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Bug 589887 - g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data() should take user_data
g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data() should take user_data
Product: glib
Classification: Platform
Component: gio
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gtkdev
Depends on:
Blocks: 609946
Reported: 2009-07-27 14:40 UTC by Murray Cumming
Modified: 2014-02-12 14:41 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Add g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full/add_data_full() apis (5.89 KB, patch)
2011-02-28 20:11 UTC, Tristan Van Berkom
reviewed Details | Review
0001-Add-g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full-add_dat.patch (6.57 KB, patch)
2011-09-16 12:01 UTC, Murray Cumming
none Details | Review
0001-Add-g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full-add_dat2.patch (6.57 KB, patch)
2011-09-19 09:46 UTC, Murray Cumming
none Details | Review
0001-Add-an-extra-state-pointer-and-an-extra-GDestroyNoti3.patch (6.01 KB, patch)
2011-09-19 09:49 UTC, Murray Cumming
reviewed Details | Review

Description Murray Cumming 2009-07-27 14:40:19 UTC
g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data() takes a GDestroyNotify callback parameter, but it takes no user_data parameter that would be provided when calling that callback. This makes if impossible for language bindings to wrap this properly.

The callback is actually called with the data buffer instead. That's convenient for C coders who don't want to keep any additional state, I suppose. So if a user_data parameter was added then data could be used if user_data is NULL.
Comment 1 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2009-11-12 04:34:05 UTC
How do you propose to solve this without breaking API?

Comment 2 Tobias Mueller 2010-04-08 12:24:25 UTC
Murray, can you address the question Ryan raised in comment #1?

Is API breakage an issue, now that we're heading for GNOME 3?
Comment 3 Christian Dywan 2010-04-08 15:18:00 UTC
Glib is not going to break API.
Comment 4 Tobias Mueller 2010-06-01 13:48:43 UTC
Murray, I'm closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug if you can provide the information asked for.
Comment 5 Murray Cumming 2010-06-01 13:52:11 UTC
Sorry for not replying before now.

Why can't we just add a new function and deprecate the old one, as Ryan suggests.
Comment 6 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2010-06-02 02:49:51 UTC
Murray: can you please be more specific about this bug?  What bindings are affected worst by this, for example?

Of course, the most likely way for this to move along is with a patch.... :)
Comment 7 Murray Cumming 2010-06-02 06:44:45 UTC
This affects the C++ bindings. It will affect many bindings, though they might not all realize it yet.

OK, I'll try to get this done.
Comment 8 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2010-06-02 07:00:05 UTC
murray; thanks.

fwiw, my gut says to call it _full() and skip the deprecation.
Comment 9 Tristan Van Berkom 2011-02-24 20:27:35 UTC
Not sure what to do with this one.

The GDestroyNotify in this case is actually used to 
free the data of the chunk of memory...

Consider... how is g_hash_table_new_full() properly mapped to language 
bindings ?

This case is similar to g_hash_table_new() except that each chunk of
memory can be freed with a separate GDestroyNotify function,
g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data simply creates a memory input
stream and adds the first chunk of data.

(In reply to comment #0)
> The callback is actually called with the data buffer instead. That's convenient
> for C coders who don't want to keep any additional state, I suppose. So if a
> user_data parameter was added then data could be used if user_data is NULL.

Not sure I follow... What you want is to add additional state to each chunk
of memory ?

For instance... you have a C++ object that wraps a portion of memory
and you want the sequential chunks of memory to get read from the "stream",
not the object pointers/handles ?

If we follow your suggestion, i.e. call it with the user_data provided
for the chunk instead of calling it with the data itself... then the api
gets a little convoluted... it means the caller _must_ hold on to the
data from the user_data that it provides in order to also free the data
along with the auxiliary user_data pointer (sounds like something people
could get wrong more easily).

If I'm following correctly... maybe a more comprehensible api would be:

GInputStream *
g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full (const void     *data, 
                                          gssize          len,
                                          GDestroyNotify  destroy,
                                          gpointer        user_data,
                                          GDestroyNotify  user_data_destroy);


g_memory_input_stream_add_data_full (GMemoryInputStream *stream,
                                     const void         *data,
                                     gssize              len,
                                     GDestroyNotify      destroy,
                                     gpointer            user_data,
                                     GDestroyNotify      user_data_destroy);

So... with an api like this... language bindings get to attach the life
cycle of these memory chunks to the life cycle of the input stream...
while the actual data read from the input stream is not the object wrapper
itself but some internal buffer held by the object wrapper...

Sounds about correct ?
Comment 10 Murray Cumming 2011-02-28 12:29:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> Not sure what to do with this one.
> The GDestroyNotify in this case is actually used to 
> free the data of the chunk of memory...
> Consider... how is g_hash_table_new_full() properly mapped to language 
> bindings ?

I guess it isn't. Like g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data() it doesn't provide a way to send any additional state with the callback.

But GHashTable is a rather C-specific thing that you wouldn't expect language bindings to wrap anyway.

> Not sure I follow... What you want is to add additional state to each chunk
> of memory ?
> For instance... you have a C++ object that wraps a portion of memory
> and you want the sequential chunks of memory to get read from the "stream",
> not the object pointers/handles ?
> If we follow your suggestion, i.e. call it with the user_data provided
> for the chunk instead of calling it with the data itself... then the api
> gets a little convoluted... it means the caller _must_ hold on to the
> data from the user_data that it provides in order to also free the data
> along with the auxiliary user_data pointer (sounds like something people
> could get wrong more easily).

Yes, well coding is akward in C. But it's an additional function so not everyone would have to worry about it. C coders would be free to not worry about it, though they probably should.
> If I'm following correctly... maybe a more comprehensible api would be:
> GInputStream *
> g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full (const void     *data, 
>                                           gssize          len,
>                                           GDestroyNotify  destroy,
>                                           gpointer        user_data,
>                                           GDestroyNotify  user_data_destroy);
> And:
> void
> g_memory_input_stream_add_data_full (GMemoryInputStream *stream,
>                                      const void         *data,
>                                      gssize              len,
>                                      GDestroyNotify      destroy,
>                                      gpointer            user_data,
>                                      GDestroyNotify      user_data_destroy);
> So... with an api like this... language bindings get to attach the life
> cycle of these memory chunks to the life cycle of the input stream...
> while the actual data read from the input stream is not the object wrapper
> itself but some internal buffer held by the object wrapper...
> Sounds about correct ?

Yes. Note that there's no question of user_data being used directly as a buffer. It's simply additional state, just like in a regular callback. We do this in many similar places. For instance:
Comment 11 Tristan Van Berkom 2011-02-28 20:11:58 UTC
Created attachment 182120 [details] [review]
Add g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full/add_data_full() apis

This patch adds an extra state pointer and an extra GDestroyNotify function
to the 'Chunk' definition... allowing bindings to attach some extra state
to memory chunks (to get memory management correctly from language bindings).
Comment 12 Tristan Van Berkom 2011-02-28 20:21:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> > If we follow your suggestion, i.e. call it with the user_data provided
> > for the chunk instead of calling it with the data itself... then the api
> > gets a little convoluted... it means the caller _must_ hold on to the
> > data from the user_data that it provides in order to also free the data
> > along with the auxiliary user_data pointer (sounds like something people
> > could get wrong more easily).
> Yes, well coding is akward in C. But it's an additional function so not
> everyone would have to worry about it. C coders would be free to not worry
> about it, though they probably should.

I see, it can be useful in C if say... segment of memory cannot simply
be freed by a custom function... or one wants to use a generic free function
with some state describing how the data should be freed (if for instance
each actual memory chunk was an internal buffer of some Chunk objects the
programmer created).

The main difference from hash tables here, as far as I can see... is that
the data added to the stream has to actually appear as contiguous memory
(if it were a hash table, you can always store the pointer to the object
that owns the memory directly... with an input stream, if you want an object
to own a chunk of data, you need an auxiliary pointer for it in order to balance
reference counts and clean up).
Comment 13 Murray Cumming 2011-09-13 07:44:28 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> Created an attachment (id=182120) [details] [review]
> Add g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full/add_data_full() apis
> This patch adds an extra state pointer and an extra GDestroyNotify function
> to the 'Chunk' definition... allowing bindings to attach some extra state
> to memory chunks (to get memory management correctly from language bindings).

So, can we push this?
Comment 14 Colin Walters 2011-09-14 18:24:55 UTC
Review of attachment 182120 [details] [review]:

::: gio/gmemoryinputstream.c
@@ +151,3 @@
     chunk->destroy (chunk->data);
+  if (chunk->user_data_destroy && chunk->user_data)

Testing chunk->user_data is wrong, it should be valid to pass a GDestroyNotify but a NULL user data.

@@ +240,3 @@
+ * the life cycle of data chunks from language bindings).
+ *
+ * Returns: new #GInputStream read from @data of @len bytes.

Needs a Since: tag.

@@ +247,3 @@
+					  GDestroyNotify  destroy,
+					  gpointer        user_data,
+					  GDestroyNotify  user_data_destroy)

git grep GDestroyNotify -- '*.h'

in glib shows that there are no other instances of "user_data_destroy" as a name.  Can you use one of the existing i.e. either "destroy" or "notify"?
Comment 15 Murray Cumming 2011-09-16 12:01:26 UTC
Created attachment 196707 [details] [review]

> Testing chunk->user_data is wrong, it should be valid to pass a GDestroyNotify
but a NULL user data.


> Needs a Since: tag.

Done, for both new functions.

> there are no other instances of "user_data_destroy" as a
name.  Can you use one of the existing i.e. either "destroy" or "notify"?

user_data_destroy seems more self-documenting. "notify" would be rather obscure in the context. "user_data_destroy" seems fairly consistent with existing APIs, though they use "_func" which would be inconsistent with the existing parameter names. For instance:

GHashTable* g_hash_table_new_full      	   (GHashFunc	    hash_func,
					    GEqualFunc	    key_equal_func,
					    GDestroyNotify  key_destroy_func,
					    GDestroyNotify  value_destroy_func)

gulong        g_cancellable_connect                (GCancellable  *cancellable,
						    GCallback      callback,
						    gpointer       data,
						    GDestroyNotify data_destroy_func);

guint            g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe           (GDBusConnection     *connection,
                                                               const gchar         *sender,
                                                               const gchar         *interface_name,
                                                               const gchar         *member,
                                                               const gchar         *object_path,
                                                               const gchar         *arg0,
                                                               GDBusSignalFlags     flags,
                                                               GDBusSignalCallback  callback,
                                                               gpointer             user_data,
                                                               GDestroyNotify       user_data_free_func);
Comment 16 Colin Walters 2011-09-16 13:09:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)

> user_data_destroy seems more self-documenting. 

Sure; we're not really consistent here in the tree, if you like the name let's just move on.

Good to commit I think.
Comment 17 Murray Cumming 2011-09-16 13:37:35 UTC
Thanks. Pushed to master.
Comment 18 Murray Cumming 2011-09-16 14:14:39 UTC
Actually, I have reverted it because I'm not sure that it's the right API now that I try to use it.

This does nothing much more than calling user_data_destroy(user_data) after calling destroy(). That still leaves us without the user_data in the destroy() callback. We can manually keep a separate global association of data to user_data, but that's rather awkard and dangerous.

I'd rather that it was just something like this:

tyepdef void (*GDestroyNotify) (gpointer data, gpointer user_data)

g_memory_input_stream_add_data_full (GMemoryInputStream *stream,
                                     const void         *data,
                                     gssize              len,
                                     GDestroyDataNotify  destroy,
                                     gpointer            destroy_user_data);

Comment 19 Tristan Van Berkom 2011-09-17 18:26:07 UTC
Sorry for overlooking that.

Agreed that it sounds more practical to have both in the same callback
(I was rather under the impression that every chunk of 'data' would be
accompanied by a unique 'user_data', having both in the same callback
obviously provides a more flexible api).
Comment 20 Murray Cumming 2011-09-19 09:46:47 UTC
Created attachment 196911 [details] [review]

This one does what I really want.
Comment 21 Murray Cumming 2011-09-19 09:49:04 UTC
Created attachment 196912 [details] [review]

Sorry. This is the correct patch.
Comment 22 Murray Cumming 2013-09-16 12:14:23 UTC
Could I get some review for this patch, please?
Comment 23 Colin Walters 2013-09-16 12:42:50 UTC
Review of attachment 196912 [details] [review]:

Executive summary: Patch is overkill; we just need a new API that takes a regular GDestroyNotify and calls it with the passed user data, and we should deprecate g_memory_input_stream_add_data() since it has a confusingly different API from everything else.

Commit message is all on one line, but should have separate subject/body.  Bug link should just be a full URL.  See:
Something like:

gmemoryinputstream: Add new _from_data_full API that also takes a user data

This allows bindings to attach extra state to memory chunks.

::: gio/gmemoryinputstream.c
@@ +49,3 @@
   GDestroyNotify  destroy;
+  GMemoryInputStreamDataDestroyNotify destroy_with_user_data;
+  gpointer        user_data;

And in fact since you wrote this patch, the internal Chunk was removed in favor of GBytes.

I think a new API could simply make the semantic change that the user data is no longer the pointer to the data, but the pointer to the passed state.  Then all it does internally is:

bytes = g_bytes_new_with_free_func (data, len, destroy, user_data);

You can even do this outside of GMemoryInputStream today (without your patch) by simply using g_memory_input_stream_add_bytes().

@@ +245,3 @@
+ * Returns: new #GInputStream read from @data of @len bytes.
+ *
+ * Since: 2.30

Will be 2.40 now.

@@ +314,3 @@
+ * the life cycle of data chunks from language bindings).
+ *
+ * Since: 2.30


::: gio/gmemoryinputstream.h
@@ +85,3 @@
+ */
+typedef void (*GMemoryInputStreamDataDestroyNotify) (gpointer data,
+                                                     gpointer user_data);

I'm dubious about the necessity of a new callback type.  Other things of this type like GBytes just use a normal one-argument GDestroyNotify.  I suspect in most/all cases where you have extra state associated with the pointer, your state already contains a pointer to the data.

I understand that it's free for us to provide both, but on the other hand language bindings aren't going to understand this new callback signature out of the box, and it's different again from GBytes.

@@ +87,3 @@
+                                                     gpointer user_data);
+GInputStream * g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data_full (const void         *data,


@@ +95,3 @@
                                                     gssize              len,
                                                     GDestroyNotify      destroy);
+void           g_memory_input_stream_add_data_full     (GMemoryInputStream *stream,

Comment 24 Kjell Ahlstedt 2014-02-12 14:41:12 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> You can even do this outside of GMemoryInputStream today (without your patch)
> by simply using g_memory_input_stream_add_bytes().

Yes, g_memory_input_stream_add_bytes() and
g_memory_input_stream_new_from_bytes() give us the functionality we need in
glibmm. g_bytes_new_with_free_func() has the user_data parameter we need.
Our problem was solved when the g_memory_input_stream_*_bytes() functions
were added. Closing this bug.