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Bug 626296 - Create new note titles based on template note title
Create new note titles based on template note title
Product: tomboy
Classification: Applications
Component: General
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 1.8.0
Assigned To: Aaron D Borden
Tomboy Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-08-07 08:20 UTC by Aaron D Borden
Modified: 2012-10-08 01:32 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Aaron D Borden 2010-08-07 08:20:59 UTC
All notes are created with names like New Note 123. It would be nice to have the title based on the template title. That way the user has more control over new note titles. They could rename each notebook template to have a different title for notebook notes.

To keep titles unique, we can use the simple naming system similar to what we have today by appending the note count to the template title. For notebook notes, we could append the notebook note count instead.
Comment 1 Aaron D Borden 2010-08-07 08:22:37 UTC
The patch from makes this  pretty easy.
Comment 2 Jared Jennings 2012-10-08 01:32:27 UTC