu, whereas it should load user's language menu like VLC and xine do.

For xine, the language is specified in application's preferences ("media" tab).
For VLC, the language for menus is the one chosen for sub-titles' preferred languages.

Maybe such an option in totem, or better, guessing from general user language setting, would be welcome.
Comment 1 Jan Schmidt 2010-11-13 11:09:40 UTC
Do you have a DVD that has localised menus? The ones of mine I've tried so far seem to either offer language choice right at the start, or only have English.
Comment 2 David HENRY 2010-11-13 13:48:09 UTC
Here are some DVDs bought in French (region 2), where the bug appears.

Those ones haven't a language selection before the menu:
- any movie of the Alien Quadrilogy (bought about 5 years ago, if I remember)
- any movie of Star Wars Trilogy, ep. I, II and III
- any movie of Jurassic Park Trilogy
- Solaris (2002)

Those ones have a language selection before the menu, but skipped by totem (and therefore the wrong menu language is chosen):
- The Island

By the way, I tried those movies but totem was unable to start the menu (black screen):
- Blade Runner
- Gran Torino

Is there a way to not skip all intro portions of the DVDs? (before the menu)
Comment 3 Jan Schmidt 2010-11-13 13:58:02 UTC
OK, I'll try a few more DVDs from my collection :)

To not skip the DVD intro, run totem with DVDFASTSTART=no:

DVDFASTSTART=no totem dvd://
Comment 4 David HENRY 2010-11-13 14:22:43 UTC
Thank you for this tip.

Therefore, "The Island" also doesn't load the french menu after chosing "France" country at DVD language selection (although it load the french copyright notice and "do not donwload" intro video).
Comment 5 Bastien Nocera 2011-04-07 01:57:55 UTC
David, any chance of you testing a recent version of gst-plugins-bad?

This patch should fix it:

commit 4810fa4c5186eb25b06673cfe95bef1baab7bba7
Author: Jan Schmidt <>
Date:   Tue Nov 16 17:18:33 2010 +1100

    resindvd: Attempt to use glib language setting for DVD menus/audio
Comment 6 Akhil Laddha 2011-05-20 12:43:41 UTC
David, were you able to test the fix mentioned in comment#5 ?
Comment 7 David HENRY 2011-05-20 16:19:18 UTC
Ok, I updated my Ubuntu Maverick (10.10) to Natty (11.04). I don't know if it includes this fix (I have gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.21-1), but anyway, DVD menu handling has greatly improved!

I could just test with Alien and blade Runner movies (I will test the other listed above the first week of June) and menus works fine, with user's language.

Thank you! Do I have to close this bug report myself?

(There is only one remaining issue, which is not serious: in Alien movies, totem with DVDFASTSTART=yes jumps 1 screen too far in the menus when loading the DVD, but immo it's not related to this bug. Maybe should I open a new bug for this?)
Comment 8 Bastien Nocera 2011-05-20 16:43:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> Ok, I updated my Ubuntu Maverick (10.10) to Natty (11.04). I don't know if it
> includes this fix (I have gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.21-1), but anyway, DVD
> menu handling has greatly improved!
> I could just test with Alien and blade Runner movies (I will test the other
> listed above the first week of June) and menus works fine, with user's
> language.
> Thank you! Do I have to close this bug report myself?

If you're happy with the fix, you can close it now, or when you've tested the other DVDs. Up to you.

> (There is only one remaining issue, which is not serious: in Alien movies,
> totem with DVDFASTSTART=yes jumps 1 screen too far in the menus when loading
> the DVD, but immo it's not related to this bug. Maybe should I open a new bug
> for this?)

Yes please.
Comment 9 David HENRY 2011-06-03 15:06:28 UTC
Tested with movies mentionned above, all of them are now OK. Bug is fixed.